Thursday, May 26, 2022

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Thứ Hai Tuần thứ 6 Phục Sinh

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Thứ Hai Tuần thứ 6 Phục Sinh:

Chúa Giêsu đã chắc chắn rằng những người theo Ngài là những người sẽ không bao giờ phải cô đơn trong cuộc sống vì Ngài sẽ sai Chúa Thánh Thần là Đấng Bảo Hộ, là Người sẽ An ủi hay là Người bênh vực của Chúa đến để làm chứng, hướng dẫn và giảng dạy chúng ta, những người đã tin theo Chúa. Chúng ta sẽ cần đến Chúa Thánh Thần! Ngài cảnh cáo cho chúng ta biết rằng: Nếu chúng ta theo Chúa sống và làm theo những giáo huấn của Ngài thì thế giới này sẽ ghen ghét và thù nghịch với chúng ta. Và một ngày sẽ đến khi chúng ta sẽ bị một số người bách hại chúng ta nhưng họ cứ nghĩ là họ đã làm đẹp lòng Thiên Chúa. Thật sự như thế cho đến cả hôm nay bao nhiều quốc gia Hồi Giáo quá khích đã gây ra chiến tranh, bạo động và họ cố gắng tiêu giệt các tôn giáo khác, kể cả Thiên Chúa Giáo, họ nghĩ là họ vậy là làm đẹp lòng và trung thành với Thiên Chúa.
Thiên Chúa không bao giờ muốn hay chấp nhận bạo lực hay thù hận vì danh Chúa. Chúng ta hãy cẩn thận, sống làm đẹp lòng Chúa trong lời nói, trong sự suy nghĩ, lời nói của chúng ta không bao giờ có thể thể hiện sự bạo lực, không dung nạp, hoặc hận thù với bất cứ ai vì lý do nào, đặc biệt là liên quan đến Thiên Chúa. Lạy Chúa, xin ban cho con lòng khoan dung và luôn biết tôn trọng người khác.

Monday 6th Week of Easter (C) May 2, 2016
Many of the first converts to Christianity were women. Paul and his companions met a Greek woman named Lydia outside of Philippi next to a river (there is a beautiful outdoor chapel there now). She was a God-fearer — a pagan who was attracted to Judaism and open to its teachings. The Lord opened her heart; she and her household were baptized, and she extended hospitality to Paul. Often the contributions of women in the church have not been adequately appreciated and recognized, and the Holy Father has called for a greater voice for women. Let us open our own minds and hearts.
Jesus made sure that his followers would never be alone. He left them the Paraclete; comforter or advocate ; to witness, guide, and teach. They would need it! He warned that by following him they would earn the world's hatred. A day would even arrive when those who killed them would think that they were doing God a favor. How true — even today, many resort to violence in the belief that they are being faithful to God. God does not ask for or accept violence or hatred in His name. Let us take care in word, thought, and speech that we do not demonstrate violence, intolerance, or hatred to anyone for any reason, especially concerning God. Lord, grant me tolerance and respect for others.

Monday 6th Week of Easter
Opening Prayer: Good and Loving God, I am here before you in faith. Please strengthen my faith. I come before you in hope; please increase my hope. I come before you in love; please deepen my love.

Encountering Christ:
Truth, Beauty, and Goodness: In this internet age, we are often pummeled by misinformation or simply too much information. This overstimulation can hurt our capacity to discern truth. When we shift our time and attention to reading the Scriptures and other quality books, seeking out beauty in nature and art, and watching resources like, we are much more likely to sharpen our discernment and find truth we can live by. Jesus tells us that the Advocate is the Spirit of Truth, and testifies to the Father. It is the Spirit that helps us to seek and find Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life. May we invite the Holy Spirit into all of our efforts to seek truth.
They Will Expel You from the Synagogues: In every epoch, people have felt that they lived in the worst time in history. Fr. John Bartunek, LC, said recently that the history of the Church is the history of crisis! He also pointed out, however, that great saints emerged in each era of trial and hardship. Today’s reflection is a call to mission for each of us. We are called to be the saints of this era. We are called to sanctity that begins in relationship with God through our Advocate, the Holy Spirit. We will grow in holiness through our personal prayers and our liturgical prayer.
“I Never Promised You a Rose Garden”: Christ knew how difficult certain periods of history would be for Christian believers. For how many centuries have we read, “They will do this because they have not known either the Father or me. I have told you this so that when their hour comes you may remember that I told you.” (John 16:3-4) And many of our brothers and sisters have courageously said, “Amen,” to suffer for the Gospel. Some of us have really just started understanding that we live in a post-Christian culture. This reality, however, should cause us no fear, for we do not journey alone. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we are ready to do whatever Our Lord requires to spread the Gospel in our day. Lord, excite our hearts for this mission!
Conversation with Christ: Lord, in this Easter season, send me your Easter joy. I want to live that Easter joy even when the culture resists. Help me to connect to you in a special way today as I meditate on your victory over death so that I am empowered by your grace to do your will in all things.
Resolution: Lord, today by your grace I will spend extra time with you by avoiding news and politics and replacing it with silence or beautiful music.

The first reading relates the path that Paul and Barnabas took after leaving Jerusalem and as they progressed towards the area of the Gentiles. In the first reading, they meet Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth from the city of Thyatira, listened and as a result, the Lord enlightened and opened her heart to hear what Paul was saying.
We can relate this particular instance in our daily lives. When we allow ourselves to listen and open our hearts to what God is trying to tell us, we may be able to hear and understand him. However, there are times no matter how hard we try, it seems that his Word refuses to give meaning in our lives. During those times, we need to ask the help of the Holy Spirit to open our ears, mind and heart so that we can reap the full benefit from the Lord's Word.
In the Gospel today, Jesus emphatically states that he will be sending the Advocate to the disciples and to us. Jesus reminds us that the Spirit of truth will testify to you and me. These words of Jesus should comfort and encourage us all. The disciples were once a group of people who were afraid for their own lives, especially during the period after Jesus was crucified. But they turned into a group of brave men, unafraid to proclaim the teachings of the Lord and enduring all kinds of suffering and persecution. In the last forty days which Jesus spent with the disciples after his resurrection, Jesus gave his disciples a lasting hope and courage which they needed to fulfill their mission that was entrusted to them - that of bringing the Word of the Lord to all nations.

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