Thursday, January 9, 2025

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Thứ Sáu sau lễ Hiển Linh

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Thứ Sáu sau lễ Hiển Linh
Qua bài Tin Mừng chúng ta được nghe hôm nay, chúng ta đã thấy được những gì đặc biệt trong phép lạ Chúa Giêsu đã làm trong bài đọc phúc âm hôm nay
            Một số người trong chúng ta có thể không bao giở dám đến với Chúa để nói một câu tương tự: Nhưng Chúa Giêsu vẫn luôn trong tư thế sẵn sàng để chữa lành chúng ta, có lẽ vì chúng ta không tin là Ngài có thể làm được như vậy.  Đôi khi chúng ta đến với Chúa và cầu nguyện để xin cho chúng ta một ơn xin hay một cái gì đó, nhưng trong thâm tâm xôn xao lo lắng, vì chúng ta có thể không tin Chúa có thể được thay đổi những tình hình bi đát hiện tại của chúng ta. Bởi vì chúng ta thường cầu nguyện, đọc kinh hay theo các nghi thức, những nguyên tắc cứng đơ, như người có xác, mà không có hồn trong các nghi lễ, và hình như chúng ta làm là để chĩ muốn xe xua, tỏ vẻ quan trọng các dấu hiệu bên ngoài mà quên không nhắc tới những câu nguyện cầu n bản: “Con tin rằng Đức Giêsu có thể chữa lành cho Con, Xin giúp con biết thay đổi.”
            Chúng ta hãy can đảm để suy ngẫm về những lời cầu nguyện của chúng ta. Không nên quá chú trọng về nội dung của lời cầu nguyện, nhưng hãy tự đo dâng lên Chúa những lời cầu nguyện riêng của mình. Khi chúng ta nói chuyện với Chúa Giêsu, xin Chúa về điều gì đó, chúng ta tin rằng Chúa luôn luôn lắng nghe lời cầu xin của chúng ta Ngài có thể đáp ban cho chúng ta nhừng lời cầu xin của chúng ta?
            Chúng ta hãy cầu nguyện lên Chúa Giêsu một cách chân thành là xin Ngài ban cho chúng ta được gia tăng đức tin. Ngài sẽ lắng nghe Chúng ta.
             Lạy Chúa, chúng con tin; Xin Chúa gia tăng đức tin của chúng con.
Reflection: (SG)
What is special about the miracle which is reported in today’s gospel reading? There was a leper who wanted to be cleansed. When he saw Jesus, he knelt down and said something very special to him: “Sir, if you are willing, you can cleanse me”. We can feel the faith of this man. He did not have any doubt that Jesus was able to change his miserable life. Jesus touched him and he was cleansed immediately.
            Some of us may not ask whether Jesus is willing to heal us, because we do not believe he is able to do so. Sometimes we multiply prayers asking for something, but in our heart, we do not believe that anything can be changed. We stick to rituals, external signs and do not ask the fundamental question: Do I believe that Jesus can heal me, help me and change my life?
            I would like to encourage you to mediate about your prayer. Not about its content but about the prayer itself. When you talk to Jesus, asking him about something, are you convinced that he listens to you and he is able to answer your question? Pray to Jesus sincerely for an increase of faith. He will listen to you.         
            Lord, I do believe; increase my faith
Friday after Epiphany
The report about him spread all the more, and great crowds assembled to listen to him and to be cured of their ailments, but he would withdraw to deserted places to pray. Luke 5:15–16
This line concludes the beautiful and powerful story of a man who was full of leprosy and who came to Jesus, fell prostrate before Him and pleaded with Jesus to heal Him if it was His will. Jesus’ response was simple: “I do will it. Be made clean.” And then Jesus did the unthinkable. He touched the man. The man, of course, was immediately healed of his leprosy, and Jesus sent him to show himself to the priest. But word of this miracle spread fast, and many people kept coming to see Jesus as a result.
It’s easy to imagine the scene of people talking about this miracle, thinking of their own ailments and those of their loved ones, and wanting to be healed by this miracle worker. But in the passage above, we see Jesus do something very interesting and prophetic. Just as the great crowds gathered and just as there was much excitement about Jesus, He withdrew from them to a deserted place to pray. Why would He do this?
Jesus’s mission was to teach His followers the truth and to lead them to Heaven. He did this not only by His miracles and teachings but also by setting an example of prayer. By going off to pray to His Father alone, Jesus teaches all of these excited followers what is most important in life. Physical miracles are not what is most important. Prayer and communion with the Father in Heaven is what’s most important.
If you have established a healthy life of daily prayer, one way you can share the Gospel with others is by allowing others to witness your commitment to prayer. Not so as to receive their praise, but to let them know what you find most important in life. When you commit yourself to daily Mass, going to church for adoration, or simply taking time alone in your room to pray, others will notice and will be drawn into a holy curiosity which may also lead them to a life of prayer.
Reflect, today, upon your mission to evangelize others by the simple act of allowing your life of prayer and devotion to be known by them. Let them see you pray, and if they ask, share with them the fruits of your prayer. Allow your love of our Lord to shine forth so that others will receive the blessing of your holy witness.
Lord, help me to be committed to a life of true prayer and devotion each and every day. Help me to be faithful to this life of prayer and to continually be drawn deeper in my love of You. As I learn to pray, use me to be a witness to others so that those who need You the most will be changed by my love of You. Jesus, I trust in You.
Friday after Epiphany 2025
Opening Prayer: Lord God, you have prepared your people to experience your merciful love. Your Son inaugurated the perpetual Jubilee of mercy and grace. I love you and thank you for all that you have done to bring me into your family and save me from the slavery of sin and curse of eternal death.
Encountering the Word of God
1. Freedom and the Jubilee Year: Every seven years, the people of Israel were to celebrate a Sabbath year of rest. Every fifty years, after seven cycles of Sabbath years, the people of Israel were supposed to celebrate the Jubilee Year (Leviticus 25:8-55). It began with the spiritual liberation from sin on the Day of Atonement: “The removal of sin and evil allowed reconciliation of God with his people and a restoration of the family bond of the covenant” (Bergsma, Jesus and the Jubilee, 45). The blood of the lamb on the Day of Atonement accomplished redemption, the payment of the debt incurred by sin. Financial debts were also forgiven in the Jubilee Year, and the ancestral land that was sold to pay any financial debts was released or returned to the family that sold it. The Jubilee Year enabled the people of God to experience rest with God. The people were freed from debt, freed from slavery, and freed from agricultural obligations. They were freed to worship and enjoy covenant communion with the Lord God.
2. The Exile and the Jubilee: We can gather from the Bible that the people of Israel were negligent in obeying the prescriptions of the Sabbath years and Jubilee Years. In fact, the 70 years of the Babylonian Exile were a punishment for not following the laws about the Sabbath and Jubilee years (2 Chronicles 36:20-21). The prophets of Israel realized that the Jubilee year would truly be observed only when the Messiah or “anointed one” came (Bergsma, Jesus and the Jubilee, 55). Isaiah 61, which Jesus read in today’s Gospel, looks forward to the day when God’s anointed servant would proclaim liberty to the captives and a Jubilee year of favor. The other prophets, like Daniel and Ezekiel, both looked forward to the great Jubilee that the Messiah would inaugurate. Daniel spoke of seventy weeks of years (490 years) and Ezekiel used the number 500 (ten jubilee cycles) in connection to the New Temple. “Ezekiel meant to symbolize that, in the future, Israel’s temple would also be her source of jubilee – forgiveness, freedom, family, and fullness. And from this jubilean temple, the river of life would flow east, watering and rejuvenating the land wherever it reached (Ezek 47:1-12) (Bergsma,Jesus and the Jubilee, 57).
3. Nazareth and the Inauguration of the Great Jubilee: When Jesus read from Isaiah 61 in the synagogue at Nazareth, he proclaimed that he was the Messiah and was inaugurating the Jubilee Year of favor. He likened himself to the prophets Elijah and Elisha. After his preaching, Jesus does things that evidence he is the long-awaited Messiah and priestly king like Melchizedek. Not only does Jesus proclaim liberty and announce the year of the Lord’s favor, but he also releases people from their debt of sin, delivers them from the power of the devil, and atones for sin through his sacrificial death on the cross (see Bergsma, Jesus and the Jubilee, 75-76). We experience the perpetual jubilee inaugurated by Jesus every single day in the Sacraments of the Church. “All the goals of the jubilee are fulfilled by the gift of the Spirit. The Spirit forgives our sins, grants us freedom from the tyranny of Satan, institutes us as children of God and members of his family, and initiates us into the fullness of God so that we become ‘partakers of the divine nature’ (2 Peter 1:4)” (Bergsma, Jesus and the Jubilee, 111).

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