Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Thứ Ba Tuần 26 Thường Niên

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Thứ Ba Tuần 26 Thường Niên (Luke 9:51-56)
Hôm nay chúng ta hãy suy niệm vào tình yêu bao la của Chúa Giêsu Kitô đã ban cho chúng ta, Đó là một tình yêu có sự tôn trọng tự do cá nhân riêng của mỗi chúng ta. Những khoảnh khắc trong cuộc sống của chúng ta, đôi khi chúng ta chẳng khắc gì những người của Samaria, có những hành động kém thân thiện, không hiếu khách khi Chúa Kitô đi qua và ghé thăm chúng ta. .
    Chúng ta không thể biết được là khi nào Ngài đã đến với chúng ta. Có thể Ngài đến trong hình bóng một người thấp kém nhất trong chúng ta, có thể là một em bé, lang thang bán vé sổ, có thể là người hành khất đang ăn xin trên đường mà chúng ta đã gặp trên hè phố hôm nay, có thể một người nào đó đang thiếu thốn tình thương, đang thất vọng, đang cần sự chú ý và giúp đỡ của chúng ta.! Chúa Giêsu luôn luôn đi qua trong cuộc sống của chúng ta, trong những khoảng thời gian tốt có, xấu có, Sự qua lại ghé thăm của Ngài luôn luôn là những mục đích để giúp chúng ta phát triển thêm trong đức tin, để giúp chúng ta kiên định giữ lời dạy bảo của Ngài và tìm kiếm vương quốc của Ngài là Thiên Đàng trước tiên.
    Chúng ta hãy cố gắng không nên từ chối bất cứ điều gì mà có vẻ không tốt cho chúng ta, hay là một sự thất vọng, vv . Chúng ta hãy nhớ cầu nguyện xin Chúa ban cho chúng ta những ân sũng và những hồng ơn được hiểu biết và kiên nhẫn, được ơn sức mạnh tinh thần trong thời gian thử thách. Và đặc biệt nhất là hồng ân của trí tuệ để chúng ta biết phân biệt và nhận ra Chúa khi Chúa đến và đang đi qua đời chúng ta.
Are you surprised to see two of Jesus' disciples praying for the destruction of a Samaritan village? The Jews and Samaritans had been divided for centuries. Jewish pilgrims who passed through Samaritan territory were often assaulted. Jesus did the unthinkable for a Jew. He not only decided to travel through Samaritan territory at personal risk, but he also asked for hospitality in one of their villages! Jesus' offer of friendship was rebuffed. Is there any wonder that the disciples were indignant and felt justified in wanting to see retribution done to this village? Wouldn't you respond the same way? Jesus, however, rebukes his disciples for their lack of toleration. Jesus had "set his face toward Jerusalem" to die on a cross that Jew, Samaritan and Gentile might be reconciled with God and be united as one people in Christ. Tolerance is a much needed virtue today. But aren't we often tolerant for the wrong thing or for the wrong motive? Christian love seeks the highest good of both one's neighbor and one's enemy. When Abraham Lincoln was criticized for his courtesy and tolerance towards his enemies during the American Civil War, he responded: "Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?" How do you treat those who cross you and cause you trouble? Do you seek their good rather than their harm?
"Lord Jesus, you are gracious, merciful, and kind. Set me free from my prejudice and intolerance towards those I find disagreeable, and widen my heart to love and to do good even to those who wish me harm or evil."

Tuesday 26th Ordinary Time
Opening Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me be aware that my life is a journey with you by my side. Help me to welcome those who may visit me, with the same reverence and love that I should extend to you. By your mercy, I will one day be welcomed to my eternal home with you. Amen.

Encountering Christ:
1. We Have Received a Message: Like the Samaritans, we too have been told by the prophets, the evangelists, the Apostles, and the Church, that Jesus is coming. By the grace of our Baptism, he resides in our hearts. What do we do to honor that presence? What do we do to dishonor it? Notice the reason the Gospel provides for the Samaritan’s rejection of Jesus: because his destination was Jerusalem, which would become the scene of his Passion and death. Is that why we sometimes shrink from welcoming Jesus—because we would then have to follow him to the cross?
2. We Always Have a Choice: Every day, every moment, we have an opportunity to welcome the Lord into our life with love and devotion or to turn away from him and fall into sin. Our moment-by-moment decisions will lead us one day to eternal rest in Heaven or the horrors of Hell. Prayer and the frequent reception of the sacraments can help us both to grow in the love we need to worship the Lord daily and help us to resist temptation and turn from sin. By our choices, let us show our gratitude and love for our savior and redeemer, Jesus.
3. Justice Is in the Lord’s Hands: He rebuked his disciples when they asked to set the unwelcoming town ablaze. He was showing us that the shortcomings of others need not concern us. Jesus will exact the perfect recompense in his own time. When we are not welcomed by someone because we are Christians, we pray for them, pray for the ability to forgive them from our heart, and move on… “journey to another town.”
Conversing with Christ: Jesus, help me to be aware that you are with me in the present moment. Help me to forgive those who hurt me, and to leave everything else in your almighty, just, and merciful hands.
Resolution: Lord, today, by your grace, I will focus on being your messenger, whether or not the receivers are open to the message.

To "become like little children" in the Gospel reading does not mean to be ignorant and weak, helpless and gullible. To "become like little children" means to be little children totally dependent on their parents and elders in our relationship with our heavenly Father. It means we should be "innocent," with the pure innocence of little children, trusting, obedient and dependent on our Father in heaven in the way of little children with their parents. It means we somehow let go of our pride, arrogance and complete confidence in ourselves.
In the first reading Yahweh, God of Israel, faithful to his covenant, reiterates his love for Israel and promises their return to Jerusalem, "I am going to save my people ... They will be my people and I shall be their God."
Are we able to "become like little children" before our heavenly Father? Are we able to have complete trust and confidence that our heavenly Father will take care of us? "If God so clothes the grass in the field which blooms today and is to be burned tomorrow in an oven, how much more will he clothe you?" (Mt 6: 30) "As bad as you are, you know how to give good things to your children. How much more, then, will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him!" (Mt 7: 11)

Tuesday 26th Ordinary Time Luke 9:51-56
Let us reflect today on the immense love of Jesus Christ for us – a love that respects your freedom. Many moments in our life we, like the people of Samaria, act in the same hostile way, not knowing it is the Lord who is passing by and visiting us. What are some of the moments that Jesus could be passing by? He often takes the form of a little one, someone of no importance to whom we do not pay attention and whom we can easily reject. A poor one perhaps? Or a relative who needs consolation? Someone sick who may need medical help? Or a situation that is not expected? A failure in life? Jesus is always passing in our lives, in good times and bad times. This passing is always to help us grow stronger in faith, for us to hold steadfast to his teachings and to seek first his kingdom. Let us not reject anything that does not seem good for us, an irritation to our plans, a disappointment, etc. Let us pray instead for the gift of understanding and patience - the gift of fortitude in times of trials. And most especially the gift of wisdom to discern when the Lord is passing.

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