Friday, January 26, 2024

Chia sẽ Bài Tin Mừng Thứ Bẩy Tuần thứ 3 TN - Mark 4:35-41

Chia sẽ Bài Tin Mừng Thứ Bẩy Tuần thứ 3 TN
- Mark 4:35-41
Qua bài đọc hôm nay, chúng ta có thể tưởng tượng đến các Tông Đồ trong chiếc " thuyền " giữa cơn biển động, Chiếc thuyền này là biểu tượng cho Giáo Hội chúng ta, và những cơn bão tồ, biển động là biểu tượng của "thế giới" hôm nay.
             Các Tông Đồ cũng yếu đuối cũng như chúng ta nên đã sợ hãi những mối đe dọa trên sóng biển mặc dù có Chúa Kitô đang ở trong thuyền với họ. Nhưng vì có Chúa hiện diện trên khoang thuyền, nên đó là lý do rất chính xác, là không có ai trên thuyền đã bị chết đuối. Giáo Hội của chúng ta trong lúc buổi ban đầu là một Giáo Hội đau khổ với những sự đàn áp và bách hại, họ cũng bị bách hại vì những lợi ích của sự công chính. Bởi vì những người dân Do Thái đã đang sẵn sàng đàn áp Giáo hội, Họ muốn tiêu diệt Chúa Giêsu Kitô và cũng vì thế mà họ muốn bách hại và tiêu diệt cả Giáo hội. Không những thế họ còn lợi dụng Đế quốc  La Mã để tiêu diệt giáo hội và những người Kitô hữu như  là những tên tội phạm.  
Cho tới nay,  Giáo Hội chúng ta vẫn còn đang bị bách hại vì sự trung thành với Lề Luật của Thiên Chúa.  Hơn nữa, vì những sự khát vọng, ham muốn của con người đã luôn luôn muốn mình được giải phóng chính mình thoát ra khỏi ý muốn của Thiên Chúa. Đức tin sẽ xuất hiện như là một động lực chống lại "thế giới", và như vậy sẽ có sự bắt bớ, sẽ có bách hại vì sự công bằng trong tất cả các thời kỳ lịch sử củ Giáo Hội Công Giáo của chúng ta. Chúa Kitô chịu đóng đinh, Đức Kitô là người công chính nên đã bị bức hại,  được các tiên tri trong Cựu Ước tiên đoán trước. Chính Ngài là sự xuất hiện của Nước Trời: " Phúc cho những ai bị bách hại vì công lý , vì họ là nước thiên đàng ".
Chúng ta hãy cầu xin Chúa ban cho chúng ta những ân sũng của Chúa để chúng con biết nhận định và có một  đức tin bền bỉ để Ngài sẽ ban cho chúng ta những gì mà Ngài nghĩ là tốt cho chúng ta.
Today's Gospel reminds us how truly privileged we are as Christians. Our God is always there with His presence, His care, His concern, His perfect love. These blessings are for us to experience, savor, and value anytime we need to, anytime we want to, and anytime we dare to. All too often however, like the scared apostles in the boat buffeted by strong winds, we despair, waver, and lose faith when confronted with seemingly insurmountable problems even while God is always there for us.
How many times did we doubt God's plan for us - during times of illness, financial difficulties, troubled relationships, natural calamities, emotional upheavals? How many times does God have to "still the winds, calm the seas" so that we can be reassured, we can be certain that He shall lift us up when we need Him?
Let us pray not so much for God's help as it shall always be there in ways that we may not readily realize nor appreciate, but rather, let us ask the Lord for the gift of discernment and constant faith that He will give what is always best for us.
Saturday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time
Leaving the crowd, they took Jesus with them in the boat just as he was. And other boats were with him. A violent squall came up and waves were breaking over the boat, so that it was already filling up. Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion. Mark 4:36–38
Throughout our lives, we can be assured that at some point we will encounter a storm. Not just a physical storm but a spiritual one. It may come in the form of a tragic event, a deep wound inflicted by another, the effects of our own sin or some other painful experience. And for many people, this will happen more than once.
When such a “storm” is encountered in life, it may seem as if Jesus is “asleep” and not readily available to help us through. When this happens, the message of the Gospel above is very helpful to prayerfully ponder.
As this Gospel passage continues, we read that the disciples, in a panic, woke up Jesus and said, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” Jesus got up, addressed the storm and said, “Quiet! Be still!” and all was calm. He then said to the disciples, “Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?” The disciples were left in amazement and wonder.
The key is faith. When we face a storm in life, we must have faith. But what does that mean? It means that we must know, with a deep certitude, that Jesus is in fact always with us. We must know, with a deep certitude, that if we place all our trust and hope in Him, He will never abandon us. We must know, with a deep certitude, that every storm will ultimately pass and that peace and calm will ensue.
Facing the storms in life with faith is transforming. And often Jesus appears to be asleep for a reason. The reason is that He wants us to trust. Too often we turn our eyes to the storm itself and allow fear and anxiety to dominate our lives. But every storm we encounter is an opportunity to trust Him on a new and deeper level. If life were always easy and consoling then we would have little reason to trust deeply. Therefore, every storm must be seen as an opportunity for tremendous grace as we place all our trust in Jesus, despite how things immediately appear.
Reflect, today, upon how deep and sustaining your own faith in Christ truly is. Do you trust Him no matter what? Are you able to trust Him when all seems lost, when life is difficult and when confusion tempts you? Prepare, now, for the next such storm you may face and resolve to use that opportunity as a moment in which your faith is made manifest and becomes the stabilizing force of your life.
My sleeping Lord, help me to always place all my trust in You, no matter what the circumstances are in my life at every moment. Strengthen my faith, especially during those times when I face challenges and temptations. May I never doubt that You are there with me, leading me and keeping me close to Your merciful Heart. Jesus, I trust in You.
Saturday on 3d week of Ordinary 2024
Opening Prayer: Lord, many times I have succumbed to temptation and fallen into sin. I know the good I should do, but many times I chose to do evil instead. Despite these failings, I turn again to you, trusting that you will heal me and restore me to your friendship.
 Encountering the Word of God
 1. Sin Blinds Us: David has just committed adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband, Uriah, murdered along with several other men. Only when Nathan confronts him, does David realize the gravity of his sins. David’s anger was kindled against a man who stole a lamb. He could see how terrible the rich man was. Why was David so blind to his sin, which was much more serious and deadly?
2. David’s Prayer of Repentance: Psalm 51 is envisioned as David’s prayer of repentance. The psalm begins by expressing how we are marked by moral weakness and sin from the beginning of our existence. It uses three words to speak about the dark reality of sin. The first word for sin in the Psalm is chātā, which means “missing the target.” This teaches us that sin leads us far from communion with God, which is the goal of our existence. The second word in the Psalm for sin is awon, which carries the idea of “something twisted” or perverse, and indicates that sin is a deviation from the straight path. The opposite of this is conversion (shub) which is a return to the right path (51:13). The third word in the Psalm for sin is peshā, and this refers to a transgression or rebellion of some sort against God, the king, or other human beings. In this way, sin is seen as a rejection of and working against God’s plan for humanity. The Psalm asks God to have mercy on us, blot out our transgressions and iniquities, cleanse us from sin, recreate our hearts, and renew the strength of our spirit. The sacrifice acceptable to God is that of a contrite spirit and a humbled heart.
 3. Jesus has Divine Power: Mark begins a new section in his Gospel which displays Jesus’ authority over nature, disease, demons, and even death (Mark 4:35-5:43). Jesus’ actions reveal his divine nature in various ways and also his mission on behalf of humanity. By calming the sea, Jesus shows that he is the Lord of all creation. The sea was viewed as a symbol of chaos and the abode of evil, and Jesus’ power over it means that he has the power to liberate humanity from the fear of death. Through Christ, the ancient fear and terror of the sea have been transformed into the reverent and filial fear of God. By subduing the sea, Jesus manifests his divine authority. Such actions are invitations to faith in Jesus. And the reader is asked a question by Mark: “Who is this?” We should respond: this is Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God, who has the power to forgive our sins and save us from death.
 Conversing with Christ: Lord Jesus, you became man and lived our life. You know what it feels like to be tempted and to suffer. You did not give in. You did not fail. You were victorious over the devil and were faithful to your Father’s love and will. Help me in the moments of my temptation to be victorious as you were.
Resolution: David’s sin started out small. He was lazy, wasn’t where he was supposed to be, and gave into the temptation of lust. Giving into the small temptation of laziness snowballed into adultery and murder. When we find ourselves committing serious sin it can be good, in an examination of conscience, to trace it back to where it began. This knowledge of ourselves and our tendencies can help us in our battle against sin and help us resist the small temptations we face every day.
Saturday on 3d week of Ordinary
Opening Prayer:  Lord, as I reflect on these words of yours, help me to put my preoccupations aside and place myself in the boat with you.
Encountering Christ:
1. Jesus Always Initiates: It’s striking that Jesus, who is omniscient, urged the disciples to get into the boat to “cross over to the other side,” knowing that a storm was coming. Jesus seeks us out, knocks at the door of our heart, and sometimes invites us into “bad weather” because he loves us and wants to give us every spiritual gift. By calming the storm, Jesus revealed to his disciples his power and might. As a result, they “were filled with great awe,” which is a precursor to the spiritual gift called “fear of the Lord.” Our Lord was awakening in them virtues like obedience, docility, and reverence, which are foundational for even greater gifts, according to St. Gregory the Great: “Through the fear of the Lord, we rise to piety, from piety then to knowledge, from knowledge we derive strength, from strength counsel, with counsel we move toward understanding, and with intelligence toward wisdom and thus, by the sevenfold grace of the Spirit, there opens to us at the end of the ascent the entrance to the life of heaven” (“Homiliae in Hiezechihelem Prophetam,” II 7,7). 
2. Jesus Always Accompanies: Jesus knew the storm was coming and he encouraged the boat’s crossing, but he didn’t intend for the Apostles to go into the storm alone. At their invitation, Jesus got into the boat. He accompanied them. How often do we sense an approaching storm, but fail to go to Jesus with our problem? Even though Jesus knows what’s ahead in our life, he won’t force us to rely on him. He waits to be invited. And when we reflect on his power, his willingness to accompany us, and his infinite love for each of us, why do we ever hesitate to meet him in our prayer and the sacraments? 
3. Jesus Always Brings Peace: “The wind ceased and there was great calm.” When we invite Jesus into our life, he brings peace. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid” (John 14:27). Although temporal sufferings may continue, we sense that we rest in Jesus’s pierced palm and feel safe. Everything seems more manageable by God’s grace. “So humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time. Cast all your worries upon him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:6-7).
Conversing with Christ: Lord, there have been many storms in my life. Some I lived without your presence. By your grace, I now know to invite you into my problems so that you can inspire me, send me wisdom, and bring me peace. I am always in awe of your power and presence in my life.
Resolution: Lord, today by your grace I will intentionally seek your peace when I feel stressed or worried. 

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Thứ Sáu Tuần thứ Ba Thường Niên

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Thứ Sáu Tuần thứ Ba Thường Niên: (Mark 4:26-34 )

Qua bài tin mừng hôm nay, Chúa Giêsu dạy chúng ta một bài học về Nước Trời, Nước Trời dược coi như là một hạt cải giống nhỏ, rất nhỏ, nhưng khi được ương trồng, và tự nó sẽ nẩy mầm và tự phát triển trong môi trường thiên nhiên.  
            Sức mạnh của Thiên Chúa sẽ làm cho mọi người chúng ta nhận biết đến Ngài và cảm nhận được tình yêu của Ngài, và nhận thức được  là  Lời Chúa là không có giới hạn. Ngài đã bảo đảm với chúng ta như thế. Chúng ta hãy cảm tạ Thiên Chúa về những điều này.
            Khi chúng ta có được sự tự tin tưởng và Thiên Chúa và biết thông phần với Chúa Giêsu trong các công trình của Ngài, chúng ta cần phải thực thi những gì mà Ngài muốn chúng ta phải làm, và phần còn lại khó hơn, Ngài sẽ nhận những việc ấy cho chúng ta. Như một hạt rau cải dù rất bé nhỏ, mắt người thường khó có thể nhận ra và phân biệt. Nhưng hạt giống này một khi đã được gieo vào đất, nẩy mần, lớn lên và phát triển như một cây to lớn, có tàn lớn để các loài chim có thể làm tổ và sinh sống trên đấy. Nếu Nước Trời của Thiên Chúa giống như hạt cải nhỏ bé này, thì chúng ta phải biết đón nhận, tạo môi trường cho “hạt cải “Nước Trời được lớn lên và phát triển trong tâm hồn của chúng ta. Chúng ta chỉ có thể biết cám ơn, ca ngợi và chúc tụng Thiên Chúa với một lòng khiêm tốn. Vì tình yêu của Thiên Chúa thật là vĩnh cửu!
        " Lạy Chúa Thánh Thần, xin hướng dẫn cho chúng con biết những phương cách mà Chúa đang thực hiện trong cuộc sống của chúng con và con đường tương lai mà Chúa đã lên kế hoạch cho chúng con. Giúp chúng con biết nhận ra và thừa nhận các phép lạ dù lớn hay bé mà Chúa đã thực hiện trong cuộc sống của chúng con. "
     Wikipedia describes the mustard seed as a small round seed of the mustard plant, which is usually about 1 or 2 mm in diameter. In other words, the mustard seed is really tiny! Christ intentionally chose one of the smallest seeds to illustrate how the Lord works.
     We don't need a big seed to produce a big tree. We carry our weaknesses, our defects, and yet, Christ in his great power and wisdom, supplies the soil, the nutrients, the water and other ingredients to help us grow into one of the largest plants of the garden, with branches that can   help others find shelter. It is the Lord at work. We cannot steal the glory of God, therefore, recognizing our weaknesses and inabilities helps us realize that we are nothing without the Lord.
     It is interesting that Jesus chose to teach in parables rather than in a direct explanation of what He wanted to teach the people. It was to test and see the intention of every man. In fact being learned does not guarantee faith; being intelligent does not guarantee wisdom. Many little ones, unlearned people accepted the preaching of the Good News more readily than the scholars. The first disciples were, in fact, fishermen. Revelation is seen and understood only with the Holy Spirit dwelling upon a vessel of humility. A person full of himself will never listen to the voice of God. Only the humble will listen with the heart rather than with the intellect, and therefore "understand" the heart of God which dwells in love. We are invited to allow our faith to grow like the mustard seed into full maturity with a discernment that guides our conscience every day.
Friday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time
Jesus said to the crowds: “This is how it is with the Kingdom of God; it is as if a man were to scatter seed on the land and would sleep and rise night and day and the seed would sprout and grow, he knows not how.  Mark 4:26–27
It’s beautiful to reflect upon how the Word of God changes people’s lives. This short passage above analogizes the sharing of the Word of God with the planting of seed. The sower goes forth and scatters seed into the ground and then observes how that seed grows into a fruitful plant. The mysterious line states “he knows not how.” So it is with the Word of God. When that Word is received by another, we are blessed to be able to stand back and watch as that Word takes root and transforms their lives. Of course, at times we may sow the Word and it doesn’t take root. This is on account of either the hardness of another’s heart or on account of the way in which we sow. But when the seed of God’s Word does take root, we should be in awe of how God works in that soul.
Think about this reality in your own life. How did you first receive the good seed of God’s word? Perhaps it was through a sermon, a retreat, the reading of Scripture, a book or the witness of another. Think about how you first received God’s Word into your life and what effect it had upon you.
Once God’s Word has taken root in a soul, it is a holy practice to “rise night and day” so as to observe this seed as it grows. Specifically, we must allow ourselves to be amazed at the mysterious way that a life is changed, be it your own life or the life of another. It’s inspiring to observe the soul of a person as it begins to root out sin, to seek virtue, to establish a life of prayer and to grow in the love of God.
If this is something to which you find it hard to relate, then perhaps it’s time to either allow that seed of God’s Word to fall gently and deeply into the fertile ground of your own soul or to prayerfully look for ways in which God wants to use you to sow that seed into the heart of another. Doing the latter takes much openness to the working of the Holy Spirit. It requires that we allow God to inspire us so as to know how we can cooperate with His hand in evangelization.
Reflect, today, upon the “mystery” of a soul who goes through this process of change and spiritual growth. If you find it difficult to find such an example to ponder, then turn to the lives of the saints. The saints are among the greatest witnesses of those who allowed God’s Word to sink deeply into their lives so that they became new creations, transformed by God’s grace. Ponder this transforming witness and allow yourself to be drawn into gratitude and amazement as you do.
My transforming Lord, I thank You for the way that You have sown the seed of Your holy Word into my own life. I thank You for the way in which You have changed me, freed me from sin and set me on the path to holiness. Use me, dear Lord, to sow that seed in the lives of others and fill me with wonder and awe as I witness Your merciful hand at work. Jesus, I trust in You.
Friday 3rd of Ordinary Time 2024
Opening Prayer: Lord, let my prayer be fervent so that I see myself and the world more spiritually—the way you see me, the person you always hoped I would be. 
Encountering Christ:
1. God Makes the Plant Grow: Farmers work hard. They worked even harder in Jesus’s time, but for all the work they did, they couldn’t make a plant grow—even today’s farmers cannot make a plant grow. What is the farmer’s job then? To help the plant grow. A farmer removes obstacles to a plant’s growth, like weeds. The farmer also gives the plant what it needs to grow and be healthy, if necessary, like water and fertilizer. The farmer provides the best conditions for the plant to grow and the plant responds by growing. Jesus tells us that his kingdom is like this. We don’t make it grow. God does. Our job is to provide the best conditions for the kingdom to grow, first of all in our hearts and then in the hearts of those around us.
2. Small Beginnings: God can bring amazing results from small beginnings. When the right conditions are present, the growth of the kingdom is amazing. Jesus compares it to a mustard seed, which is about the size of a period at the end of a sentence. Yet the full-grown plant is large. As a boy, I often saw wild mustard as tall as five or six feet, and under perfect conditions they are supposed to grow as tall as eight feet. Jesus was emphasizing how small the beginning of the Church would be. So small as to be almost invisible, the Church would grow to provide shelter to Catholics for thousands of years. 
3. Lazy Farmers: How often we worry about the Church today. God’s kingdom sometimes seems to be disappearing from our society. Jesus is telling us in this parable that the opposite should be happening. With the right care, even a much smaller Church could transform society. Where are today’s farmers to sow the seeds, to remove obstacles to growth, to provide what the kingdom needs to grow? It’s only when Christians are idle that the kingdom shrinks. When we realize that each of us is responsible for spreading Christ’s  kingdom in society, we will see these parables come to life before our eyes. We will see the unstoppable growth of the Church.
Conversing with Christ: Lord, I’m sorry for not realizing, for sometimes forgetting, that I am here to help you in your mission of bringing all souls to heaven. Please help me to be ready to encourage, to give good example, to teach those you put in my life. 
Resolution: Lord, today by your grace I will study something about my faith so that I know it a little bit better, and can be more faithful in the way I live my life and help those who ask me about my faith.
Saturday on 3rd week of Ordinary 2021 Scripture:  Mark 4:35-41 
Chia sẽ Bài Tin Mừng Mark 4:35-41 Thứ Bẩy Tuần thứ 3 TN
Qua bài đọc hôm nay, chúng ta có thể tưởng tượng đến các Tông Đồ trong chiếc " thuyền " giữa cơn biển động, Chiếc thuyền này là biểu tượng cho Giáo Hội chúng ta, và những cơn bão tồ, biển động là biểu tượng của "thế giới" hôm nay.
             Các Tông Đồ cũng yếu đuối cũng như chúng ta nên đã sợ hãi những mối đe dọa trên sóng biển mặc dù có Chúa Kitô đang ở trong thuyền với họ. Nhưng vì có Chúa hiện diện trên khoang thuyền, nên đó là lý do rất chính xác, là không có ai trên thuyền đã bị chết đuối. Giáo Hội của chúng ta trong lúc buổi ban đầu là một Giáo Hội đau khổ với những sự đàn áp và bách hại, họ cũng bị bách hại vì những lợi ích của sự công chính. Bởi vì những người dân Do Thái đã đang sẵn sàng đàn áp Giáo hội, Họ muốn tiêu diệt Chúa Giêsu Kitô và cũng vì thế mà họ muốn bách hại và tiêu diệt cả Giáo hội. Không những thế họ còn lợi dụng Đế quốc  La Mã để tiêu diệt giáo hội và những người Kitô hữu như  là những tên tội phạm.  
Cho tới nay,  Giáo Hội chúng ta vẫn còn đang bị bách hại vì sự trung thành với Lề Luật của Thiên Chúa.  Hơn nữa, vì những sự khát vọng, ham muốn của con người đã luôn luôn muốn mình được giải phóng chính mình thoát ra khỏi ý muốn của Thiên Chúa. Đức tin sẽ xuất hiện như là một động lực chống lại "thế giới", và như vậy sẽ có sự bắt bớ, sẽ có bách hại vì sự công bằng trong tất cả các thời kỳ lịch sử củ Giáo Hội Công Giáo của chúng ta. Chúa Kitô chịu đóng đinh, Đức Kitô là người công chính nên đã bị bức hại,  được các tiên tri trong Cựu Ước tiên đoán trước. Chính Ngài là sự xuất hiện của Nước Trời: " Phúc cho những ai bị bách hại vì công lý , vì họ là nước thiên đàng ".
Chúng ta hãy cầu xin Chúa ban cho chúng ta những ân sũng của Chúa để chúng con biết nhận định và có một  đức tin bền bỉ để Ngài sẽ ban cho chúng ta những gì mà Ngài nghĩ là tốt cho chúng ta.
Today's Gospel reminds us how truly privileged we are as Christians. Our God is always there with His presence, His care, His concern, His perfect love. These blessings are for us to experience, savor, and value anytime we need to, anytime we want to, and anytime we dare to. All too often however, like the scared apostles in the boat buffeted by strong winds, we despair, waver, and lose faith when confronted with seemingly insurmountable problems even while God is always there for us.
How many times did we doubt God's plan for us - during times of illness, financial difficulties, troubled relationships, natural calamities, emotional upheavals? How many times does God have to "still the winds, calm the seas" so that we can be reassured, we can be certain that He shall lift us up when we need Him?
Let us pray not so much for God's help as it shall always be there in ways that we may not readily realize nor appreciate, but rather, let us ask the Lord for the gift of discernment and constant faith that He will give what is always best for us.
Saturday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time
Leaving the crowd, they took Jesus with them in the boat just as he was. And other boats were with him. A violent squall came up and waves were breaking over the boat, so that it was already filling up. Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion. Mark 4:36–38
Throughout our lives, we can be assured that at some point we will encounter a storm. Not just a physical storm but a spiritual one. It may come in the form of a tragic event, a deep wound inflicted by another, the effects of our own sin or some other painful experience. And for many people, this will happen more than once.
When such a “storm” is encountered in life, it may seem as if Jesus is “asleep” and not readily available to help us through. When this happens, the message of the Gospel above is very helpful to prayerfully ponder.
As this Gospel passage continues, we read that the disciples, in a panic, woke up Jesus and said, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” Jesus got up, addressed the storm and said, “Quiet! Be still!” and all was calm. He then said to the disciples, “Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?” The disciples were left in amazement and wonder.
The key is faith. When we face a storm in life, we must have faith. But what does that mean? It means that we must know, with a deep certitude, that Jesus is in fact always with us. We must know, with a deep certitude, that if we place all our trust and hope in Him, He will never abandon us. We must know, with a deep certitude, that every storm will ultimately pass and that peace and calm will ensue.
Facing the storms in life with faith is transforming. And often Jesus appears to be asleep for a reason. The reason is that He wants us to trust. Too often we turn our eyes to the storm itself and allow fear and anxiety to dominate our lives. But every storm we encounter is an opportunity to trust Him on a new and deeper level. If life were always easy and consoling then we would have little reason to trust deeply. Therefore, every storm must be seen as an opportunity for tremendous grace as we place all our trust in Jesus, despite how things immediately appear.
Reflect, today, upon how deep and sustaining your own faith in Christ truly is. Do you trust Him no matter what? Are you able to trust Him when all seems lost, when life is difficult and when confusion tempts you? Prepare, now, for the next such storm you may face and resolve to use that opportunity as a moment in which your faith is made manifest and becomes the stabilizing force of your life.
My sleeping Lord, help me to always place all my trust in You, no matter what the circumstances are in my life at every moment. Strengthen my faith, especially during those times when I face challenges and temptations. May I never doubt that You are there with me, leading me and keeping me close to Your merciful Heart. Jesus, I trust in You.
Saturday on 3d week of Ordinary 2024
Opening Prayer: Lord, many times I have succumbed to temptation and fallen into sin. I know the good I should do, but many times I chose to do evil instead. Despite these failings, I turn again to you, trusting that you will heal me and restore me to your friendship.
 Encountering the Word of God
 1. Sin Blinds Us: David has just committed adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband, Uriah, murdered along with several other men. Only when Nathan confronts him, does David realize the gravity of his sins. David’s anger was kindled against a man who stole a lamb. He could see how terrible the rich man was. Why was David so blind to his sin, which was much more serious and deadly?
2. David’s Prayer of Repentance: Psalm 51 is envisioned as David’s prayer of repentance. The psalm begins by expressing how we are marked by moral weakness and sin from the beginning of our existence. It uses three words to speak about the dark reality of sin. The first word for sin in the Psalm is chātā, which means “missing the target.” This teaches us that sin leads us far from communion with God, which is the goal of our existence. The second word in the Psalm for sin is awon, which carries the idea of “something twisted” or perverse, and indicates that sin is a deviation from the straight path. The opposite of this is conversion (shub) which is a return to the right path (51:13). The third word in the Psalm for sin is peshā, and this refers to a transgression or rebellion of some sort against God, the king, or other human beings. In this way, sin is seen as a rejection of and working against God’s plan for humanity. The Psalm asks God to have mercy on us, blot out our transgressions and iniquities, cleanse us from sin, recreate our hearts, and renew the strength of our spirit. The sacrifice acceptable to God is that of a contrite spirit and a humbled heart.
 3. Jesus has Divine Power: Mark begins a new section in his Gospel which displays Jesus’ authority over nature, disease, demons, and even death (Mark 4:35-5:43). Jesus’ actions reveal his divine nature in various ways and also his mission on behalf of humanity. By calming the sea, Jesus shows that he is the Lord of all creation. The sea was viewed as a symbol of chaos and the abode of evil, and Jesus’ power over it means that he has the power to liberate humanity from the fear of death. Through Christ, the ancient fear and terror of the sea have been transformed into the reverent and filial fear of God. By subduing the sea, Jesus manifests his divine authority. Such actions are invitations to faith in Jesus. And the reader is asked a question by Mark: “Who is this?” We should respond: this is Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God, who has the power to forgive our sins and save us from death.
 Conversing with Christ: Lord Jesus, you became man and lived our life. You know what it feels like to be tempted and to suffer. You did not give in. You did not fail. You were victorious over the devil and were faithful to your Father’s love and will. Help me in the moments of my temptation to be victorious as you were.
Resolution: David’s sin started out small. He was lazy, wasn’t where he was supposed to be, and gave into the temptation of lust. Giving into the small temptation of laziness snowballed into adultery and murder. When we find ourselves committing serious sin it can be good, in an examination of conscience, to trace it back to where it began. This knowledge of ourselves and our tendencies can help us in our battle against sin and help us resist the small temptations we face every day.
Saturday on 3d week of Ordinary
Opening Prayer:  Lord, as I reflect on these words of yours, help me to put my preoccupations aside and place myself in the boat with you.
Encountering Christ:
1. Jesus Always Initiates: It’s striking that Jesus, who is omniscient, urged the disciples to get into the boat to “cross over to the other side,” knowing that a storm was coming. Jesus seeks us out, knocks at the door of our heart, and sometimes invites us into “bad weather” because he loves us and wants to give us every spiritual gift. By calming the storm, Jesus revealed to his disciples his power and might. As a result, they “were filled with great awe,” which is a precursor to the spiritual gift called “fear of the Lord.” Our Lord was awakening in them virtues like obedience, docility, and reverence, which are foundational for even greater gifts, according to St. Gregory the Great: “Through the fear of the Lord, we rise to piety, from piety then to knowledge, from knowledge we derive strength, from strength counsel, with counsel we move toward understanding, and with intelligence toward wisdom and thus, by the sevenfold grace of the Spirit, there opens to us at the end of the ascent the entrance to the life of heaven” (“Homiliae in Hiezechihelem Prophetam,” II 7,7). 
2. Jesus Always Accompanies: Jesus knew the storm was coming and he encouraged the boat’s crossing, but he didn’t intend for the Apostles to go into the storm alone. At their invitation, Jesus got into the boat. He accompanied them. How often do we sense an approaching storm, but fail to go to Jesus with our problem? Even though Jesus knows what’s ahead in our life, he won’t force us to rely on him. He waits to be invited. And when we reflect on his power, his willingness to accompany us, and his infinite love for each of us, why do we ever hesitate to meet him in our prayer and the sacraments? 
3. Jesus Always Brings Peace: “The wind ceased and there was great calm.” When we invite Jesus into our life, he brings peace. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid” (John 14:27). Although temporal sufferings may continue, we sense that we rest in Jesus’s pierced palm and feel safe. Everything seems more manageable by God’s grace. “So humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time. Cast all your worries upon him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:6-7).
Conversing with Christ: Lord, there have been many storms in my life. Some I lived without your presence. By your grace, I now know to invite you into my problems so that you can inspire me, send me wisdom, and bring me peace. I am always in awe of your power and presence in my life.
Resolution: Lord, today by your grace I will intentionally seek your peace when I feel stressed or worried. 

Friday Suy Niệm bài đọc lê kính Thánh Timothy và Titus

Friday Suy Niệm bài đọc lê kính Thánh Timothy và Titus 
Hôm nay chúng ta mừng kính vị hai môn đệ quan trọng nhất và đáng tin cậy của thánh Phaolô là, Thánh Timothy và Titus. Qua Tân Ước, chúng ta biết nhiều về thánh Timothy hơn là thánh Titus, nhưng những gì chúng ta biết về họ là những gì thánh Phaolô đã nói về họ. Cũng như hầu hết các thánh khác của Giáo Hội thời sơ khai, những gì chúng ta biết về họ là những gì rất quan trọng với Giáo Hội và cho chúng ta: họ là những người Kitô hữu nhiệt thành, là tông đồ của Phúc Âm và những người biết rõ họ đã tôn kính như là những người thánh thiện và do đó đã tôn kính họ như là những vị thánh. Như vậy họ là những mô hình cho tất cả chúng ta là những Kitô hữu.
            Chúng ta là những người được gọi là người Công Giáo và là môn đệ của Chúa Kitô, chúng ta biết rằng những ân huệ đặc biệt của Thiên Chúa đem đến với chúng ta cùng với những lời mời gọi. Những ân sủng đặc biệt là những ân sủng để giúp chúng ta biết sống theo ơn gọi riêng của chúng ta, để cố gắng sống trong sự nhiệt thành như các Thánh. Tất cả chúng ta không phải ai cũng được gọi làm Tông Đồ trong ý nghĩa mà Chúa Giêsu đã gọi 12 tông đồ hay như Thánh Phaolô, Thánh Timothy và Titus. Tuy nhiên, đức tin của chúng ta là một đức tin tông truyền bởi vì Chúa Giêsu đã sai các môn đệ của Ngài  rao tyền tin Mừng của Ngài khắp mợi nơi trên thế giới và kêu gọi mọi người làm môn đệ của Ngài. Chúng ta hãy cố gắng ít nhất là phải biết sống như theo Tin Mừng và không phải là những chứng ngại vật và gây trở ngại cho việc rao truyền Phúc Âm.
Refection the feast of Sts. Timothy  Titus
After yesterday’s celebration of Saint Paul’s conversion, we now commemorate his two most important and trusted disciples, Timothy and Titus. We know a lot more about Timothy than about Titus, but what we know about them is what St Paul has to say about them. As with most other saints of the early Church, what we know about them is what is most important for the Church and for us: they were fervent Christians, Apostles of the Gospel and were revered as holy men by those who knew them and thus venerated as saints. As such they are models for all Christians.
Called to be Catholics and disciples of Christ, we know that God’s special grace comes to us along with the calling. The special grace is the grace to live according to the calling, to live as fervently as we can. We are not all called to be Apostles in the same sense that Jesus’ Twelve Apostles or Paul, Timothy and Titus were. Yet our faith is an apostolic faith for Jesus sent his disciples into the world to make disciples of all nations. Let us at least live so as not to be an obstacle to the Gospel. Lord Jesus, grant us the grace to live our faith fervently and responsibly as Your
Reflection Sts. Timothy and Titus
Friday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time
Jesus said to the crowds: “This is how it is with the Kingdom of God; it is as if a man were to scatter seed on the land and would sleep and rise night and day and the seed would sprout and grow, he knows not how.  Mark 4:26–27
It’s beautiful to reflect upon how the Word of God changes people’s lives. This short passage above analogizes the sharing of the Word of God with the planting of seed. The sower goes forth and scatters seed into the ground and then observes how that seed grows into a fruitful plant. The mysterious line states “he knows not how.”
So it is with the Word of God. When that Word is received by another, we are blessed to be able to stand back and watch as that Word takes root and transforms their lives. Of course, at times we may sow the Word and it doesn’t take root. This is on account of either the hardness of another’s heart or on account of the way in which we sow. But when the seed of God’s Word does take root, we should be in awe of how God works in that soul.
Think about this reality in your own life. How did you first receive the good seed of God’s word? Perhaps it was through a sermon, a retreat, the reading of Scripture, a book or the witness of another. Think about how you first received God’s Word into your life and what effect it had upon you.
Once God’s Word has taken root in a soul, it is a holy practice to “rise night and day” so as to observe this seed as it grows. Specifically, we must allow ourselves to be amazed at the mysterious way that a life is changed, be it your own life or the life of another. It’s inspiring to observe the soul of a person as it begins to root out sin, to seek virtue, to establish a life of prayer and to grow in the love of God.
If this is something to which you find it hard to relate, then perhaps it’s time to either allow that seed of God’s Word to fall gently and deeply into the fertile ground of your own soul or to prayerfully look for ways in which God wants to use you to sow that seed into the heart of another. Doing the latter takes much openness to the working of the Holy Spirit. It requires that we allow God to inspire us so as to know how we can cooperate with His hand in evangelization.
Reflect, today, upon the “mystery” of a soul who goes through this process of change and spiritual growth. If you find it difficult to find such an example to ponder, then turn to the lives of the saints. The saints are among the greatest witnesses of those who allowed God’s Word to sink deeply into their lives so that they became new creations, transformed by God’s grace. Ponder this transforming witness and allow yourself to be drawn into gratitude and amazement as you do.
My transforming Lord, I thank You for the way that You have sown the seed of Your holy Word into my own life. I thank You for the way in which You have changed me, freed me from sin and set me on the path to holiness. Use me, dear Lord, to sow that seed in the lives of others and fill me with wonder and awe as I witness Your merciful hand at work. Jesus, I trust in You.
Reflection Sts. Timothy and Titus, Bishops
Opening Prayer: Lord, you called Timothy and Titus to collaborate with Saint Paul in the great mission of founding churches throughout the Mediterranean Sea. Saint Paul was passionate and not exactly an easy person to get along with. Timothy and Titus persevered in their mission and received sound advice from Paul. Help me to persevere in my mission despite the difficulties that arise.
 Encountering the Word of God
 1. Jesus’ Parables about the Kingdom of God: Jesus uses parables to speak about the mysterious reality of the Kingdom of God he has announced. The parable of the growing seed teaches us that the Kingdom of God is a divine work and not a human achievement. Yes, the farmer needs to prepare the soil, plant seeds, water the ground, and pull up weeds, he is powerless to ripen the grain. In like manner, we should work on behalf of the Kingdom of God, but we are only collaborating with God. The parable of the mustard seed teaches that the Kingdom of God will start out small but eventually grow to universal dimensions. The Church is only the beginning of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom awaits its definitive establishment at the end of time. While Jesus spoke in parables to the crowds, he would explain the meaning of the parables to his disciples. In this way, the mystery of the Kingdom remained hidden to the prideful and was revealed to the humble of heart.
 2. Paul’s Coworkers: Sometimes we can mistakenly think that Paul acted alone. The truth is that Paul was surrounded by many coworkers who were coauthors of many of his letters. Paul even sent his coworkers on spe
Reflection Sts. Timothy and Titus, Bishops 2018
God never said it's going to be easy. With all our frailties and weaknesses, He knows that we must be able to conscientiously work towards goodness to be worthy of finding meaning and fulfillment in our lives.
This message is emphasized in St. Paul's letters to Timothy and Titus. His admonition for all is to spread the Good News unabashedly, and with strength, with joy and with conviction. The gospel too further cautions us that the mission is difficult and that many will not be of the same mind.
There are numerous belief systems today as it was then. Perhaps, the better and more effective way to share our blessed faith during this complicated, stressful and conflicted times is to conduct our lives with Christ always in our hearts.  Let us act as Jesus would. Be fair and honest in our dealings. Be full of mercy and compassion to those less fortunate. Treat everyone kindly and respectfully specially those who are subordinate to us. Avoid resentment, hurtful thoughts, words and deeds. Love all as God loves us.

Suy Niệm thứ Năm Tuần thứ Ba Thường Niên

Niệm thứ Năm Tuần thứ Ba Thường Niên
Qua hình ảnh ngọn đèn và ánh sáng trong bài Tin Mừng hôm nay, Chúa Giêsu muốn nói cho chúng ta biết điều gì về Nước Trời của Thiên Chúa? Trong mọi thời đại, ngọn Đèn cho dù là ngọn đèn cầy, ngọc đuốc, đèn dầu hay đèn điện đều được dùng với một chức năng quan trọng giống nhau là đem ánh sáng đến cho con người. Con người đã phải nhờ những ngọn đèn để đem ánh sánh tới những nơi tối tăm nhất là ban đêm. Nhờ những ngọn đền sáng đã giúp mọi người nhìn thấy được những thứ chung quanh, và nhờ có ánh sáng mà mọi việc làm trong nơi tăm tối đều được thận lợi hơn. Và  nhờ có ánh sáng mà chúng ta có thể tránh được những vấp ngã hay tai nạn đáng tiếc scó thể xảy ra.
Người Do Thái cũng hiểu chữ "ánh sáng" là biểu hiện của vẻ đẹp bên trong, của sự thật và lòng tốt của Thiên Chúa. Nhiều đoạn trong Kinh thánh Cựu ước mô tả Thiên Chúa đã dùng ánh sáng để hướng dẫn và giúp con người chúng ta phát triển kiến ​​thức về Ngài cũng như lẽ thật và sự khôn ngoan của Ngài trong cuộc sống của chúng ta. Trong ánh sáng của Ngài, qua thánh vịnh 36 chúng ta thấy “chúng ta thấy sự sáng (Thi Thiên 36: 9).  Và Thánh vịnh 119 cho chúng biết là “Lời Ngài là ngọn đèn soi đường cho chúng ta (Thi thiên 119: 105).
Chúng ta phải sống như là những người mang ánh sáng của sự thật và tình yêu của Thiên Chúa đến với mọi người. sự thật không thể bị che giấu, hoặc bị dập tắt, hay bị phá hủy. Chúng ta có thể từ chối đối mặt với sự thật hoặc cố gắng che dấu hay phá hủy sự thật, nhưng sự thật sẽ luôn thắng vì sự thật sẽ không thể hủy hoại. Đó là lý do tại sao Thiên Chúa muốn chúng ta biết sự thật và đặt cuộc sống của chúng ta vào Sự thật. Ân sủng của Thiên Chúa, sự hiện diện và quyền năng của Ngài ở trong chúng ta và lời lẽ chân lý sự thật của Ngài cho phép chúng ta nghe, tin và vâng theo Ngài mà không phải sợ hãi hay dè dặt. Cũng như ánh sáng tự nhiên luôn luôn chiếm ưu thế trong bóng tối xung quanh chúng ta và giúp chúng ta có thể nhìn thấy rõ ràng, thì ánh sáng của Đức Kitô, Đấng Cứu Thế sẽ luôn toả sáng trong tâm hồn của tất cả những ai nghe và tin lời của Ngài. Thiên Chúa muốn ban cho chúng ta tràn đầy ơn Chúa Thánh Thần để giúp chúng ta có thể tỏa sáng rực rỡ ánh hào quang chân lý, tình yêu và sự tốt lành của Thiên Chúa trong thế giới đen tối hiện tại.
Chúa Giêsu gọi ông Gioan Tẩy Giả là “ngọn đèn cháy sáng rực” (Gioan 5:35) vì ông ta đã làm chứng cho lời Thiên Chúa và chỉ cho người khác biết tới Chúa Giêsu, đấng là Sự Sáng và là Cứu Chúa thật của thế gian.    Chúa mời kêu gọi chúng ta với sứ mệnh giống như ông Gioan tẩy giả, là trở thành những người mang ánh sáng của Chúa Giêsu Kytô đến với mọi người để những người này có thể nghe và hiểu chân lý lẽ ​​thật của Phúc Âm và nhờ đó giúp họ thoát khỏi sự mù quáng của tội lỗi, thiếu hiểu biết, và sự lừa dối của ma quỷ.
Chúa Giêsu cho chúng ta biết rằng không có gì có thể che giấu được trước mặt Thiên Chúa và không có gì có thể giữ được bí mật mãi mãi. Chúng ta phải sống, và tập sống trong sự sáng của Thiên Chúa để nhờ đó mà chúng ta mới có thể mang lại sự tự do và niềm vui đích thực. Chúa Giêsu cho chúng ta biết là chúng ta có thể che giấu mọi thứ với người khác, với chính mình và với Chúa, nhưng Chúa biết mọi sự.
Thật là một sự cám dỗ, làm sao chúng ta có thể nhắm mắt trước những hậu quả của những đường lối tội lỗi hoặc thói quen tật xấu của chúng ta, ngay cả khi chúng ta biết những hậu quả đó là gì. Và làm sao có cố giấu hết được tội lỗi của chúng với mọi người và ngay cả với Thiên Chúa được. Nhưng, dù sao, Thiên Chúa đã biết hết mọi thứ bởi vì Ngài là Đấng Tạo Hoá, Ngài nhìn thấy tất cả.
Thật là hạnh phúc, tự do vinh dự cho những ai biết sống trong ánh sáng của Thiên Chúa và những người luôn biết tìm kiếm chân lý và sự tốt lành của Ngài. Những ai biết lắng nghe Chúa và chú ý đến Lời Chúa dạy chắc chắn sẽ còn nhận được nhiều hơn nơơi Ngài.những người này sẽ không thiếu những gì họ cần để sống với tư cách là môn đệ của Chúa Kitô. Và cuộc sống thánh thiện của họ sẽ tỏa sáng như những ngọn đèn tỏ ra cho mọi người thấy sự khôn ngoan và chân lý trong Lời Chúa. Chúng ta cũng có thể tìm thấy niềm vui, hạnh phúc và sự tự do khi chúng ta sống trong ánh sáng và lẽ thật của Thiên Chúa qua Tin Mừng.
Lạy Chúa Giêsu Thánh Thể, Xin Chúa hướng dẫn chúng con bằng ánh sáng lẽ thật và sự cứu độ của Chúa. Xin Chúa hãy khoả lấp tâm hồn và trái tim của chúng con với ánh sáng và chân lý sự thật của Chúa. Xin Chúa giải thoát chúng con thoát khỏi sự mù quáng của tội lỗi, sự ngu dốt và lừa dối của ma quỷ và thế gian để chúng con có thể nhìn thấy rõ đường lối của Chúa và hiểu được ý muốn của Chúa trong cuộc sống của chúng con.
Xin Chúa Giêsu Thánh Thể giúp chúng con có thể đem ánh sáng và Chân lý của Chúa chiếu rọi cho những người khác chung quanh chúng con bằng lời nói, việc làm và cách sống của chúng con. Amen
What does the image of light and a lamp tell us about God's kingdom? Lamps in the ancient world served a vital function, much like they do today. They enable people to see and work in the dark and to avoid stumbling or losing their way. The Jews also understood "light" as an expression of the inner beauty, truth, and goodness of God. Many passages from the Old Testament Scriptures describe how God's light guides and helps us grow in our knowledge of him and his truth and wisdom for our lives. In his light we see light ( Psalm 36:9). His word is a lamp that guides our steps (Psalm 119:105).
We are light-bearers of God's truth and love
the truth cannot remain hidden, or suppressed, or destroyed. We might refuse to face the truth or try to suppress it, or destroy it, but the truth will always prevail because it is indestructible. That is why God wants us to know the truth and to stake our lives on it. God's grace (his indwelling presence and power at work in us) and his word of truth enable us to hear, believe, and obey him without fear or reservation. Just as natural light prevails over the darkness around us and enable us to see clearly, so the light of Christ shines in the hearts of all who hear and believe his word. God wants to fill us with his Holy Spirit so that we may shine brightly with the radiance of his truth, love, and goodness.
Jesus called John the Baptist "a burning and shining lamp" (John 5:35) because he bore witness to God's word and pointed others to Jesus, the true Light and Savior of the world. Our call and mission, like John the Baptist, is to be light-bearers of Jesus Christ so that many others may hear and understand the truth of the Gospel (the good news of Jesus Christ) and be set free from the blindness of sin, ignorance, and deception.
Living in the light brings true freedom and joy
Jesus remarks that nothing can remain hidden or secret. We can try to hide things from others, from ourselves, and from God. How tempting to shut our eyes from the consequences of our sinful ways or bad habits, even when we know what those consequences are. And how tempting to hide them from others and even from God. But, nonetheless, everything is known to God who sees all.
Lord Jesus, you guide me by the light of your saving truth. Fill my heart and mind with your light and truth and free me from the blindness of sin, ignorance, and deception that I may see your ways clearly and understand your will for my life. May I radiate your light and truth to others in word and deed.
Thursday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time
“For there is nothing hidden except to be made visible; nothing is secret except to come to light.” Mark 4:22
What a fascinating little line in the Gospel for today! What does this line mean? Though many have offered various commentaries upon the meaning of this line, let’s turn to the Catechism of the Catholic Church for some insight: In the presence of Christ, who is Truth itself, the truth of each man’s relationship with God will be laid bare. The Last Judgment will reveal even to its furthest consequences the good each person has done or failed to do during his earthly life… (CCC #1039).
This passage comes from the section on “The Last Judgment” rather than “The Particular Judgment.” The Particular Judgment will come for all of us at the moment of our passing from this world. It will be an accounting of our sins and virtues before God in a personal and private way. But the Last Judgment will come at the end of time and should be seen as a universal judgment upon all in a very definitive and public way. Thus, this line from the Catechism seems to suggest that both our good actions and evil ones will be revealed for all to see.
If the Scripture passage above, as well as the passage from the Catechism, are properly interpreted to mean that during the Last Judgment even our deepest sins, including those that have been forgiven through the Sacrament of Confession, will be made manifest for all to see, this idea can, at first, be a bit frightening. But it shouldn’t be. It should be liberating.
If every action of our lives, both good and bad, will be made manifest for all to see at The Last Judgment, then this will result in one thing and one thing alone for those who are in Heaven: the glory of God and much rejoicing! In other words, if God reveals every sin we have committed, then He will also reveal our repentance from those sins, the purification we endured, and the forgiveness we received. Therefore, those who make up the Communion of Saints will not look upon us with judgment; rather, they will glorify God in the same way we glorify God and thank Him for His abundant mercy and forgiveness. We must always remember His forgiveness and continually rejoice in that fact. Therefore, if all truly is made manifest, then it will be so that we can all rejoice together in the incredible mercy of God and can look at each other with gratitude for all that God had done for the other.
Reflect, today, upon the possibility of that glorious moment. Imagine the freedom you will experience by allowing God to share the deepest sins and the deepest virtues of your life with all who share Heaven with you. Shame will be gone. Judgment will be gone. Rejoicing and gratitude alone will remain. What a glorious moment that will be!
My glorious Judge, I thank You for Your mercy and forgiveness in my life. I thank You for freeing me from all sin. Please continue to purify my soul and free me from even the attachment to all sin. May I never forget all that You have done for me, and may Your mercy become the cause of my eternal rejoicing and Your eternal glory. Jesus, I trust in You.
Thursday on 3rd Week of Ordinary
 Opening Prayer:  Lord, help me to really reach you in my prayer, to hear you, so I can discover the satisfaction and happiness that comes from serving you and serving others.
Encountering Christ:
1. It Was the Least I Could Do: How do I make my light shine? What do I measure out? How do I understand what Jesus is talking about? This is really about the essence of being a good Catholic. Many Catholics think they do enough by going to Mass on Sunday and avoiding mortal sin. Actually, this is the minimum requirement. There is more—a lot more. If at the Pearly Gates St. Peter asked us, “Why should I let you into heaven?” would he be satisfied with the answer, “Well, I always did the bare minimum.”
2. Why Did God Put Us Here?: The Church has never hidden what God wants us to accomplish in this life. We are called to become saints. Being “nice” or “good” is a stepping stone, but not enough to fulfill our calling. As saints, we are not expected to be weird or strange. Sanctity means becoming all that God hoped for when he made you. It means reaching our total fulfillment as human beings—and that’s different for each person. A saint is someone who tries his or her best to do God’s will (not necessarily perfectly!) every day—and does it because he or she loves God. This is how we come out from under the bushel basket and let our light shine.
3. I Am a Gift for Others: What is God’s will for me? We serve him best when we serve others. This often means sacrifice, but it’s worthwhile because sacrificial love is the only thing that brings us happiness. Think back to the moments when you achieved real happiness—deep down satisfaction that doesn’t fade away with time. Wasn’t it when you sacrificed for the good of another or for God? Wasn’t it a moment when you let your light shine instead of hiding it? Wasn’t it when you measured out whatever you had to offer rather than hoarding it? By putting others’ satisfaction and comfort and pleasure ahead of our own, we are fulfilling God’s command in this Scripture. God made us to be a gift for others, and the more generously we measure out that gift the happier we will be. We may even be surprised how much our little light shines when we finally let it be seen!
Conversing with Christ: Jesus, maybe I never realized the real reason you put me here, but now I know. Help me to be generous with my time and talents, using them for others and for you so that I will leave the world a better place than I found it, at least for the people surrounding me. Increase my love, so I use my time and talents for the right motives, not so I will become famous or rich or any other selfish reason.
Resolution: Lord, today by your grace I will look for opportunities to serve others because that is the main way I serve you, who I find in the least of my brothers.