Monday, February 27, 2023

Suy Niệm thứ Tư Lễ Tro.

Suy Niệm thứ Tư Lễ Tro.
Chúng ta là những người Công Giáo, chúng ta nhận ra nhu cầu của chúng ta phải thừa nhận tội lỗi của chúng ta đã phạm nghịch cùng Thiên Chúa chúng ta sự cần sự ăn năn hối cải. Vì thế Giáo Hội những mùa đặc biệt sự ăn chay sám hối trong mùa Chay.
      Mùa Chay là một lời nhắc nhở lành mạnh cho chúng ta rằng chúng ta là những người tội lỗi: như thánh Gioan đã viết: "Nếu chúng ta nói, 'Chúng ta không có tội,' chúng ta lừa dối mình, và lẽ thật không ở trong chúng ta." (1 Ga 1: 8) Mùa Chay là thời gian để phản ánh trung thực và giúp chúng ta đạt niềm tin tưởng vào sự ăn năn thống hối trước mặt Thiên Chúa từ nhân và tha thứ.
      Tro được ghi dấu trên trán chúng ta trong ngày hôm nay như một dấu hiệu của sự ăn năn vì tro đã được dùng trong việc ăn năn rất cổ xưa. Có rất nhiều tài liệu trong Kinh Thánh đã ghi nhận là vị vua và quý tộc, thậm chí của toàn thành phố, đã ngồi trong đống tro và mặc bao gai, để làm việc đền tội. Tro tượng trưng cho một sự từ bỏ những sự ác và canh tân đời sống, tượng trưng cho những gì là thấp hèn và khiêm tốn trong sự tương phản với vẻ hùng vĩ và sức mạnh của thế gian. Do đó, Tro được sức trên đầu chúng ta vào thứ tư đầu Mùa Chay (Ngày đầu của 40 ngày) để biểu hiệu tinh thần sám hối của chúng ta trong sự khiêm tốn, sám hối và ăn năn chính là hành tình giúp chúng ta bước vào Mùa Chay thánh.
    Phụng vụ hôm nay nhắc nhở chúng ta rằng Mùa Chay không phải là chỉ dấu hiệu bên ngoài như dấu tro được bôi trên trán. Qua bài Tin Mừng, Chúa Giêsu cảnh cáo chúng ta về những nguyvề sự nguy hiểm” trong việc bố thí, hay việc cầu nguyện cũng như trong việc ăn chay của chúng ta. Đừng rình rang, linh đình khoe khoang trong việc bố thí, cầu nguyện hay ăn chay "để những người khác có thể nhìn thấy bởi vì Chúa biết được những gì chúng ta làm. Chúa Giêsu đã dạy cho chúng ta biết về sự nguy hiểm trong những hành động đạo đức giống như bọn pharisêu là bọn đạo đức giả,Chúa mời gọi chúng ta đến với Mùa Chay với tâm hồn và trái tim chân thành trong sự thống hối.
     We Christian recognizes our need to acknowledge our sinfulness and the need for repentance. we have special seasons for penitential fasting during the season of Lent.
     The Lenten season is a healthy reminder for us that we are sinners: as John wrote, "If we say, 'We have no sin,' we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." (1 Jn 1: 8) Lent is a time for honest reflection and trusting repentance before the compassionate and forgiving God.
     Ashes are distributed today. The use of ashes as a sign of repentance is very ancient. There are many Biblical accounts of kings and noblemen, even of whole cities, sitting in ashes and wearing sackcloth, to show they were doing penance. Ashes symbolized a renunciation of evil and a renewal of life, symbolizing what is lowly and humble in contrast to worldly grandeur and power.
     It is therefore fitting that at the beginning of Lent the most visible symbol is that of ashes on our foreheads to signify the interior spirit of humble penance and repentance of our Lenten observance.
     In the blessing of the ashes the Church prays that the Lord may "pour out the grace of your blessing on your servants who are marked with these ashes, that, as they follow the Lenten observances, they may be worthy to come with minds made pure to celebrate the Paschal Mystery of your Son."
     On the Friday after Ash Wednesday the first reading from Isaiah reminds us that lying in sackcloth and ashes does not make our fasting acceptable: "See the fast that pleases me: breaking the fetters of injustice and unfastening the thongs of the yoke; setting the oppressed free and breaking every yoke. Fast by sharing your food with the hungry, bring to your house the homeless; clothe the man you see naked and do not turn away from your own kin." (Is 58: 6- 7)
     Today's liturgy reminds us that there is much more to Lent than external signs. The Gospel reading warns us of the danger of giving alms or praying or fasting "to be seen by others." The Gospel reading warns us of the danger of acting like hypocrites and invites us to celebrate Lent with honest and contrite hearts.
Ash Wednesday 2023
Jesus said to his disciples: “Take care not to perform righteous deeds in order that people may see them; otherwise, you will have no recompense from your heavenly Father.” Matthew 6:1
One thing that offers us worldly satisfaction is public praise. We often want others to notice us for what we have accomplished. We want to be admired and can often go out of our way to let others know how much good we are doing. How about you? Do you regularly seek to elevate yourself in the eyes of others?
In the Old Testament, the seeking of worldly honors was common. In fact, the Law of Moses even spoke of these as “blessings” that would be bestowed as a result of obedience to God (See Deuteronomy 28). But a central tenet of Jesus’ New Law of grace was that earthly honors were no longer to be a goal in life. Instead, the interior treasures of holiness and the wealth stored up in Heaven were to be the focus. Today’s Gospel warns us that seeking human praise will result in the loss of recompense from the Father in Heaven. Giving alms, fasting and praying are best done in secret so that “your Father who sees in secret will repay you.”
As we begin our Lenten journey, it is a good time to honestly examine the intentions and goals of your life of faith and charity. One goal we must have is to practice our life of faith and charity in a hidden way. There must be a certain secrecy to our life of faith. This does not mean we act as if we are not Christian or act as if we are ashamed of our faith. Instead, the “hidden” and “secret” practice of our faith means that we pray, serve, fast, and grow in our relationship with God because we love God and want to serve His will. It means that our greatest reward is the interior blessings we will receive from a relationship with God. We must look within and discover God dwelling there. There must be an interior intimacy with God that only we see. And this secret, interior and intimate love of God must become transforming and all-consuming. How alive is this interior relationship with God in your life?
The good news is that when we intimately enter into a relationship with our loving God in the secret depths of our souls, God will use us to touch others’ lives. We will not become the envy of others or have as our goal their admiration. We will not become the center of attention. Instead, God will use us to help others look into their own souls so as to discover the love God has for them. In a sense, we disappear in this hiddenness, and it is God Who makes a difference in the lives of others through us. This is authentic faith. This is authentic holiness. This is authentic charity. This is the reason we pray, fast and give ourselves to others. Not for our praise, but for the love of God, the holiness of our souls and the salvation of others.
Reflect, today, upon the simple fact that God wants to come to you in a very hidden and secret way this Lent. He wants to reveal His love to you, personally. Not so that you can tell everyone how holy you are. But so that you will know the love of God within you. Reflect upon this hidden and holy relationship God wants to have with you and know that if you allow it to grow, God will also be able to touch others through you in ways that are beyond your understanding.
My hidden Lord, You desire to come to me in the secret depths of my soul and to reveal to me Your love. May I meet You there every day and grow more fully in an intimate relationship with You. As You come to me this Lent, please also use me in many hidden ways to be an instrument of Your love for others. All praise and glory to You, O Lord. Jesus, I trust in You.
Ash Wednesday 2023
Introductory Prayer: Lord, you know how much I need you and depend on you. You know my weakness and my faults. I put all my confidence in your love and mercy in my daily actions. I hope to learn to trust more in your power, your promise, and your grace. Lord, I wish to start this season of Lent with a sincere desire to grow in love, preparing myself worthily to celebrate the mysteries of your passion, death and resurrection.
Petition: Lord, help me learn to change what needs to change in my life.
1. Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving: As we begin the Lenten season, we are reminded of the need to make reparation for our sins and be reconciled with God. Any attempt to build a spiritual life that neglects the pillars of prayer, fasting and almsgiving is building on sand. Prayer purifies our intentions and relates all we do to God. Fasting detaches us from our comfort and from ourselves. Almsgiving reflects our brotherhood with the poor of Jesus’ family and reminds us that our true wealth is not in things, but in the love of God. We all need to do a reality check on our spiritual lives to make sure we are committed to prayer, fasting and almsgiving. 
2. Lose the Show: Jesus is severe in criticizing the hypocrites who parade their works before others to get attention. Such parades are of no use in pleasing God or making up for our sins; they only add to our sinfulness. He encourages us to pray in private, to fast and give alms in secret, without calling the attention of others to what we are doing. In this way we can be sure we are doing all for love of God and not for love of self. Those who make an outward show of piety or generosity “have already received their reward” in this world, and they store up no treasure in heaven. Let us work silently and discreetly, with no other intention but pleasing God alone. 
3. Joyful Sacrifice: Nothing brings us closer to Christ than walking alongside him and doing the things he did for love of God the Father. During Lent, God invites us to purify our hearts and minds and to turn our intentions back to him. Christ’s public ministry was lived each day in loving obedience to the Father’s will. Our Lenten program should reflect that same simple, yet demanding, obedience and love. What can I do for God today? What sacrifice can I offer that will be pleasing to him? Once I decide on it, I will carry it out with no one else knowing. 
Conversation with Christ: Jesus, give me the grace to begin this Lent with great enthusiasm and love. Help me live it with joy, knowing that I am living it in your presence to please you and you alone.
Resolution: I will make a Lenten program of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. 

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