Thursday, July 29, 2021

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Thứ Tư 17Th Thường Niên

 Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Thứ Tư 17Th Thường Niên

Trong hai dụ ngộn gắn gọn, Chúa Giêsu dậy cho mọi người biết rằng vương quốc trên Trời là gì: Nước của Thiên Chúa thì giống như một người đi tìm thấy một kho tàng ẩn giấu trong ngoài đồng, khi đã tìm thấy được thì ông ta bán tất cả những gì ông có để mua cho được cánh đồng đó, và Nước Trời cũng giống như một nhà buôn truy lùng loại ngọc trai quý, khi ông ta tìm được rồi thì anh ta bán tất cả những gì anh ta có để mua cho được viên ngọc trai quý đó.
Nước Trời của Thiên Chúa còn rất quý giá hơn những kho tang hay ngọc trai quý giá, vì thế chúng ta nên sẵn lòng bán tất cả những gì chúng ta có để chúng ta có thể đến được Nước Trời của Thiên Chúa.
Những điều khác nhau có thể làm cản trở việc chúng ta theo đuổi Nước Trời: đó là những giới hạn và điểm yếu của con người, sự thiếu kiên trì và đức tin của chúng ta, vì chúng ta chỉ biết tập trung vào những thứ của thế gian này thay vì những thứ tồn tại ở bên ngoài cái thế giới mà chúng ta đang sống đây với những sự bí hiểm của cái ma quỷ đang vây bủa chung quianh chúng ta. Chúng ta cần có một mối quan hệ cá nhân với Chúa Giêsu cho dù bất kể những trở ngại nào đó có thể xảy ra như Chúa Giêsu đã nói với chúng ta về Nước Trời của Thiên Chúa và chính Ngài là người sẽ dẫn đường cho chúng ta vào tận hưởng trong Nước Trời của Thiên Chúa.
Xin Chúa giúp dẫn đường, chỉ lối cho chúng ta để chúng ta không bao giờ phải lạc lối trong việc theo đuổi Thiên Chúa Trời và Nước thiên đàng.

REFLECTION WEDNESDAY, 17TH Week in Ordinary Time
In two brief parables Jesus tries to tell people what the kingdom of heaven is about: like one who finds a hidden treasure in the field and sells all he owns to be able to purchase the field and like a trader who finds a truly exceptional pearl and sells all he owns to purchase the pearl.
The kingdom of heaven is so valuable we should be willing to sell all we own to get to the kingdom of heaven.
Various things may hinder our pursuit of the kingdom of heaven: our own human limitations and weaknesses, our lack of faith, our focus on things of this earth rather on things which persist beyond this earth and the guiles of the evil one. Whatever the hindrances may be, we do need a personal relationship with Jesus who has told us about the kingdom of heaven and who has led the way for us to enjoy the kingdom of heaven.
May we never go astray in our pursuit of God and the kingdom of heaven.

Opening Prayer: 
Lord Jesus, I trust in you! You are worth more than any treasure I find here on earth. Help me to choose you above all else.
Encountering Christ:
1. The Way of Nada: St. John of the Cross, a great mystic and saint of the 16th century, experienced firsthand the treasure of friendship with the Lord. He had every “right” to complain that God was not a good friend. He was locked into a small room and was starved and tortured by his own brothers when he sought to reform the Carmelite order, of which he was a member. In literal darkness, feeling rejected, and likely wondering if he should abandon his cause of reform, he discovered a treasure. Eventually, he wrote some of the greatest works on the spiritual life—words of wisdom for those who desire to possess the kingdom of heaven. The way is precisely the opposite of what one would expect—desire nothing in order to gain everything. It is the way of “nada.”
2. Sell Everything: Imagine a treasure that you would sell everything else for. Once you possess that treasure, you would no longer experience want. You would possess all that was needed. In the spiritual life, this is the goal of “letting go.” Far from you becoming a vagabond, it implies you are striving to put all things in their proper place. When we let go of the obsession to control, the driving anxiety to possess the same things as our neighbor, the necessity to be the center of attention, etc., we make space for Christ. He takes the front and center place in our lives. Our motives change and suddenly we are free to enjoy the possessions, people, and opportunities that are within our scope. We do so, not greedily, but with free, simple, and humble hearts, aware of the gift of stewardship that the Lord bestows upon us as disciples in his kingdom.
3. Buy the Field: The image that the Lord used in this parable is very curious. Why did the man rebury the treasure and buy the entire field? It seems he didn’t want to take any chances of losing the great gift he had just found. He wanted to ensure that he remained in full possession of the treasure. How do we seek to preserve the treasure of our faith, maintain the gift that we have received, and cultivate the soil where God’s grace wants to reign? Let’s speak to the Lord about the treasure that he desires to give us and how we can protect it. Let’s discern what to “let go of” and what to “purchase.”
Conversing with Christ: Lord Jesus, thank you for the gift of your friendship. Thank you for the gift of my faith. Help me to see whatever in my life is an obstacle to holding onto the one true treasure. Give me the strength to let it go. And grant me the grace to hold on to it only in order to share the treasure I have received, which is you.
Resolution: Lord, today by your grace, I will be attentive to the desires of my heart, which reveal what I hold on to as treasures. I will ask you to be my greatest treasure.

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