Saturday, August 31, 2024

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng thứ Năm Tuần 21 Thường Niên

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng thứ Năm Tuần 21 Thường Niên
Qua bài Tin Mừng hôm nay, Chúa Giêsu muốn nhắc nhở chúng ta là hãy luôn "Tỉnh thức! Vì anh em không biết ngày nào chúng ta sẽ phải ra trình diện trước mặt Chúa”. Điều này giúp cho chúng ta biết tập trung hơn vào cuộc sống hiện tại của chúng ta hơn là là việc chuẩn bị cho sự chết. Chúng ta nên cảnh giác đề phòng vì chúng ta không thể biết được khi nào chúng ta có thể gặp Chúa trong cuộc sống hàng ngày của chúng ta, và phải chuẩn mọi lúc để chúng ta được gọi là “Người đầy tớ trung tín và cán thận trọng". Hãy chuyển hướng và sự chú ý của chúng ta đến cách mà chúng ta đối xử với những người khác.
            Nếu chúng ta tỉnh táo, đề cao cảnh giác chúng ta có thể nhận thấy Chúa, chúng ta sẽ nhận ra Chúa Giêsu trong những người đau khổ, những người đang thiếu thốn và sẽ hành động khác hơn nếu chúng ta không nhạy cảm với họ và nhu cầu cần thiết của họ. Nếu chúng ta không biết được khi nào chúng ta sẽ gặp Chúa, thì chúng ta nên đối xử với tất cả mọi người mà chúng ta gặp như là chúng ta đang gặp Chúa. Nếu chúng ta là những người quản lý trung thành và khôn ngoan, thì chúng ta sẽ đón nhận được những ân sủng của Thiên Chúa đã ban cho chúng ta một cách quảng đại và chúng ta cũng “sẽ phân phối chia sẻ những ân sủng ấy vào thời điểm thích hợp" để các thành viên khác trong gia đình của chúng ta nhận ra rằng gia đình của chúng ta là gia đình rộng lớn hơn vì bao gồm tất cả những người khác chứ không phải chỉ có sự hạn chế trong gia đình ruột thịt của chúng ta.
            Chúng ta không biết ngày nào, giờ nào chúng ta sẽ phải ra đi và đến trước mặt Chúa (có thể là hôm nay hay, trong đêm nay….). Vì thế chúng ta cần phải tỉnh thức, và khôn ngoan trong việc giúp đỡ những người nghèo khổ, những người thiếu thốn đang cần sự giúp đỡ.
Lạy Chúa là Thiên  Chúa của chúng con, Xin cho Chúa Giêsu  làm cho con đường của chúng con đi tới Chúa là một con đường thẳng tắp, không gồ nghề quanh co.!
Thursday 21st Week in Ordinary Time
“Stay awake! For you do not know on which day you will encounter the Lord.” This helps us concentrate more on living than on being prepared to die. Being alert to when we might encounter the Lord in our daily life, and being prepared to be “faithful and prudent servants” turns our attention to the way we interact with and treat others. 
If we are awake to all the possible ways we can see the Lord, we will recognize Jesus in those who suffer, and will act differently than if we are insensitive to them and their needs. If we do not know when we will encounter the Lord, then we should react to everyone we meet as if we were meeting the Lord. If we are faithful and prudent stewards, then we will be generous with the gifts God has given us and will distribute them “at the proper time” to the other members of our household realizing that our household is the broader family of other people and not our limited biological family. 
We do not know when we see the Lord. Let us be prepared for the many ways we can encounter God and stay awake in helping the poor and needy. God our Father may our Lord Jesus make our path to You a straight one!
Thursday of the Twenty-First Week in Ordinary Time
“Stay awake! For you do not know on which day your Lord will come. Be sure of this: if the master of the house had known the hour of night when the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and not let his house be broken into. So too, you also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.” Matthew 24:42–44
Our Lord contrasts the call to stay awake with those who are asleep. Clearly, by stating “Stay awake!” so emphatically, Jesus is also telling us that it is easy to fall asleep, spiritually speaking. So are you more often awake and attentive to His presence? Or are you most often asleep and therefore unaware of His presence?
First of all, this exhortation must be understood as a reference to our passing from this life. And though most who are younger do not expect to pass suddenly and unprepared, we know that this does happen. It could happen to any one of us at any time, unexpectedly and without warning. Therefore, we must see this passionate exhortation from Jesus to be a clear warning to always be ready to meet Him in our particular judgment upon our passing from this life.
With that said, this passage is also an invitation to become increasingly aware of the countless ways in which Jesus speaks to us each and every day. The goal of the Christian life must be to be continually at prayer. This does not mean that we are necessarily “saying” prayers all day every day. Rather, it means that we form a spiritual habit of becoming continually attentive to the promptings of grace given to us throughout our lives. God wants to lead us always. He wants to inspire us with His grace every day all day. He wants us to have one eye on the things that occupy our day and the other eye upon Him, allowing Him to gently lead us through everything.
Sometimes we can fall into the trap of thinking that God is only concerned about the big decisions of life. But the truth is that God is most clearly found in the details of life, even the smallest ones: a short exchange of words with a family member, a smile at a co-worker, a kind gesture to a stranger, and a random prayer offered for an anonymous person in need of that prayer. All of these are but a few examples of the many ways that God wants to commune with us every day throughout the day. And this can only happen if we are continually awake and attentive to His gentle promptings of grace.
How is this accomplished? How do we become attentive to God as He speaks to us and guides us every moment of every day? It is done by forming a spiritual habit of ongoing prayer. We begin by setting aside time for prayer every day, time in which all we do is pray. We set aside all distractions and begin by offering prayers, meditating upon scripture, attending the Mass, speaking from our hearts, etc. But from there, this special time of prayer, set aside exclusively for God, must begin to have an effect upon us throughout the day. And when we get distracted by the things of the world, we stop again, focus exclusively on God, and invite Him to be with us yet again. And then this is done again, and again, and again. Prayer must become a consuming habit by which God becomes present to everything we do. When this happens, we become spiritually “awake” to Him always.
Reflect, today, upon this clear and concise exhortation from our Lord. “Stay awake!” Let those words resonate within you. Hear them as a call to form this holy habit of prayer throughout the day. If you do so, God will slowly take over your life and lead you each and every day into His holy will. And through you, God will be able to extend His love and mercy to many who are in your life and beyond.
My demanding Lord, You desire me to live my day, every day, in such a way that I am continually attentive to You. Please help me to form a holy habit of listening to You and responding to all that You say to me always. My life is Yours, dear Lord. Lead me continually by Your gentle Hand of grace. Jesus, I trust in You.
Thursday 21st Ordinary Time 2024
Thursday 21st Ordinary Time: 2023
Opening Prayer: My Lord, I stand before you as someone with many needs. You remind me today that you are happy to help me with my struggles. Strengthen my trust so that I can allow you to lighten my burden. 
Encountering Christ:
1. The Big Picture: This is certainly one of those Gospels that keeps me on my toes. Even though I wish I wouldn't need constant reminders, real experience shows that spiritual and moral life needs renewal daily, even sometimes hourly. Today, Jesus urges us to consider the big picture as a way of motivation and renewal: “Remember where all this is going, live with one eye focused on the eternal things, stay attuned to the Holy Spirit who will grant you a supernatural lookout on things.”
2. The Orientation of the Heart: When Jesus steps into our lives and shakes us, gently but decisively, it's as if to say, “Remember your dreams, remember your heart's deepest desires, remember what I have done for you.” He never grows tired of reorienting us, as we frequently get sidetracked. Simple distractions can hinder our spiritual journey more subtly than can the “direct” sins, which is why the orientation of our heart can be a good point to examine in our conscience frequently.
3. Jesus Will Come: Jesus will come, and before long, we will stand before him. May it be a moment of passionate joy! He will speak, and all our doubts will be whisked away. The one encounter that surpasses all the others, for which we prepare during this life, will come! 
Conversing with Christ: My Lord, Thy Kingdom Come! I really can't wait to be with you. You have given us so many ways in the Church to encounter you while awaiting the ultimate encounter. Renew my faith in the Sacraments, and renew my faith that you are present in Scripture and in my neighbors. Above all, Lord, grant me the grace of being a “faithful and prudent servant.”
Resolution: Lord, today, by your grace, I will remember and renew my desire to live in you, with you, and for you.
Thursday 21st Ordinary Time: 2021
Opening Prayer: Lord, I come with a tired heart. Revive my spirits during this time of prayer. Give me a renewed energy and desire to encounter you through your word and voice. How I long for you! Holy Spirit, grant me the grace to be renewed in heart, mind, and spirit. Speak to me; your servant is listening. 
Encountering Christ:
·         Overcoming Tiredness: It’s not easy to stay awake when we are tired or bored or have been waiting for a long time. This can happen in our spiritual lives too. Our initial commitment to live a life with Christ can begin to dim when other things take the place of the time we would give to him in prayer. But Jesus tells us not to get complacent. He is continually trying to speak to us, so he invites us to be vigilant so that our hearts stay open to encounter him. 
·         Faithful and Prudent Servants: What does it mean to be faithful and prudent servants? In this parable, they are the ones who treated their fellow servants with respect, stayed awake to defend the home from attack, and fed others at the right time and place. In our own lives, authentic Christian living means respecting, loving, and treating others as the Master treats us. It means giving to others generously. It entails protecting our own mind, heart, and body from the attacks of the enemy of our soul. It requires welcoming the Lord whenever he chooses to reveal himself in the circumstances of our life. 
·         Blessed Is the Servant: When the Master returned, he found the faithful servant where he was supposed to be, doing what he had been tasked to do. When we are living in accord with our vocation, we will also be found doing what we should be doing. We live as authentic Christians when we obey God’s will. When we strive to know the heart and mind of the Master, God can enter into our lives and find his home within.
Conversing with Christ: Lord, you know how hard it is for me to stay awake. You know the distractions of my heart and how easily I let other interests and interruptions into your home, my heart. Today I choose to seek your desires, your will so that you may find me there. I know you are constantly reaching out to me in love. Give me an open heart to see you and hear you. 
Resolution: Lord, today by your grace I will take time to reassess my commitments to ensure I am being faithful to the duties of my vocation. 
     "Stay awake, then, for you do not know on what day the Lord will come." "Be alert." We hear these admonitions in the Gospel reading. What does it mean to be spiritually awake and alert? How are we to prepare for the Lord's coming?
      In the first example of how to be awake and alert, we are told about the house owner ready to prevent his house being broken into, if he knew when the thief would come. How do we keep our spiritual house and life safe from harm? By arming ourselves with God's grace and protection, through prayer, the sacraments and a life of faithfulness to God's commands.
      In the second example, we are told about the servant who is tasked to prepare food and whatever for the house owner when he comes. Will he be like the one who is always well prepared for the master's return or like the one who parties and enjoys life, thinking and presuming the master is not yet to come? To be ready for the coming of the Lord, we should be ready with our good works, our prayers and participation in the life of the Church.
      Let us strive to be spiritually awake and alert all the time, taking advantage of God's help and guidance in his Church.

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