Monday, December 18, 2023

Suy niệm Tin Mừng on Dec 18 Matthew 1:18-25

Suy niệm Tin Mừng, Dec 18 Matthew 1:18-25
Trong phúc âm hôm nay, chúng ta thấy sự yếu hèn của Thánh Giuse, Vì ngài cũng chỉ là con người như thấp hèn như chúng ta. Nhưng với là con người thích sự công chính, và nhờ vào sự cầu nguyện và tin vào lời của Thiên Chúa, mà thánh Giuse đã nhận Đức Maria làm vợ và nhận đứa trẻ trong lòng bà là Đấng Cứu Thế như lời đã hứa. Cũng Như Đức Mẹ, Thánh Giuse là một mô hình của đức tin cho chúng ta, Nhờ Thánh Giuse là một người công chính, một nhân chứng trung thành mà một phần kế hoạch cứu rỗi của Thiên Chúa đã được thực hiện.
Còn chúng ta, chúng ta đã sẵn sàng để tin vào lời Chúa đã hứa,? Ngay cả trong những khi chúng ta phải đối mặt với hoàn cảnh khó khăn bối rối và những vấn đề nan giản không lối thoát?
Thiên Chúa đã không để cho chúng ta phải mồ côi một mình, nhưng Ngài đã đem chính Con một của Ngài là Đức Giêsu Kitô, Đấng Cứu Thế đến với chúng ta. Vì vậy chúng ta hãy nên chuẩn bị tâm hồn để đón mừng Chúa Giáng sinh, Chúa Nhập Thể với tâm hồn trong sang và vui tươi. Chúng ta cũng hãy canh tân đức tin và niềm hy vọng của chúng ta vào Thiên Chúa và trong công cuộc cứu chuộc của Ngài.
Lạy Chúa Giêsu, xin Chúa đến để cứu chúng con thoát khỏi mọi tội lỗi và sức mạnh của sự chết, Xin Cho chúng con luôn luôn được vui mừng với sự cứu rỗi của Chúa và luôn biết tin tưởng vào những kế hoạch thiêng liêng mà Chúa đã sắp sẵn cho con.
Joseph was a just man. In the Bible, as consequently in our Christian life, the justice which matters most is never any mere human social or political justice but only the justice of God. Joseph’s justice, as well as his relationship with Mary, is only known to us from Scripture. The Word of God, is therefore revealed to us only as part of the mystery of the Incarnation. A first superficial and common notion is that Matthew accepted that Joseph was just with respect to the law of Moses, which seemed to demand that, not knowing how Mary came to be pregnant, he should divorce Mary, but being a kindly man, he decided to do this “quietly” or secretly. This notion, however, is not adequate or commensurate with the whole atmosphere of holiness and divine mystery which pervades the whole Gospel account. A more reasonable explanation is that Joseph was a holy man, sensitive to the presence of God and this would have naturally led him to the realization that somehow Mary’s situation was the work of God and that he should withdraw so as not to interfere with God's work. Teach us, Lord, to be just and sensitive to Your presence in our lives so that we may never be a hindrance to Your work
December 18 in Octave before Christmas 2023
This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about. When his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found with child through the Holy Spirit. Joseph her husband, since he was a righteous man, yet unwilling to expose her to shame, decided to divorce her quietly. Matthew 1:18–19
Mary’s pregnancy was truly mysterious. In fact, it was so mysterious that even Saint Joseph initially couldn’t accept it. But, to Joseph’s defense, who could accept such a thing? He was faced with what was a most confusing situation. The woman to whom he was engaged was suddenly with child, and Joseph knew he was not the father. But he also knew that Mary was a holy and pure woman. So, naturally speaking, it makes sense that this situation simply did not make immediate sense. But that’s the key. “Naturally speaking” this did not make immediate sense. The only way to understand the situation of Mary’s sudden pregnancy was through supernatural means. Thus, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, and that dream was all he needed to accept this mysterious pregnancy in faith.
It’s amazing to consider the fact that the greatest event to ever take place in human history happened under a cloud of apparent scandal and confusion. The angel revealed the deep spiritual truth to Joseph secretly, in a dream. And though Joseph may have shared his dream with others, it’s most likely the case that many people still assumed the worst. Most would have presumed that Mary was pregnant either by Joseph or by someone else. The idea that this conception was the working of the Holy Spirit would have been a truth beyond what their friends and relatives could ever comprehend.
But this presents us with a great lesson about judgment and the action of God. There are countless examples in life when God and His perfect will lead to judgment, apparent scandal and confusion. Take, for example, any martyr of old. We now look at the many acts of martyrdom in a heroic way. But when the martyrdom actually happened, many would have been deeply saddened, angered, scandalized and confused. Many, at the time of a loved one being martyred for the faith, would be tempted to question why God permitted this.
The holy act of forgiving another could also lead some to a form of “scandal” in life. Take, for example, the crucifixion of Jesus. From the Cross, He cried out, “Father, forgive them…” Were not many of His followers confused and scandalized? Why didn’t Jesus defend Himself? How could the promised Messiah have been found guilty by the authorities and killed? Why did God allow this? 
Reflect, today, upon the mystery of God’s actions in life. Are there things in your own life that are hard to accept, to embrace, or to understand? Know that you are not alone in this. Even Saint Joseph experienced this. Prayerfully commit yourself to a deeper faith in God’s wisdom in the face of any mystery with which you struggle. And know that this faith will help you to live more fully in accord with the glorious wisdom of God.
Lord, I turn to You with the deepest mysteries of my life. Help me to face them all with confidence and courage. Give me Your mind and Your wisdom so that I can walk each day in faith, trusting in Your perfect plan, even when that plan appears mysterious. Jesus, I trust in You.
Dec 18 
Opening Prayer: Lord, help me quiet my heart. Let the outside world fall away. In this time with you, I seek to grow in love and faith. Do not let the concerns of the day mar this opportunity to spend time with you. 
Encountering Christ:
1.      Gentle Righteousness: Joseph was faced with a devastating series of events. He had become betrothed to Mary in a binding religious ceremony, committing to her as his wife. Since the precepts of his time dictated a waiting period between the formal betrothal and taking her into his home as his wife, her pregnancy was a terrible shock to him. He had every reason to believe that his betrothed wife had been unfaithful. Yet, instead of bringing down the full wrath of the law on Mary, he planned to divorce her quietly. She could have been put to death for adultery, and Joseph, as heartbroken and mortified as he must have been, simply did not want that. What a gentle and kind heart he must have had. Are we as gracious and kind when we believe we have been wronged?
2.      The Dream: Joseph was a practical man, a carpenter who made his living working with his hands. Yet, he was also a student of Scripture and a man of prayer. When the angel appeared to Joseph in a dream, it might have been easy for Joseph to wake up and convince himself that he had not had a visitation from an actual angel. On the contrary, his heart and soul were open to the extraordinary possibility that the Scripture was, at last, being fulfilled. The more time we spend in prayer and in studying the word of God, the more ready we are to hear the Lord when he speaks to us. 
3.      The Prophecy Fulfilled: It is hard to imagine the wonder and awe mixed with fear that both Joseph and Mary must have experienced during this tumultuous time. Joseph did exactly what the angel told him to do, despite the difficulty it must have caused him. There may have been gossip about Mary’s pregnancy. They faced the hardship of traveling to fulfill the census when his young wife was about to give birth. Joseph had a quiet strength and he drew this strength from his obedience to God’s will. As St. Teresa of Avila was to say so many years later, “I know the power obedience has of making things easy which seem impossible” (Interior Castle, preface). The consequence of Joseph’s obedience was the fulfillment of the prophecy; Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel, which means “God is with us.” 
Conversation with Christ: Lord, help me to keep you first in my life, to keep my focus on you. By reflecting on the amazing events surrounding Jesus’ birth and the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies, my faith and trust in you are strengthened. You are my Lord, the author of my life. I surrender my life to you. 
Resolution: Lord, today by your grace I will make an act of faith as I pray this daily offering:
Eternal Father, I offer you everything I do this day: my work, my prayers, my apostolic efforts, my time with family and friends, my hours of relaxation; my difficulties, problems, and distress, which I shall try to bear with patience. Join these, my gifts to the unique offering which Jesus Christ, your Son, renews today in the Eucharist. United to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, may my life today may be of service to you and to your children, and help consecrate the world to you. Amen.

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