Friday, January 13, 2023

The Epiphany of The Lord Sunday Jan. 8, 2023

Epiphany Sunday, Year A.
My Homily for The Epiphany of The Lord Sunday Jan. 8, 2023
Today, we are celebrating Epiphany Sunday. This special Feast, normally celebrated on January 6th, commemorates the revealing of Jesus as the Christ to the Gentiles.
In the First Reading, the prophecy of Isaiah gave the people of Israel hope that the promised Messiah would soon rise among the people and that His glory would be seen by all. As God's chosen people, it was prophesied to the Jewish nation that they would be the light of the world and that the nations of the world would come to their light. The true wealth that the Jewish nation gained was that from their people, the Son of God was born in flesh and blood on earth. From their people, the Holy Catholic Church had its beginning. From their people, the Blessed Virgin Mary was created immaculate. And from their people, we have received the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament. Out of their people, as instruments of God, salvation came to the world through Jesus Christ. Endless are the riches that the Lord God Almighty has bestowed upon the Jewish nation.  Truly, the Jewish nation became a light in the world, drawing all nations towards the abundance of its riches.
Today, Isaiah concluded his prophecy with the words, "They shall bring gold and frankincense, and shall proclaim the praise of the Lord." [Is. 60:6]  These words echoed the gifts that the three wise men from the East [Mt. 2:1-2, 9-11] brought to Jesus in adoration after following the shining star in the sky.
Today, the First Reading spoke of the joy of the Israelites. It spoke of Jesus Christ, the Light, [Lk. 2:32] who was given to the world through God's chosen people. It spoke of the three wise men who found and adored the Lord Jesus, the Light of the world.
In the letter to the Ephesians we heard today, Saint Paul said: "Surely you have already heard of the commission of God's grace that was given for you, and how the mystery was made known to me by revelation. In former generations this mystery was not made known to humanity as it has now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; that is, the Gentiles have become fellow heirs, members of the same body, and sharers in the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel." [Eph. 3:2-3, 5-6]
When and under what circumstances did God reveal to the apostles that the Gentiles were called to become members of the Body of Christ? This answer is found in the Acts of the Apostles. When Saint Peter was called to Caesarea, he personally witnessed the power of the Holy Spirit descending upon the Gentiles. [Acts 11:15] Sometime later, when Saints Paul and Barnabas were preaching in the synagogue on the sabbath in Antioch, some of the Jews became jealous when they saw the large crowd that had gathered. Consequently, St. Paul and Barnabas said to them, "It was necessary that the word of God should be spoken first to you. Since you reject it and judge yourselves to be unworthy of eternal life, we are now turning to the Gentiles.
For so the Lord has commanded us, saying, 'I have set you to be a light for the Gentiles, so that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.'" [Acts 13:46-7]  That is how the Light of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, was revealed to the Gentiles, our ancestors.  In a way, we should always be grateful to the Jewish people of those days. Thanks to them, we sinful creatures rejoice because the gracious mercy of the Lord God was bestowed upon us.  Now, through our faith in Jesus Christ and the Sacrament of Baptism by water and Spirit, we are admitted into the Body of Christ as spiritual members of the growing Kingdom of God on earth.
Today's Gospel Reading relates to us the event of the three wise men who followed the star that led them to the Child Jesus.  They followed the brilliant star in the sky. To them, the light of the star was a symbol of hope, of joy and of peace.  To them, the star was small but a reflection of the fullness of the Light of the world that awaited them at the end of their journey.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, The Feast of Epiphany is a reflection of the Light. Through the Birth of Jesus, we see the arrival of the Light in the world. Through the Magi, we see the light of hope, of joy and of peace to come. Through the Baptism of Jesus, we see the beginning of the ministry of the Light in the world. Through the miracle at Cana, we see the Light of God manifesting His Supreme power over the element of water.  All these events are reminders to us that we too are called to be a light in the world. Being enlighten by the Light of God in our hearts, we are called to go forward and to share with others the Good News, our hope, our joy and our peace that the Light of Christ has bestowed upon us.
Let us reflect upon the Light of Christ that has come upon us. Let us assess the status of our Christian obligation towards Jesus Christ.  Are we shining in the world in the fullness of the light that Jesus has given us?  
And, if the need be. Let us correct what needs to be corrected so the fullness of our light may shine forth in all things for the glory of God.
Like the Magi, we too come to adore Jesus, our Lord.  And we fall on our knees as they fell on their knees, to hear the angel voices proclaiming the coming of the Lord into our present world and into our hearts this morning.  We must remember the coming of Jesus, is not a onetime only thing, he comes each morning to call us to continue our journey with him, following where he our star leads us by faith to where he takes us, ultimately taking us home.
Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Chúa Nhật Chủa Hiển Linh 2023
 Khi Đức Giê-su ra đời tại Bê-lem, miền Giu-đê, thời vua Hê-rô-đê trị vì, có mấy nhà chiêm tinh từ phương Đông đến Giê-ru-sa-lem, 2và hỏi : “Đức Vua dân Do-thái mới sinh, hiện ở đâu ? Chúng tôi đã thấy ngôi sao của Người xuất hiện bên phương Đông, nên chúng tôi đến bái lạy Người.” (Mt 2:1-2)
            Ba vị đạo sĩ (vua.?) rất có thể đến từ Ba Tư, Iran ngày nay. Họ là những người khoa học gia thường xuyên nghiên cứu về chiêm tinh qua các vì sao. Họ không phải là người Do Thái nhưng rất có thể đã biết niềm tin phổ biến của người Do Thái là sẽ xuất hiện một vị vua một đáng Mêsaia  để cứu họ.
            Những đạo sĩ này được Thiên Chúa mời gọi đến để gặp gỡ Đấng Cứu Rỗi của Thế giới. Điều thú vị là Thiên Chúa đã dùng những thứ rất quen thuộc với họ để làm công cụ cho ơn gọi của họ: các vì sao. Các Đạop Sĩ này Họ tin rằng qua một ngôi sao mới xuất hiện trên bầu trời, thi sẽ có một người có tầm quan trọng đã được sinh ra, sự ra đời này sẽ đi kèm sự xuất hiệ của một ngôi sao mới. Vì vậy, khi họ nhìn thấy ngôi sao mới, sáng và rực rỡ này, thì họ đâm ra tò mò và niềm hy vọng. Một trong những khía cạnh quan trọng nhất của câu chuyện này là họ đã phản hồi. Thiên Chúa kêu gọi những nhà Đạo sĩ này qua việc dùng hình ảnh một ngôi sao, và họ đã chọn đi theo dấu hiệu này, và họ đã bắt đầu một cuộc hành trình dài và gian khổ.
            Thiên Chúa thường sử dụng những việc làm quen thuộc nhất trong cuộc sống hàng ngày của chúng ta để gửi đến chúng ta lời kêu gọi của Ngài. Ví dụ, chúng ta hãy nhớ lại là nhiều môn đệ của Chúa hay các Tông Đồ đều là người đánh cá, và Chúa Giê Su đã dung các công việc làm ăn thường ngày của họ để mời gọi họ theo Ngài và tiếp tục loan truyền Tin Mừng của Ngài đến với mọi nơi.   rõ ràng là Ngài muốn làm cho họ trở thành “những tay đánh lưới người.” Ngài đặc biệt dùng phép lạ để giúp các môn đệ mới chọn của Ngài bắt được mẻ lưới nhiều cá để cho họ thấy rõ ràng rằng họ có một ơn gọi mới.
            Trong cuộc sống của chúng ta cũng thế, Chúa không ngừng kêu gọi chúng ta tìm kiếm Ngài và thờ phượng Ngài. Ngài sẽ  sử dụng một số phần công việc bình thường nhất trong cuộc sống của chúng ta để gửi đi tiếng mời gọi đó.
Hôm nay Chúa đã gọi chúng ta như thế nào? Bằng cách nào mà Ngài đã gửi đến cho chúng ta một ngôi sao lạ để giúp chúng ta tìm đến Chúa? Nhiều lần và nhiều cách,  Chúa đã đén và mời gọi chúng ta, nhưng  chúng ta đã phớt lờ tiếng Chúa mời gọi chúng ta. Chúng ta cần phải học hỏi từ những người Đạo sĩ Đông Phương này và siêng năng đáp ứng khi Ngài kêu gọi. Chúng ta không được ngần ngại và phải tìm cách chú ý hàng ngày đến những cách mà Chúa mời gọi chúng ta tin tưởng, phó thác và thờ phượng một cách chân thành và sâu sắc hơn.
Hôm nay, chúng ta hãy suy ngẫm về những lờimời gọi của Thiên Chúa trong cuộc sống của chúng ta. Chúng ta đang nghe Tiếng Chúa ? Chúng ta đang đáp trả lời Bgafi ? Bạn có sẵn sàng và sẵn sàng từ bỏ tất cả những thứ khác trong cuộc sống để phục vụ thánh ý của Ngài không? Chúng ta hãy tìm kiếm Chúa, chờ đợi Ngài và đáp ứng những yêu cầu của Ngài. Làm như vậy sẽ là những quyết định tốt nhất mà chung ta từng thực hiện.
Lạy Chúa, chúng con yêu mến Chúa và xin hứa với Chúa là chúng con sẽ sẵn sàng mở lòng chúng con để đón nhận bàn tay hướng dẫn của Chúa trong cuộc đời của chúng con. Xin Chúa giúp cho chúng con luôn biết chú ý đến những cách khác nhau mà Chúa thường gọi chúng con mỗi ngày. Và xin cho chúng con luôn hết lòng đáp lại tiếng gọi của Chúa. Lạy Chúa, chúng con tin vào Chúa.
Epiphany of the Lord Sunday
When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of King Herod, behold, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.” Matthew 2:1–2
The Magi were most likely from Persia, modern-day Iran. They were men who regularly engaged in a study of the stars. They were not Jewish but were most likely aware of the popular belief of the Jewish people that a king would be born who would save them.
These Magi were called by God to encounter the Savior of the World. Interestingly, God used something very familiar to them as an instrument of their calling: the stars. It was among their belief that when someone of great importance was born, this birth was accompanied by a new star. So when they saw this new, bright and brilliant star, they were filled with curiosity and hope. One of the most significant aspects of this story is that they responded. God called them through the use of a star, and they chose to follow this sign, embarking on a long and arduous journey.
God often uses those things most familiar to us that are part of our daily life to send forth His calling. Recall, for example, that many of the Apostles were fishermen, and Jesus used their occupation to call them, making them “fishers of men.” He especially used the miraculous catch of fish to clearly indicate to them that they had a new calling.
In our own lives, God is constantly calling us to seek Him out and worship Him. He will often use some of the most ordinary parts of our lives to send forth that calling. How is He calling you? In what way is He sending you a star to follow? Many times when God speaks, we ignore His voice. We must learn from these Magi and diligently respond when He calls. We must not hesitate and must seek to daily be attentive to the ways that God invites us to deeper trust, surrender and worship.
Reflect, today, upon God’s call in your life. Are you listening? Are you responding? Are you ready and willing to abandon all else in life so as to serve His holy will? Seek Him, wait on Him and respond. Doing so will be the best decision you ever make.
Lord, I love You and pray that I will be open to Your guiding hand in my life. May I always be attentive to the countless ways that You call to me each and every day. And may I always respond to You with all my heart. Jesus, I trust in You.
The Epiphany of the Lord 2023
The Epiphany is the manifestation of Jesus Christ to the world. The Magi saw His manifestation in the form of a star. The star led them through a long and perilous journey to Bethlehem in Judaea. Pope Francis in his Apostolic Letter, Admirabile Signum, described them as ‘men of wealth, sages from afar, athirst for the infinite’. They presented the infant king with three symbolic gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. They went back home filled with joy of witnessing the manifestation of God.
King Herod on his part was deeply perturbed on hearing of the birth of a new king in Israel. The manifestation of Jesus Christ threatens his kingdom. He is ready to do anything to retain and sustain his royalty. He resolves to kill the infant king Jesus Christ. He is not touched by his peasant birth and the insignificance of Bethlehem in the countryside of Judea. He fails to understand the prophecy that the new king is to save Israel from sin. The messiah did not come to drag kingship with anyone but to save humanity from that which threatens even earthly kingship. King Herod displays how lack of humility and openness can deprive one of salvation.
The Magi went out of their comfort zones in order to be guided by the star to Bethlehem. They opened up to the reality of a more superior and salvific power in the cosmos. The men of wealth bowed to the source of wealth. Sages knelt before wisdom itself. A thirst for the infinite is fulfilled while beholding the sight of a child in the manger. Everyday is a manifestation of God. We need humility and openness to see life and hope in the manger.
Anthony Ekpunobi, CM

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