Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Ngày
28 thánh 12.. Lễ các thánh Anh hài
Qua bài Tin Mừng, chúng ta có thể tự hỏi là làm thế nào mà những vụ giết hại các trẻ sơ sinh nam vô tội ở Bethlehem phù hợp với những niềm vui của mùa Giáng sinh. Sự kiện tàn ác này của Hêrôdê đã gây ra biết bao nhiêu đau khổ và nước mắt cho cha mẹ của những trẻ sơ sinh tử đạo. Theo các lệnh của vua Hêrôdê bắt những trẻ sơ sinh nam, vô tội và không thể tự vệ, phải chết. Những tiếng kêu la được nghe ở Ra-ma; những than thở và khóc lóc đã thành tiếng. Bà Rachel khóc lóc thảm thiết vì con của bà đà bị hêrôđê giết. Bà từ chối những sự an ủi của mọi người, vì con trai của bà không còn nữa.
Chúng hãycùng cầu nguyện với hội thánh: “Lạy Chúa, Các hài nhi vô tội này đã được tuyên xưng và kính nhớ đến
trong ngày hôm nay, khộng
phải những gì mà những hài nhi này đã làm hay tuyên xưng, nhưng đã họ chết vì Ðức Kitô. Nay được theo Người là Chiên con tinh tuyền.
Xin cho chúng con có lòng tin vững mạnh nơi
Chúa để miệng lưỡi chúng con chẳng ngớt tung hô:" Lạy Chúa, vinh danh Chúa
Chúng ta cũng không quên cầu nguyện cho những thai nhi và các trẻ em đã
bị cha mẹ chối bỏ. Xin cho chúng ta
có được ân sũng Chúa ban để chúng ta có thể trở nên trong trắng, thơ
ngây giống như các em : "Quả thật, Ta bảo các ngươi, nếu các ngươi
không hoán cải mà nên như trẻ nhỏ, các ngươi sẽ không vào được Nước Trời. 4 Vậy
phàm ai kể mình hèn hạ như trẻ nhỏ này, thì người ấy là kẻ lớn hơn trong Nước
Trời. Và kẻ nào tiếp đón một trẻ nhỏ này vì Danh Ta, tức là tiếp đón Ta. "(Mt 18: 3-5)
Chúng ta cũng hãy cầu nguyện cho tất cả các nạn
nhân của sự bất công và bạo lực, đặc biệt là những sự
bạo hành liên quan đến trẻ em như chúng ta đang chứng kiến
mỗi ngày ngay trong đất nước của chúng và các cuộc chiến
tranh, các cuộc xung đột vũ trang trên thế giới ngày
nay. Đặc biệt, chúng ta hãy cầu nguyện cho các thai nhi nạn
nhân của sự ích kỷ, của những bất công và bạo lực trong xã
hội của chúng ta hôm nay.
Reflection Holy
We may wonder how the massacre of the innocent male infants in Bethlehem fits in with the joy of the Christmas season. The event must have caused great suffering and anguish for the parents of the martyred babies. At the order of evil King Herod these male infants, innocent and defenseless, were killed: A cry is heard in Ramah; wailing and loud lamentation: Rachel weeps for her children. She refuses to be comfoted, for they are no more.
We pray with the Church: "O God, whom the Holy Innocents confessed and proclaimed on this day, not by speaking but by dying, grant that the faith in you we confess with our lips may also speak through our manner of life." (Collect at Mass, Feast of the Holy Innocents)
Let us pray for children and that we be graced to become like them: "I assure you that unless you change and become like little children, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever becomes lowly like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, and whoever received such a child in my name receives me." (Mt 18: 3–5) Let us pray for all victims of injustice and violence, especially involving children as we see in present-day wars and armed conflicts in the world. Let us especially pray for victims of injustice and violence against those still unborn.
December, 28 Fourth Day of the
Octave of Christmas Feast of the Holy Innocents, Martyrs.
When the magi had departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you. Herod is going to search for the child to destroy him.” Matthew 2:13
The most glorious event ever to take place in our world also filled some with hatred and rage. Herod, who was jealous of his own earthly power, felt greatly threatened by the message shared with him by the Magi. And when the Magi failed to return to Herod to tell him where the Newborn King was located, Herod did the unthinkable. He ordered the slaughter of every boy, two years old and younger, who was in Bethlehem and its vicinity.
Such an act is hard to comprehend. How could the soldiers carry out such an evil plot? Imagine the deep mourning and devastation so many families encountered as a result. How could a civil ruler murder so many innocent children.
Of course, in our day and age, so many civil leaders continue to support the barbaric practice of permitting the slaughter of the innocent within the womb. Thus, in many ways, Herod’s action is not that different from today.
The passage above reveals to us the will of the Father regarding not only the protection of His divine Son but also His divine will for the protection and sanctity of all human life. It was satan who inspired Herod to kill those precious and innocent children so long ago, and it is satan who continues to promote a culture of death and destruction today. What should our response be? We, like Saint Joseph, must see it as our solemn duty to protect the most innocent and vulnerable with unwavering determination. Though this newborn Child was God, and though the Father in Heaven could have protected His Son with a myriad of angels, it was the Father’s will that a man, Saint Joseph, protect His Son. For that reason, we should also hear the Father calling each and every one of us to do all we can to protect the innocent and most vulnerable, especially the child within the womb.
Reflect, today, upon the will of God for your life. In what ways is God calling you to be like Saint Joseph and protect the most innocent and most vulnerable? How are you being called to be a guardian of those entrusted to your care? Certainly on a civil level we must all work to protect the lives of those who are unborn. But every parent, grandparent and all those entrusted with responsibility for another must strive to protect those in their care in countless other ways. We must diligently work to preserve them from the evils in our world and the numerous attacks of the evil one on their lives. Ponder this question today and allow the Lord to speak to you of your duty to imitate the great protector, Saint Joseph.
Lord, give me insight, wisdom and strength so that I can work in accord with Your will to protect the most innocent from the evils of this world. May I never cower in the face of evil, and may I always fulfill my duty to protect those entrusted to my care. Saint Joseph, pray for me. Jesus, I trust in You.
Qua bài Tin Mừng, chúng ta có thể tự hỏi là làm thế nào mà những vụ giết hại các trẻ sơ sinh nam vô tội ở Bethlehem phù hợp với những niềm vui của mùa Giáng sinh. Sự kiện tàn ác này của Hêrôdê đã gây ra biết bao nhiêu đau khổ và nước mắt cho cha mẹ của những trẻ sơ sinh tử đạo. Theo các lệnh của vua Hêrôdê bắt những trẻ sơ sinh nam, vô tội và không thể tự vệ, phải chết. Những tiếng kêu la được nghe ở Ra-ma; những than thở và khóc lóc đã thành tiếng. Bà Rachel khóc lóc thảm thiết vì con của bà đà bị hêrôđê giết. Bà từ chối những sự an ủi của mọi người, vì con trai của bà không còn nữa.
We may wonder how the massacre of the innocent male infants in Bethlehem fits in with the joy of the Christmas season. The event must have caused great suffering and anguish for the parents of the martyred babies. At the order of evil King Herod these male infants, innocent and defenseless, were killed: A cry is heard in Ramah; wailing and loud lamentation: Rachel weeps for her children. She refuses to be comfoted, for they are no more.
We pray with the Church: "O God, whom the Holy Innocents confessed and proclaimed on this day, not by speaking but by dying, grant that the faith in you we confess with our lips may also speak through our manner of life." (Collect at Mass, Feast of the Holy Innocents)
Let us pray for children and that we be graced to become like them: "I assure you that unless you change and become like little children, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever becomes lowly like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, and whoever received such a child in my name receives me." (Mt 18: 3–5) Let us pray for all victims of injustice and violence, especially involving children as we see in present-day wars and armed conflicts in the world. Let us especially pray for victims of injustice and violence against those still unborn.
When the magi had departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you. Herod is going to search for the child to destroy him.” Matthew 2:13
The most glorious event ever to take place in our world also filled some with hatred and rage. Herod, who was jealous of his own earthly power, felt greatly threatened by the message shared with him by the Magi. And when the Magi failed to return to Herod to tell him where the Newborn King was located, Herod did the unthinkable. He ordered the slaughter of every boy, two years old and younger, who was in Bethlehem and its vicinity.
Such an act is hard to comprehend. How could the soldiers carry out such an evil plot? Imagine the deep mourning and devastation so many families encountered as a result. How could a civil ruler murder so many innocent children.
Of course, in our day and age, so many civil leaders continue to support the barbaric practice of permitting the slaughter of the innocent within the womb. Thus, in many ways, Herod’s action is not that different from today.
The passage above reveals to us the will of the Father regarding not only the protection of His divine Son but also His divine will for the protection and sanctity of all human life. It was satan who inspired Herod to kill those precious and innocent children so long ago, and it is satan who continues to promote a culture of death and destruction today. What should our response be? We, like Saint Joseph, must see it as our solemn duty to protect the most innocent and vulnerable with unwavering determination. Though this newborn Child was God, and though the Father in Heaven could have protected His Son with a myriad of angels, it was the Father’s will that a man, Saint Joseph, protect His Son. For that reason, we should also hear the Father calling each and every one of us to do all we can to protect the innocent and most vulnerable, especially the child within the womb.
Reflect, today, upon the will of God for your life. In what ways is God calling you to be like Saint Joseph and protect the most innocent and most vulnerable? How are you being called to be a guardian of those entrusted to your care? Certainly on a civil level we must all work to protect the lives of those who are unborn. But every parent, grandparent and all those entrusted with responsibility for another must strive to protect those in their care in countless other ways. We must diligently work to preserve them from the evils in our world and the numerous attacks of the evil one on their lives. Ponder this question today and allow the Lord to speak to you of your duty to imitate the great protector, Saint Joseph.
Lord, give me insight, wisdom and strength so that I can work in accord with Your will to protect the most innocent from the evils of this world. May I never cower in the face of evil, and may I always fulfill my duty to protect those entrusted to my care. Saint Joseph, pray for me. Jesus, I trust in You.
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