Monday, April 1, 2019

Homily for Fourth Sunday of Lent - Year C

 My Homily for Fourth Sunday of Lent - Year C (2019)
I have a cousin who quitted school in the middle of 10th grade year and jointed the army without his parent knowledge. His parents went crazy and looked for him. Time went by and moth later, they received a letter he wrote from the army training camp. He asked his Parents for forgiveness and come to get him out of the Army.
He wrote that he faked his parents’ signatures and allowed him to join the Army at 16 because his girlfriend broke up with him. Now he knows that he is not ready for the Army because the training was so rough and he can’t go through with this training anymore. After received the letter, His father had to take off from work and spent days on the road and large amount of money to take him out of the Army.
            Today, Jesus tells us a same story about a young man who has a great father; a father who gives his son everything, including freedom. The son, however, abuses his freedom; he brings heartbreak and shame to his father. The young man may have considered himself a brave rebel, but his rebellion brings its own punishment. Not that the father wants the punishment. It is a natural consequence of the son's choices.         When the young man hits bottom. He then does something genuinely courageous. Instead of despairing, instead of shifting the blame, he admits, "I have sinned." Here are his exact words, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I no longer deserve to be called your son."
During Lent we say those words: "I have sinned." We say them in our morning prayer and in the evening when we look back over the day. At Mass we admit, "I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do."
This is not "Catholic guilt." It's simply facing the facts and it has a positive side. Admitting sin means recognizing our enormous potential. Like that younger son, great gifts have been placed in our hands. How much good we can do if we begin with gratitude!
When we look back over a day, we do recognize moments of light; when, with God's help, we have done something good. But that same light also causes us to see shadows, moments when we have gone our own way, separated ourselves from the loving Father. We have sinned.
This daily examination has a benefit not only for getting to heaven; but also, in this world. We admit our sins and then say to Jesus, "With your help I will stand up and make a fresh start. Thank you for giving me a new opportunity as you did for that younger son. With your grace tomorrow, I will do better."
In making a fresh start, we Catholics have a particular gift: The Sacrament of Confession. It's not a counseling session, although sometimes a penitent will ask for advice, and sometimes the priest will have a wise word. The priest does not represent himself in the confessional, He represents Jesus. As St. Paul says in today's reading, "We are ambassadors of Christ." And he adds that Jesus, even though completely without sin, "became sin for our sake that we might become the righteousness of God." Jesus became sin! You and I have sinned, but Jesus became sin. What does that mean?  
I do not know for sure, but I will say this: As we saw from the parable in the Gospel reading today, sin brings punishment and shame. It results in misery and alienation, separation from God and other people. Now, Jesus who committed no sin, took our punishment and shame upon himself.
In his day, nothing caused more fear than the Roman method of capital punishment. The cross involved terrible torture; it systematically shamed and humiliated the condemned man. In going to the cross, Jesus took our shame, our punishment upon himself. And how does that transfer take place?
Once again, St. Paul said in his letter to the Galatians: "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me." (Gal 2:20) When we say to God, "we have sinned," he doesn't so much see us, but his Son, Jesus. Like the young man in the parable, the actual confession may take less than a minute.
Confession is not a counseling session. It's not about the priest and in the end, it's not even about the penitent. It's about Christ and uniting ourselves to Jesus. He has already done the real work.
Sometime ago, one of friend tell me he doesn't feel forgiven. This happens especially as we get older and the consequences of past sin become more evident. It can help keep a person humble, but it can also be one of the ways the devil works on us. He says, "of course you can't be forgiven. If people knew the real you, they would spit on you." When that feeling begins to overwhelm us, let us say to Jesus,:“I trust in you. I have sinned, but you have taken my sins and my shame to the cross." Look at the crucifix, take it in your hand and say,
"Jesus, I trust in you." As Holy Week approaches; Jesus invites us to go to the Father and say, "I have sinned." Then trust that when the Father sees you and me, he sees Jesus. And he embraces us with joy.

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