Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Thứ Năm Tuần I Thường Niên. (Mark 1:40-45 )

Thursday 1st Week in Ordinary Time

At the time of Jesus, Leprosy was a fatal disease. It separated a man from his family and drove him outside his village to lonely places. The leper was used to being rejected and viewed with fear and disgust.  They must stay away from normal people, if any  one come close to the leper or touched them, he or she must purify themselves in the temple..
Today Gospel tells us a leper timidly approached Jesus and said, ‘If you want, you can heal me!’
Jesus did something unusual and unheard of he touched the leper man. He did not view him with fear and he was not afraid of impurity by touching him.  This acceptance, affirmation, and physical touch was a major part of the healing power of Jesus.
Leprosy is a symbol of sin.  Sin separates us from God and others.  This leper couldn’t free himself from his disease any more than we can free ourselves from our sin.
This Gospel story is for us, to show us Jesus’s heart.  It reveals his love and his desire to free us from sin.
Jesus chose to heal the leper. Not only did he heal him, but he also touched him.  He reached out to the loneliness of that man, and he touched his life to cure him of the disease.
This reveals Christ’s heart so beautifully. Our sin never drives him away from us. He is always ready and willing to come to our aid if only we would cry out for his help.
The only question is: Are we capable of opening all of the inner wounds of our sins to Jesus so that He can heal us, wash us clean and make us whole again?
Sin keeps us from being who we were meant to be. Chapter 8 John Gospel said: “Everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin” (John 8:34).
 Jesus was free from sin and so was free to love and serve others.
 He wasn’t compelled by greed or anger.  He wasn’t moved by pride or impeded by laziness.  He was free to love, and he loved to the extent of dying on a cross.
How often do we say “no” to others and turn a blind eye to their needs?  Isn’t it sin that blinds us and selfishness that impedes us from loving others as Christ loves us?
We need to really believe in our heart of hearts that God is compassionate, merciful, and eager to help us in our need. It takes two to make a miracle; God and us!  
Let’s ask our Lord Jesus free us from sin so that we are empowered to love as he loves.

Let us pray for an increase in our faith in Jesus..

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Thứ Năm Tuần I Thường Niên. (Mark 1:40-45 )

Qua bài Tin Mừng hôm nay chúng ta thấy người phong cùi đã tới gần Chúa Giêsu và cầu xin ngài chữa lành. Anh ta đã rụt rè khiêm tốn và chỉ dám đề nghị với Chúa rằng "Nếu Ngài muốn, Ngài có thể làm cho tôi sạch!" anh ta không dám năm nĩ xin Chúa Giêsu chữa anh ta, nhưng anh ta chỉ có ý là anh xin được theo như ý Chúa muốn mà thôi.  Cũng vì cử chỉ khiêm tốn và lòng vững tin đó mà Chúa Giê-su đã động lòng thương xót, Ngài đã sốc vì cái sự rụt rè và khiêm tốn của người cùi này. "Tất nhiên Ta muốn, anh hãy nên sạch!" 
           Đôi khi những nỗi sợ hãi và những cảm xúc tiêu cực của chúng ta đã nhốt khoá chính mình trong bóng tối để không thể nhận ra Chúa và nhận ra được những ơn lành và long thương xót nơi Thiên Chúa. Chúng ta cần phải thực tâm và vững tin nơi lòng thương xót và từ bi của  Thiên Chúa. Thiên Chúa luôn có sẵn lòng thương xót, và luôn sẵn sàngvgiúp đỡ chúng ta trong những nhu cầu riêng  của chúng ta, nếu chúng ta biết phó thác và đạt niềm tin nơi Ngài. Một phép lạ cần phải có cả hai đối tượng để thực hiện đó là: Thiên Chúa và chúng ta ! Lạy Chúa, xin gia tăng đức tin của chúng con.

Thursday 1st Week in Ordinary Time

           The leper was so used to having people run away in disgust and fear that he was afraid to even ask Jesus for healing. He timidly suggested that Jesus could heal him — but only if he wanted to! Jesus, moved with compassion, was shocked at the man’s timidity. ‘Of course I want to, be healed!’ Sometimes our own fear and negative feelings about ourselves blocks us from receiving help and healing from God. We need to really believe in our heart of hearts that God is compassionate, merciful, and eager to help us in our need. It takes two to make a miracle — God and us!  Lord, increase my faith.

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