Thursday, June 29, 2023

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng thứ Ba 12th Thường Niên

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng thứ Ba 12th Thường Niên

Hôm nay, Chúa Giêsu đã đưa ra cho chúng ta ba lời khuyên: Lời khuyên đầu tiên, "Không đem vật thánh cho cho chó, hoặc ném ngọc trai trước mõn lợn.

            Chúa Giêsu đã cho chúng ta thấy sự tương phản giữa vật hiếm quý như ngọc trai và của thánh, và những con vật dơ bẩn như chó và lợn. Ngọc trai là vật có giá trị rất lớn và thậm chí được coi là vô giá được đem ra so với sự thánh thiện bởi vì Thiên Chúa là đấng thánh, là tất cả,  Ngài mời gọi chúng ta đến để chia sẻ sự thánh thiện vô cùng quý báu và vô giá, ở đây Chúa Giêsu muốn nói đến sự quan tâm của Ngài là Đức tin trong sự tinh khiết. Một đức tin mà đã được Thiên Chúa thánh hóa.         

            Theo các giáo huấn của Giáo hội đã dạy:  Không ai được nhận lãnh Mình và Máu Thánh Chúa ngoại trừ những người đã được rửa tội và đã xưng tội, dọn mình sạch sẽ, vì thế mà Chúa đã nói: "Không cho chó những gì là vật thánh" Chúa Giêsu mời gọi chúng ta đến tham dự vào bàn tiệc Thánh với Người, nhưng chúng ta phải đến một cách xứng đáng.

            Chúa Giêsu đã tóm lược giáo lý trong Cựu Ước "bất cứ điều gì bạn muốn người ta làm cho bạn, bạn hãy làm như vậy với họ" (Mt 7:12). Luật yêu thương không phải chỉ là đòi hỏi bạn tránh gây thương tích hoặc gây tổn hại cho người khác, Nhưng tình yêu tuyệt vời là một tình yêu đòi hỏi vô điều kiện và Tình yêu này phải được tỏ ra cho tất cả mọi người.

            Nếu chúng ta có thể làm cả những gì điều trên, chúng ta đã đi đúng đường mà Chúa muốn. Con đường dẫn chúng ta đến cuộc sống đời đời. Chúa đã cho chúng ta sự tự do lựa chọn con đường mà chúng ta sẽ đi, Con đường rộng thênh thang hay con đường nhỏ hẹp gồ gề khó đi.  Xin Chúa cho chúng ta được khôn ngoan để chọn con đường sẽ dẫn đến cuộc sống đời đời hơn là con đường dẫn đến cái chết và sự tiêu diệt..

            Nếu chúng ta để tình yêu và sự khôn ngoan của Thiên Chúa cai trị tâm hồn chúng ta, chúng ta có thể tin tưởng vào sự hướng dẫn và ân sủng của Người để đi theo con đường của tình yêu và sự thánh thiện


Reflection Tuesday 12th Odinary Gospel Mt 7:6, 12-14

Today, the Lord makes three recommendations. The first one, “Do not give what is holy to dogs, or throw your pearls before swine”. Second one: “Do to others whatever you would have them do to you”. And the third one is: “Enter through the narrow gate.” Jesus makes a contrast in which “assets” are associated with “pearls” and to what “is holy”; and “dogs and pigs” to what is impure. Pearls were of very great value and even considered priceless. The same with holiness because God is all-holy and he invites us to share in his holiness which is very precious and priceless as well. Jesus’ concern here is purity, the purity of the faith which has been entrusted to us by God the most holy.  The early church referenced this expression with the Eucharist. According to the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, a first century church manual stated: Let no one eat or drink of your Eucharist except those baptized into the name of the Lord; for, as regards this, the Lord has said, 'Do not give what is holy to dogs.' The Lord Jesus invites us to his table, but we must approach worthily. 

Jesus summed up the teaching of the Old Testament law “So whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them” (Matthew 7:12). The law of love requires more than simply avoiding injury or harm to one's neighbor. Perfect love, a love which is unconditional and which reaches out to all, always seeks the good of others for their sake and gives the best we can offer for their welfare. When we love our neighbors and treat them in the same way we wish to be treated. Loving God with all that we have and are and loving our neighbor as ourselves. How can we love our neighbor selflessly and show them kindness and concern for their welfare?  If we empty our hearts of all unkind and unloving thoughts and sentiments, then there will only be room for kindness, goodness, charity, and mercy. Saint Paul reminds us in the letter to the Romans that "God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us" (Romans 5:5). 

It is the love of God that fuels our unconditional love for others, let the Holy Spirit transform our life with the purifying fire of God's love.  If we can do both what recommends above, we are on the right track the way that leads to fulfillment and life versus the way that leads to destruction and death. The Lord gives us freedom to choose which way we will go. Ask him for the wisdom to know which way will lead to life rather than to death and destruction. In the book of Deuteronomy teach us: “See, I have set before you this day life and good, death and evil. ...Therefore choose life that you and your descendants may live (Deuteronomy 30:15-20). If we allow God's love and wisdom to rule our hearts, then we can trust in his guidance and grace to follow the path of love and holiness.


Tuesday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time.

“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many. How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few.” Matthew 7:13–14.

Is fear helpful? That depends. It depends upon which form of fear we are speaking of. First, there is a form of fear that is contrary to faith. It’s a fear that leads us to doubt and even despair. It’s a fear that results from the attack of the evil one and others who may sin against us. This form of fear is unhealthy and must be overcome through a faith that turns to our Lord with the utmost confidence and hope.

But there is also a holy fear that is most useful and one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. Recall the Proverb that says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…” (Proverbs 9:10). At a minimal level, this holy fear makes you aware of your sins and the consequences of those sins, especially serious sin. And this holy fear leads you to fear the punishment that results from sin, leading you to avoid serious sin. But the ideal form of “fear of the Lord” we must strive for is “filial fear,” which is the holy fear of a son or daughter of God. This fear is one that is grounded in a profound love of God and leaves you so filled with a wonder and awe of the glory, goodness and majesty of God that you are filled with a desire to please Him and give Him great glory with your life. Thus, this “fear” leads you to a desire to avoid even the smallest of sin, because, in your love of God, you not only want to avoid offending Him, you also want to honor Him to the greatest extent possible.

The Scripture passage above should lead us to, at a minimum, a fear of not entering the gate to the “road that leads to life.” It is useful to consider Jesus’ teaching in a very straightforward way. Jesus essentially says that it is quite easy to walk through the gate that is “wide” and down the road that is “broad” in this life. In other words, it’s exceptionally easy to embrace a life of sin and head toward “destruction.” Jesus further says that those who walk through this wide gate and down this broad road are “many.” This fact should be the cause of our honest daily examination. If this broad road is so easy, then we should honestly admit that we can easily find ourselves walking it.

The “narrow gate” and the “constricted” road are found and walked by only a “few,” according to Jesus’ words. Again, we should take notice of this and take it seriously. Jesus would not say this if it were not true. Therefore, if the gift of the fear of the Lord is alive in your life, and if you truly are a son or daughter of God, then you will daily strive to be one of those “few” who find this narrow way to holiness. And, ideally, you will do so out of your love for God and your desire to give Him the greatest glory you can.

Reflect, today, upon this challenging teaching of our Lord. Take Him at His word and evaluate your life in light of this teaching. What are you doing in life to be certain that you are one of those few who have begun to walk through this narrow gate? Does your love for God leave you with such a wonder and awe of the greatness of God that your deepest desire is to not only please Him but to glorify Him fully with your actions? Strive to enter the narrow gate and the constricted road and do not turn back. Though this requires much determination, sacrifice and love, the goal and end of the road are worth it.

My most magnificent Lord, You and You alone are worthy of all glory, honor and praise. May everything I do in life lead to Your glory and may I avoid everything that harms my relationship with You. I love You, dear Lord. Help me to love You and glorify You with all my heart. Jesus, I trust in You.


Reflection Tuesday 12th Odinary 2023.

Opening Prayer: Dear Lord, I believe in you, in your goodness, and your interest in me. I am coming into your presence right now full of a desire to know you better, to praise you, and to receive whatever grace you want to give me today. 

Encountering Christ:

1. Christian Creativity: When Jesus commands us to “Do to others whatever you would have them do to you,” he is enhancing a commandment in use among other rabbis during his lifetime. The other version said, “Do not do to others what you would not like them to do to you.” The common version uses the negative–“do not do”–and Jesus uses the positive: “do.” The underlying sentiment in both versions is the same: other people, every other person, is worthy of my respect and consideration. I cannot treat other people as if they were less important or less worthy than myself. I must see others as brothers and sisters, as fellow human beings and companions who share my same dignity. And the way I treat them must flow from that realization. This is the underlying sentiment in both versions of the Golden Rule. But Jesus’s positive version adds a dimension absent in the negative version. When we “do to others whatever you would have them do to you,” we keep our eyes open for opportunities to serve, encourage, and support. We actually seek opportunities to make a positive impact on the lives of others. The negative version is more limited, encouraging us to avoid causing others damage or putting obstacles in their path. The positive version actually includes the negative version, but not vice versa. Jesus is inviting us not only to avoid causing problems, but to be creative contributors to the world around us, to the people we encounter, live with, and work with. This is an essential element in our Christian identity. Wherever a true Christian can be found, the world and the lives of others will be better because of that Christian’s presence. Love is always looking for ways to build up, help, serve, improve, and beautify. If every Christian simply lived this one commandment to the full, imagine how different the world would be. How fully am I living it?

2. Christ’s Challenge: Jesus tells us that the road that leads to life is constricted, the gate that leads to life is narrow, whereas the path leading to destruction is wide and popular. In this one comparison, he gives us a sketch of life in a fallen world. The default position of our fallen human nature is contrary to our true good. In other words, it is easier for us to fall into self-centeredness, self-indulgence, self-pity, and self-absorption than it is for us to live with generosity, courage, kindness, charity, and creativity. This is the real core of what is often referred to as “spiritual warfare.” A battle rages within us. Our tendencies to sin pull us in one direction, while our faith invites us to travel in another direction. It is hard to accept faith’s invitation and curb our worldly desires. It would be easier to give in to those worldly desires—they seem so easy, they promise a quick satisfaction, and everyone else is doing it anyway. That’s the wide gate that leads us towards the frustration of our real calling. Choosing to follow the invitation of our faith–entering in by the narrow gate–means, at times, going against popular trends and fads, delaying the gratification of some of our desires, and just plain working hard to do what is right and good. Jesus knows that his way can be hard. But he encourages us to follow it anyway. He believes in us. He knows that he made our hearts to find their fulfillment–the fullness of life–in our relationship with him, in obeying the commandments that reveal the authentic requirements of our human nature. How willing am I to battle against the destructive tendencies of my human nature in order to nourish and release the full potential of life within me? Jesus wants me to be willing, and he will help me. I just have to decide.

3. Sagacious Disciples: When Jesus warns us about the danger of giving our pearls to swine, he is teaching to be Christian realists. Jesus understands better than any of us just how broken our world is, just how fallen our human nature is. He knows that it is not enough for us simply to want to do good, to be a positive influence in the world. No, we also have to learn how to do that. We have to learn to be sagacious about choosing the right time, place, and manner for sharing with others the pearls of truth and grace we have received from the Lord. When a space capsule reenters the earth’s atmosphere, it has to do so at just the right angle and speed. Otherwise, it may bounce off the atmosphere and drift irretrievably back into space. Or it may enter too sharply and incinerate completely, instead of navigating toward a safe landing. It is similar to our attempts to share with others the Good News and the wisdom of Jesus Christ through our words and deeds. The right word spoken at the wrong time can worsen situations rather than improving them. A good deed done with the right intention but in the wrong circumstances can actually cause damage instead of promoting healing. In a certain sense, this fallen world is like a battlefield strewn with landmines. Jesus wants us to learn to identify where those mines are hidden and develop the ability to avoid setting them off. This doesn’t need to make us timid–after all, he also instructed us to shout from the rooftops what the Lord whispers to our hearts–but Jesus wants it to help make us wise and discerning.

Conversing with Christ: Your teaching challenges me, Lord. I don’t always feel like doing to others what I would want them to do to me. I don’t always feel like following the narrow path through the narrow gate. I don’t always feel like taking time to reflect and discern how I should behave. But here you are, teaching me that it is well worth it to do all those things, even if at times I don’t feel like it. I want to trust you, Lord, and to follow your teachings, these teachings. I want to be your faithful disciple so that my life can bear fruit and bring me the fulfillment I yearn for. But I need your help, Lord. Grant me your grace, Lord: light to know what you want me to do, and strength to carry it out.

Resolution: Lord, today by your grace I will go out of my comfort zone in order to do something for someone else that can help them. Afterward, I will spend some time in prayer, talking with the Lord about what it felt like and what I learned from it.


Reflection Tuesday 12th Odinary 2021

Opening Prayer: 

Lord, these are sobering words. Enlighten me and help me to draw the lessons from this reflection that you have for me on this day.

Encountering Christ:

Pearls to Swine: What a vivid description Our Lord used to show us how he wants us to evangelize! When we speak of the beauty of knowing Christ to others, love demands that we first prayerfully assess their receptivity. It takes mature discernment to know what to say, how to say it, and when it will be well received. If we’re overly enthusiastic, too forceful, or speak in a churchy tone (i.e., quoting line-and-verse of the latest encyclical to someone who doesn’t even know Jesus), our listener may “tear us to pieces.” Additionally, if we overshare or proffer books, website links, etc., too much too soon, we may fail as the Lord’s emissary. Jesus wants his disciples to communicate first and foremost his love. For this purpose, he sent his Spirit to teach us what to say (Luke 12:12).

The Golden Rule: What a world we would live in if people abided by the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do to you. Our workplaces, our homes, and our communities would be a little slice of heaven on earth. This rule of life applies equally to Christians and non-Christians because the point of reference for behavior is not Christ, per se, but ourselves. However, Christ told us later in the Gospel of John to do what he has done (John 13:15). In this case, the model for our behavior is Christ himself. Not only are we to do for others what we would have them do to us, but we are called to imitate Christ’s love for others: “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13). We can fulfill this lofty command only by relying on the Lord’s grace.

The Narrow Gate: We can certainly surmise, looking around at our current culture, that there are many broad roads leading to destruction. But, as faithful followers of Christ, how are we expected to respond to Our Lord’s description of the narrow and constricted gate that leads to life? Only a few find it. How many is “a few”? Would this “few” include me, my family members, those I pray for, my grandparents, my future grandchildren? The best response to Jesus’s warning is to practice the sometimes elusive virtue of hope. “Hope is the theological virtue by which we desire the kingdom of heaven and eternal life as our happiness, placing our trust in Christ’s promises and relying not on our own strength, but on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit” (CCC 1817). Full of hope, we emanate peace in our dealings with others, reflecting the love of Christ in our countenance. 

Conversing with Christ: Lord, in these short lines of Scripture your admonitions are very challenging. I need to be discerning before I speak about you, to love others as you love them, and to enter through the narrow gate. And of course, I want to bring my loved ones with me. Without your grace, I can truly do none of these things. You make it very clear that I am to love you, depend on you, and trust you with everything and everyone I care about. Please send your Holy Spirit to bring me peace and confidence so that I may radiate not anxiety of any kind, but only your joy.

Resolution: Lord, today by your grace I will pray ardently for those you place on my heart and have hope that you will bring them through the narrow gate to heaven. 



     In the first reading Abram and Lot separate and settle in different lands. God promises Abram land for himself and his descendants.

      The Gospel reading gives various sayings of Jesus.

      He cautions them about not giving thing of great worth to those unable to understand or appreciate them. Our teaching must be appropriate for those receiving them. Jesus taught in parables so that those who can see could know what he was teaching and those who could not see would not know what he was teaching.

        Secondly, he summarizes the Law and the Prophets in a simple statement, "Do to others whatever you would that others do to you."

      Thirdly, he reiterates that the road to life and happiness is narrow and rough. Many choose the most pleasant pleasurable things as their values and forget God and his values. The narrow gate mirrors the life of the Lord who chose to be poor so that we could be rich from his poverty.

            In several Gospel passages, such as the one we read today from Matthew, Jesus seems to speak in a threatening way, a way that seems more calculated to destroy our hope and peace of mind rather than to reveal to us the God who is love. Many people delight in climbing high mountains such as Everest. The more prudent climbers, of course, follow an experienced guide and, by following his instructions, can accomplish the climb safely. Since many people can be very foolish in dangerous situations, no doubt the guides have to be severe with the climbers at times.

            If we think of Jesus as a wise and experienced guide for our journey along the frequently treacherous and dangerous pathways of life, we will not be upset at his apparently threatening language. Rather than lose our peace of mind, our confidence in Jesus as our guide will be reinforced as he guides us safely along the rough road leading to the narrow gate and then through that gate to life everlasting.
            Jesus presents himself to us as the way: by following closely all his instructions, we grow in confidence and hope.

            Lord, even though we may often be reluctant to follow your teaching, nevertheless, guide us firmly and patiently along this rough road and through the gateway to life.      

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