Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Lễ Kính Các Tổng Lãnh Thiên Thần

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Lễ Kính Các Tổng Lãnh Thiên Thần Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael
Qua bài Tin Mừng, Chúa Giêsu đã làm cho Nathanael rất đỗi ngạc nhiên, vì Ngài đã biết tất cả mọi thứ về Nathanael. Và ông Nathanael đã kinh ngạc và xưng tụng Ngài chính là Con Thiên Chúa, là Vua của Israel, nhưng Chúa Giêsu trả lời rằng những lời xưng tụng của Nathanael cũng chẳng có gì để so với những gì mà Nathanael sẽ sớm được thấy: Nghĩa là thiên thần đã xuất hiện và biến đi trước mặt Con Người. Cánh cửa ngõ giữa thiên đường và trái đất sẽ sớm được mở ra, không phải chỉ đối với Con Người nhưng còn mở ra cho toàn thể nhân loại. Chúng ta không nên ngạc nhiên khi thấy sứ giả của Thiên Chúa là Thiên thần cùng đồng hành với chúng ta và làm việc với và giữa chúng ta. Thường thì các Thiên Thần không được công nhận vì các Thiên Thần không đến với chúng ta dưới hình thức thực chất mà chúng ta thấy ở trong who các bức tranh nghệ thuật và đạo đức nhưng cũng không kém phần thực tế. Một lần nữa, chúng ta không bao giờ phải đơn côi, một mình và chúng ta có thể thực thi việc tìm kiếm sự thinh lặng và con đường ẩn dấu mà các thiên sứ đã hoàn thành nhiệm vụ của họ.
Lạy Chúa Xin giúo cho chúng con được thấy được sự hiện diện ẩn dấu của Chúa trong cuộc sống của chúng con.

Reflection Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels
When we look at what a mess the world is in, it is natural to wish for a ‘superhero’ to come and make everything right. The Jews who suffered great persecution longed for the tyrannical and unjust rulers and regimes of the earth to be swept away and for the wicked to be judged and punished. The early Christians expressed the same hopes in the Book of Revelation. By now we should know that God does not do the job for us or clean up our mess. God will give us the inspiration, grace, courage, and spirit to do these things but in the end the effort will be ours. The archangels are those messengers from God who walk with us to aid and encourage us along the way. We are never alone and we are never without inner resources.
Jesus surprised Nathanael because he already knew everything about him. Nathanael proclaimed him the Son of God and King of Israel, but Jesus replied that these titles were nothing compared to what Nathanael would soon see: angels ascending and descending on the Son of Man. The gateway between heaven and earth would soon be open, not only for the Son of Man but for all humanity. We should not be surprised that messengers from God walk and work among us. Often they are not recognized because they do not come in the dramatic form that we see in art and piety but they are no less real. Again, we are never alone and we can practice looking for the quiet and hidden ways that the angels accomplish their mission.
Lord, help me to see Your hidden presence in my life.


Introductory Prayer: Lord, I approach this time of prayer earnestly. I believe that you have called me to be faithful and loving in your service. I thank you along with Mary, the saints and the holy angels for the marvelous works of creation. I will humbly try to reflect your greatness to all I meet today by honestly fulfilling my duty.

Petition: Lord, help me be an instrument of your peace and love.

1. Honesty Is the Best Policy: Once as Jesus spent the whole night in prayer, he searched for apostles that would be honest and sincere. Jesus took a liking to Nathanael when he discovered an Israelite without guile in his heart. Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said of him, "Here is a true Israelite. There is no duplicity in him. It seems that Jesus admired this angelic trait in men. As soon as he saw Philip bringing Nathanael forward to meet him, Jesus immediately noticed the virtue Nathanael lived. If I want to be highly thought of by Jesus, then I need to be sincere in mind and heart.

2. The Holy Angels: The Church venerates today the holy service of three of the archangels. They stand out for their honest love for God’s most holy will. With such fidelity, St. Gabriel faithfully delivered the most important messages of human history to Zacharias and Mary. St. Michael wrestled with Lucifer and cast him out of heaven. St. Raphael came to the aid of Tobias in the Old Testament. In these angels, there isn’t any duplicity of heart. God asks them a favor, and they truly fulfill it. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to implement our talents and gifts toward service of this nature? Wouldn’t it be great to be honest instruments of God’s infinite love like these three archangels?

3. The Lord’s Gaze: Jesus looks into the heart and doesn’t judge by appearances. Christ’s gaze penetrated Nathanael on this occasion. Jesus penetrates the motives of my heart even though they are kept hidden from the others. Jesus is the first one to know if I am true to the faith I have received. If I am faithful to the dictates of my conscience and obey God’s lead, in private or in public, then I have nothing to hide and nothing to lose. If on the other hand, I am dwindling in my surrender to Christ by boredom and monotony, then it is about time I sought renewal. Christ needs me! How many are dying and fading away because they lack Christ and his love? I, in turn, have been graced by many special spiritual favors! Jesus gazes into my eyes and dreams of my fidelity and love.

Conversation with Christ: Lord, thank you for the example of these three archangels and of the holy apostles. The holy apostles ended up shedding their blood for you and the holy angels aid us on our journey towards you. Lord, seeing so many lacking the faith, I resolve to be your tireless instrument, like them, so that many may come to praise you for all eternity.

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