Monday, January 17, 2022

Suy Niệm tin Mừng Thứ Ba Tuần Thứ Nhất Thường Niên

Suy Niệm tin Mừng Thứ Ba Tuần Thứ Nhất Thường Niên. Mark 1:21-28
Bài Tin Mừng hôm nay giúp chúng ta nhận ra bàn chất con người thực sự của Chúa Giêsu, và qua đó chúng ta có thể hiểu rõ được sứ mệnh của Ngài. Những lời giảng dạy của Chúa Giêsu đã làm mọi người trong hội đường vô cùng kinh ngạc Ngài dạy dỗ họ như một người có uy quyền của Chúa Thánh Thần, vì họ chưa bao giờ có thể được nghe những lời của Thiên Chúa như thế này.
Bằng lời nói của Ngài, thậm chí ma quỷ phải kính sợ, bởi thế, chúng ta không lạ gì khi đám đông đã có sự phản ứng như thế. Họ rất đỗi ngạc nhiên vì những phép lạ của Ngài đã làm, nhưng họ không nhận ra Ngài là ai. Họ đang bị hấp dẫn bởi lời nói của Ngài, nhưng họ không biết làm sao mà Ngài có được những quyền năng như thế. Trên thực tế, Chúa Giêsu đã có quyền lực và sức mạnh vì Ngài chính là Ngôi Lời của Thiên Chúa đã xuống thế nhập thể làm người. Và vì thế khi Ngài phán là chính Thiên Chúa đã phán. Khi Ngài truyền thì tất cả ma quỉ cũng phải vâng lời.
Tuy nhiên, Chúa Giêsu cũng khiêm tốn khi Ngài đã bắt thần ô uế phải im lặng không được tuyên rao Ngài là Đấng Thánh của Thiên Chúa. Ngài đến là để loan truyền và đưa con người hướng về Thiên Chúa. Đối với Chúa Giêsu, Nước Thiên Chúa sẽ chỉ được hiện thực nếu tất cả mọi người biết thống hối, ăn năn và biển đổi cuộc sống và biết trở về với Chúa Kitô.
Nếu chúng ta biến biến đổi đời sống cá nhân của chúng ta hôm nay để trở về với Thiên Chúa, Chúa Kitô sẽ ban cho chúng ta quyền phép để đánh bại Satan. Như Chúa Giêsu đã nói, "Ví bằng Ta nhờ Thần khí Thiên Chúa mà trừ quỉ, thì quả là Nước Thiên Chúa đã đến trên các ngươi.". (Mt 12: 28)
Lạy Chúa, lời Chúa là sức mạnh và là cuộc sống của chúng con. Xin giúp chúng con đừng bao giờ nghi ngờ tình yêu cứu rỗi và lòng thương xót của Chúa, Xin vì sức mạnh của Lời của Chúa mang lại ơn chữa lành và giải thoát cho chúng con và những người cần đến lòng thương xót Chúa.

My Reflection for Tuesday after 1st Sunday of Ordinary Time
Today's gospel is for us to recognize the true person of Jesus, and thereby understand His mission. Jesus' teaching astounded the multitude in the synagogue. He taught with authority. He spoke the word of God as no one had spoken it before. By His words, He had authority even over demons. No wonder the crowd reacted with amazement and wonder but not with recognition. They are amazed by His actions, but they don't recognize who He is. They are intrigued by His words, but they do not know from where the authority comes. But Jesus was authority incarnate - the Word of God made flesh. When He spoke, God spoke. When He commanded even the demons obeyed.
However, Jesus was also guarding against the dangerous possibility that He would be recognized as a political Messiah. Jesus had to silence the unclean spirit for proclaiming Him as the Holy One of God for fear that people would seek Him as a political leader who would deliver them from the oppressive foreign forces occupying Palestine. This mistaken view would jeopardize His mission, which was to inaugurate the kingdom of God. For Jesus, the Kingdom of God would only become a reality if sinners would repent and convert themselves to Christ. Undergoing personal conversion to Christ would allow them to defeat Satan. As Jesus would say, "But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you." (Mt 12: 28).
"Lord, your word is power and life. May I never doubt you’re saving love and mercy, and the power of your word to bring healing and deliverance to those in need?"

Tuesday 1st Week in Ordinary Time
Opening Prayer: Lord, your authority rings out through the ages. May I seek you with true humility each day as I encounter you in your word. May I cling to you when the enemy of my soul agitates me with thoughts and anxieties that do not come from you. I give you thanks for your word, which brings me comfort. May your grace remain with me and with all who are dear to me.
Encountering Christ:
1. The Author Has Authority: The scribes were learned men who lectured the people with informed opinions on Scripture. The people were accustomed to seeing the scribes as leaders and authorities. Their teachings were revered. Suddenly, this young preacher Jesus was talking authoritatively about Scripture. His teaching was like nothing they had ever heard, infused with his divine knowledge and wisdom. The listeners began to understand things differently because the author of the word, God himself, was teaching, and his authority was unmistakable. “Let us therefore yield ourselves and bow to the authority of the Holy Scriptures, which can neither err nor deceive” (St. Augustine).
2. Casting Out Demons: Before this man with an unclean spirit, Jesus’ authority was on perfect display. The crazed man ranted and raved, creating quite a scene, but Jesus wasn’t drawn into his chaos. Jesus simply and commandingly ordered, “Quiet, Come out of him,” and the demon immediately obeyed. No wonder the crowds were amazed! Our modern conception of Jesus tends to focus on his mercy, his forgiveness, and his personal love for each of us. And, while these things are true, Jesus is also a God of infinite power and might. As creatures before our Creator, we owe him praise, humble adoration, and perfect obedience. “Yours, Lord, are greatness and might, majesty, victory, and splendor. For all in Heaven and on earth is yours; yours, Lord, is kingship; you are exalted as head over all” (1 Chronicles 29:11).
3. Fame and Precedent: This tale of the devil’s expulsion would be told again and again as Jesus’ fame spread. The Gospel of Mark tells us of even more miraculous healings in which Jesus not only brought relief to the healed but belief to the witnesses. Jesus was setting a precedent for the Apostles and for the faithful today. The third luminous mystery, the Proclamation of the Kingdom, recalls this beautiful time in human history. If we are to be known for anything, let us be known for sharing our faith, not just in words, but in active service to everyone we encounter, in imitation of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Conversing with Christ: So often the devil besets me with regrets from the past and worries about the future. Lord, keep me centered in the present moment. Ground me in your word, and keep me aware of your love and your power over all evil and temptation. Help me to be a true extension of your power and might in the world today so that your Kingdom may be realized.
Resolution: Lord, today by your grace I will seek out a concrete way to share the Gospel, whether through a social media post, a chat with a friend or neighbor, or serving a neighbor’s need.

Tuesday 1st Week in Ordinary Time - 1 Sam. 1:9-20/ Mk. 1:21-28 (Ps Wk I)
As we read and reflect on the 1st Reading, we note the shift of emotions within Hannah: from despondency and disappointment to energized vibrancy. What stood out were the words and the physical manifestations of Hannah. In the 1st Reading, she had ‘bitterness of soul … many tears … distressed … a woman in great trouble … filled with grief and resentment … and was dejected.’ And then as we read the Psalm; Hannah sings, “. My heart exults in the Lord, my Savior? Why?.
First, the priest Elia told her, “Go in peace, and may … God … grant what you have asked of God.”' He blessed her with peace and gave her hope. Second, Hannah herself returned to the hall to eat, She no longer deject, but hope and rose early in the morning to worship God. By trusting God and acting positively, she changed her personal outlook on her situation in life. Third was God, the Lord Almighty caused the childless Hannah to conceive and she gave birth to Samuel, her first-born.
Today, as we struggle with our difficult personal life issues; let us always remember the wonderful and encouraging words that others bless us with in our daily life; let us place our trust in God and be positive and proactive in meeting life’s challenges; and let us remember that we have a God Who listens to our prayers and will answer us at God’s chosen time (Kairos - Greek).
Let’s ask our Lord Jesus to help us find our strength and hope in Him

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