Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Thứ Sáu tuần 27 Thường Niên

 Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Thứ Sáu tuần 27 Thường Niên 

Chúa Giêsu nói với chúng ta trong Tin Mừng hôm nay, "Ai không đi với ta thì là kẻ ấy là người chống lại ta, và ai không cùng ta thu góp là người phân tán." Chúa Giêsu có thể đã bổ sung vào lời giải thích: "Kẻ nào không giúp ta vác thập giá, thì kẻ ấy đã thực sự làm cho thập giá đó nặng nề hơn; còn kẻ nào không đi với ta, nói chuyện với ta, làm việc với ta, và sống với ta, thì kẻ ấy chắc chắn đang theo một ai đó khác không phải là ta. " 
Có phải chúng ta đang theo Chúa Kitô hay chúng ta đang chống lại Chúa Kitô? Có lẽ chúng ta đã tìm ra một câu trả lời rất đơn giản, dễ dàng bằng cách chúng ta hãy hỏi chính bản thân: "Tôi có giúp phụ vác thánh giá với Chúa Kitô?" Tôi có dám từ bỏ chính bản thân mình để giúp đỡ người khác khi họ đang có nhu cầu, đang cần sự giúp đỡ? Hãy nhớ là Chúa Kitô đã hiến mạng sống Ngài cho tất cả chúng ta. Chúng ta có dám sẵn sàng vác thập giá vì tình yêu thương Chúa Kitô cho người nghèo khổ, đói khát, không nhà và cô đơn? Chúng ta có dám hy sinh một chút thời giờ quý hoá, năng lực và tiền bạc của chúng ta để giúp những người khác có thể sống một cách xứng đáng hơn, trọn vẹn hơn và được hạnh phúc hơn? 
Có bao giờ chúng ta có cùng một ý nghĩ với Chúa Kitô trong tư tưởng, trong lời nói và hành động của chúng ta? Đời sống cầu nguyện của chúng ta có được Chúa Kitô thường xuyên hiện diện với chúng ta và chúng ta có thật sự đối diện trực tiếp với Ngài? Chúa Giêsu là đường, là cách duy nhất để giúp đem chúng ta đến với hạnh phúc vĩnh cửu. Những chỉ khi nào chúng ta sống với Ngài và chết với Ngài, thì chúng ta mới có thể được ở bên Ngài trong Nước Chúa ở trên trời. 

Jesus tells us in today's Gospel, "He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters." Jesus might have added in explanation: "He who does not help me carry the cross, actually makes it heavier; he who does not walk with me and talk with me and work with me and live with me, he surely is following someone else not me." 
Are we for Christ or against Christ? Perhaps we can easily find out by asking ourselves: "Am I helping Christ to carry his cross?" Am I denying myself to be of help to others when they are in need? Remember Christ gave his life for all of us. Are we willing to carry the cross out of love for the poor, the needy, the lonely? Can we sacrifice a little of our precious time, energy or money so that others may live more decently and more happily? Are we with Christ in our thoughts, words and actions? Is our prayer life such that Christ is often with us and we with him?" Jesus is the way, the only way to eternal happiness. Only if we live with him and die with him, can we be with him in his heavenly kingdom. 

Introductory Prayer: Lord, you are omnipotent, all-powerful. For that reason alone, I ought to ally myself to you. I believe that you can do all things. I am confident that you will act in my life. I love you because even though you are the all-powerful God, you are humble, having made yourself one like me, so that I can approach you without being intimidated, with trust. 

Petition: Lord Jesus, your kingdom come in my soul! 
1. THE Sign from Heaven: When Jesus casts out a demon from a soul, some of the bystanders then ask him to perform a sign from heaven. Jesus is the sign from heaven, the living presence of God with us. His casting out a demon already testifies that he can do what no one else can do. It proves that he is God. However, I want to fix my eyes on him as the object of my love, not on the spectacular things that he does. It is important to look at the Giver, not the gift he gives. 
2. The Kingdom of God: There is combat going on, and the human soul is the battleground. In this case, the man is freed of demonic possession, and one kingdom has been dispossessed of its conquest. Another Kingdom is on the move! Light is replacing darkness. Springtime melts away the winter. This brings joy and warmth to my soul. 
3. The Gentle Guest: When the soul has been freed from the effects of evil, it can be likened to a tidy house. Jesus chose to clean the house, the interior dwelling place, of the possessed man. He will not, by his choice alone, take up the vacant place in that soul. He very much desires to be there, but he knocks and wants to be invited in freely by the homeowner. Once at home in my heart, Jesus is the strong man whom no one can overcome. 
Conversation with Christ: Lord Jesus Christ, I am not content just with being liberated from sin, although that is already a great gift. I know that you are knocking at the door of my heart. I ask you to come in and make my soul your dwelling place. I have been made to be a dwelling place of the Blessed Trinity, and I desire that fullness of life. 
Resolution: I will be attentive to the fact that I am a dwelling of God and look to do what is worthy of that dignity. Specifically, I will be alert to the thoughts that pass through my mind and the words that cross my lips today. 

REFLECTION 2017 and 2019 

In the first reading the prophet Joel tells the careless and sinful people to prepare for the coming and judgment of the Lord by prayer and fasting. Yahweh comes as a fearful and just God. 
In the Gospel reading Jesus contends with the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law who claim that he drives out evil spirits by the power of Beelzebub. Clearly he was not driving out evil spirits by the power of Beelzebub, the chief of the evil spirits: if so, the kingdom of Satan is divided and will fall. 
And Jesus challenges his detractors: "But suppose I drive out demons by the finger of God, would not this mean that the kingdom of God has come upon you?" 
Due to their hardened hearts the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law have refused to see him as coming from God, despite his teaching and his wonderful works. 
We pray that our faith in Christ may be confirmed. We pray that we may see God and his grace in his many good works and in the wonderful world he has given to us. We pray that we may see God in all things. 

In the first reading the prophet Joel tells the careless and sinful people to prepare for the coming and judgment of the Lord by prayer and fasting. Yahweh comes as a fearful and just God. 
In the Gospel reading Jesus contends with the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law who claim that he drives out evil spirits by the power of Beelzebub. Clearly he was not driving out evil spirits by the power of Beelzebub, the chief of the evil spirits: if so, the kingdom of Satan is divided and will fall. 
And Jesus challenges his detractors: "But suppose I drive out demons by the finger of God, would not this mean that the kingdom of God has come upon you?" 
Due to their hardened hearts the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law have refused to see him as coming from God, despite his teaching and his wonderful works. 
We pray that our faith in Christ may be confirmed. We pray that we may see God and his grace in his many good works and in the wonderful world he has given to us. We pray that we may see God in all things. 

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