Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Thứ Tư 17Th Thường Niên

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Thứ Tư 17Th Thường Niên
Trong hai dụ ngộn gắn gọn, Chúa Giêsu dậy cho mọi người biết rằng vương quốc trên Trời là gì: Nước của Thiên Chúa thì giống như một người đi tìm thấy một kho tàng ẩn giấu trong ngoài đồng, khi đã tìm thấy được thì ông ta  bán tất cả những gì ông có để mua cho được cánh đồng đó, và Nước Trời cũng giống như một nhà buôn truy lùng loại ngọc trai quý, khi ông ta tìm  được rồi thì anh ta bán tất cả những gì anh ta có để mua cho được viên ngọc trai quý đó.
  Nước Trời của Thiên Chúa còn rất quý giá hơn những kho tang hay ngọc trai quý giá, vì thế chúng ta nên sẵn lòng bán tất cả những gì chúng ta có để chúng ta có thể đến được Nước Trời của Thiên Chúa.
  Những điều khác nhau có thể làm cản trở việc chúng ta theo đuổi Nước Trời: đó là những giới hạn và điểm yếu của con người, sự thiếu kiên trì và đức tin của chúng ta, vì chúng ta chỉ biết tập trung vào những thứ của thế gian này thay vì những thứ tồn tại ở bên ngoài cái thế giới mà chúng ta đang sống đây với những sự bí hiểm của cái ma quỷ đang vây bủa chung quianh chúng ta. Chúng ta cần có một mối quan hệ cá nhân với Chúa Giêsu cho dù bất kể những trở ngại nào đó có thể xảy ra như Chúa Giêsu đã nói với chúng ta về Nước Trời của Thiên Chúa và chính Ngài là người sẽ dẫn đường cho chúng ta vào tận hưởng trong Nước Trời của Thiên Chúa.
  Xin Chúa giúp dẫn đường, chỉ lối cho chúng ta để chúng ta không bao giờ phải lạc lối trong việc theo đuổi Thiên Chúa Trời và Nước thiên đàng.
REFLECTION WEDNESDAY, 17TH Week in Ordinary Time
 In two brief parables Jesus tries to tell people what the kingdom of heaven is about: like one who finds a hidden treasure in the field and sells all he owns to be able to purchase the field and like a trader who finds a truly exceptional pearl and sells all he owns to purchase the pearl.
 The kingdom of heaven is so valuable we should be willing to sell all we own to get to the kingdom of heaven.
 Various things may hinder our pursuit of the kingdom of heaven: our own human limitations and weaknesses, our lack of faith, our focus on things of this earth rather on things which persist beyond this earth and the guiles of the evil one. Whatever the hindrances may be, we do need a personal relationship with Jesus who has told us about the kingdom of heaven and who has led the way for us to enjoy the kingdom of heaven.
 May we never go astray in our pursuit of God and the kingdom of heaven.
Wednesday 17th Ordinary Time 2023
Jesus said to his disciples: “The Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” Matthew 13:44
Today’s Gospel presents us with two very short and similar parables. In the first, quoted above, the Kingdom of Heaven is likened to a “treasure.” In the second parable, the Kingdom of Heaven is likened to a “pearl of great price.” Though these parables are very similar to each other, there are also subtle differences worth pondering. It appears that the treasure mentioned in the first parable is discovered almost by accident. The person simply “finds” it. This is in contrast to the second parable, in that the merchant who finds the pearl of great price did so after “searching” for it. 
We often encounter the Treasure of the Gospel without even looking for it. We do so any time God intervenes in our lives without us seeking His intervention. For example, if someone were to offer an act of charity to you without you seeking it out, this is God giving you a treasure of His Kingdom. Or if someone shares with you their faith, or an inspiration they received, this is indeed a treasure given to you by God. The problem is that many times when we are given these treasures of the Gospel, we do not always see them as treasures. Imagine, for example, if the person in this parable were to stumble upon the treasure in the field and fail to open it out of indifference. They see it from a distance, have a bit of curiosity about what is in the box, but they are not energetic enough to actually open the box and look inside. In that case, the person would have no reason to go and sell all that they have so as to buy the field in which the treasure is found.
One clear message that this first parable reveals is that we must be attentive to the countless treasures of God’s graces given to us each and every day. God is so prolific in offering us grace, that we truly do stumble upon His grace all the time. Thus, having eyes to perceive His actions and ears to Hear His Voice is essential.
A second message clearly given in both of these parables is that once we discover the graces God gives us every day, we must foster within ourselves a desire for those graces that is so strong that we are willing to do anything necessary to obtain them. The discovery is made through the gift of faith, but the discovery by faith must then be followed with a zeal that drives our will to conform to that discovery.
Reflect, today, upon two things. First, have you discovered the treasures God has given to you? If you hesitate in answering this, then it’s most likely the case that there is much you have yet to discover. Secondly, as you do discover the riches that come with the gift of faith, then have you allowed that which God has spoken to you to consume you to such a point that you are willing to sell all you have, meaning, do whatever it takes to further accept all God wants to bestow? Resolutely determine to go forth on this holy search and you will find that the riches of grace that you obtain are of infinite value.
My Lord of all riches, You bestow upon me and upon all Your children countless graces every day. The treasures of Your mercy are of infinite value. Please open my eyes so that I can see and my ears so that I can hear so as to discover all that You wish to bestow. May You and the riches of Your Kingdom become the one and only, all-consuming focus of my life. Jesus, I trust in You.
Wednesday 17th Ordinary Time 2023
Introductory Prayer: Lord, you have made me for yourself, and my heart is restless until I rest in you. I want to encounter you more deeply today so that you can be my treasure. Thank you for the gift of this new day. I know you love me. I wish to discover your love more deeply and give it to others.
Petition: Lord, help me to treasure the gift of your friendship.
1. In Search of a Treasure: The restlessness in our hearts can be compared to a hunt for treasure. In different ways, we all experience the desire for unconditional love, true goodness, the answer to our deepest questions. In Christ, God has come to give himself to us. He is the one we truly long for; he is our greatest treasure. During this time of prayer, let us deepen our awareness of the greatness of his gift of friendship, and let us strengthen this friendship by our openness to his love.
2. The Priceless Treasure: In Christ, we have experienced the overwhelming faithfulness of God’s love for us. In his mercy, we discover that our life has infinite value in the Father’s eyes. In his teachings, we discover the wisdom to build our life on solid ground. In his grace, we receive the strength to grow in love and holiness. This is where we can build a true future. This is where we can live up to our calling to greatness. But we must be willing to leave aside all other concerns to possess this treasure. We must leave aside anything that tries to give us a false sense of security outside of God. Am I making my friendship with Christ the one value that guides my heart and my decisions?
3. The Unopened Treasure Chest: Unpacking this treasure is the work of our spiritual life. We need to cooperate with Christ’s grace to truly possess this treasure. The cultivation of faith, hope, and charity helps us discover and live this treasure more fully each day. Our sacrifices and renunciations done to put on the new man help us dig this treasure out of the earthy make-up of our lives. Living generous charity helps us make this treasure truly last and enrich our lives. Am I sincerely allowing Christ’s treasure to transform me?
Conversation with Christ: Lord, thank you for the gift of your love. You are the treasure I genuinely long for. Help me to enter more deeply into your heart this day by doing things your way no matter what the cost. Help me to value the gift of your friendship above everything else.
Resolution: I will make a small sacrifice of my time to do something extra for someone who needs God’s love.

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