Thursday, January 9, 2025

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Thứ Sáu sau lễ Hiển Linh

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Thứ Sáu sau lễ Hiển Linh
Qua bài Tin Mừng chúng ta được nghe hôm nay, chúng ta đã thấy được những gì đặc biệt trong phép lạ Chúa Giêsu đã làm trong bài đọc phúc âm hôm nay
            Một số người trong chúng ta có thể không bao giở dám đến với Chúa để nói một câu tương tự: Nhưng Chúa Giêsu vẫn luôn trong tư thế sẵn sàng để chữa lành chúng ta, có lẽ vì chúng ta không tin là Ngài có thể làm được như vậy.  Đôi khi chúng ta đến với Chúa và cầu nguyện để xin cho chúng ta một ơn xin hay một cái gì đó, nhưng trong thâm tâm xôn xao lo lắng, vì chúng ta có thể không tin Chúa có thể được thay đổi những tình hình bi đát hiện tại của chúng ta. Bởi vì chúng ta thường cầu nguyện, đọc kinh hay theo các nghi thức, những nguyên tắc cứng đơ, như người có xác, mà không có hồn trong các nghi lễ, và hình như chúng ta làm là để chĩ muốn xe xua, tỏ vẻ quan trọng các dấu hiệu bên ngoài mà quên không nhắc tới những câu nguyện cầu n bản: “Con tin rằng Đức Giêsu có thể chữa lành cho Con, Xin giúp con biết thay đổi.”
            Chúng ta hãy can đảm để suy ngẫm về những lời cầu nguyện của chúng ta. Không nên quá chú trọng về nội dung của lời cầu nguyện, nhưng hãy tự đo dâng lên Chúa những lời cầu nguyện riêng của mình. Khi chúng ta nói chuyện với Chúa Giêsu, xin Chúa về điều gì đó, chúng ta tin rằng Chúa luôn luôn lắng nghe lời cầu xin của chúng ta Ngài có thể đáp ban cho chúng ta nhừng lời cầu xin của chúng ta?
            Chúng ta hãy cầu nguyện lên Chúa Giêsu một cách chân thành là xin Ngài ban cho chúng ta được gia tăng đức tin. Ngài sẽ lắng nghe Chúng ta.
             Lạy Chúa, chúng con tin; Xin Chúa gia tăng đức tin của chúng con.
Reflection: (SG)
What is special about the miracle which is reported in today’s gospel reading? There was a leper who wanted to be cleansed. When he saw Jesus, he knelt down and said something very special to him: “Sir, if you are willing, you can cleanse me”. We can feel the faith of this man. He did not have any doubt that Jesus was able to change his miserable life. Jesus touched him and he was cleansed immediately.
            Some of us may not ask whether Jesus is willing to heal us, because we do not believe he is able to do so. Sometimes we multiply prayers asking for something, but in our heart, we do not believe that anything can be changed. We stick to rituals, external signs and do not ask the fundamental question: Do I believe that Jesus can heal me, help me and change my life?
            I would like to encourage you to mediate about your prayer. Not about its content but about the prayer itself. When you talk to Jesus, asking him about something, are you convinced that he listens to you and he is able to answer your question? Pray to Jesus sincerely for an increase of faith. He will listen to you.         
            Lord, I do believe; increase my faith
Friday after Epiphany
The report about him spread all the more, and great crowds assembled to listen to him and to be cured of their ailments, but he would withdraw to deserted places to pray. Luke 5:15–16
This line concludes the beautiful and powerful story of a man who was full of leprosy and who came to Jesus, fell prostrate before Him and pleaded with Jesus to heal Him if it was His will. Jesus’ response was simple: “I do will it. Be made clean.” And then Jesus did the unthinkable. He touched the man. The man, of course, was immediately healed of his leprosy, and Jesus sent him to show himself to the priest. But word of this miracle spread fast, and many people kept coming to see Jesus as a result.
It’s easy to imagine the scene of people talking about this miracle, thinking of their own ailments and those of their loved ones, and wanting to be healed by this miracle worker. But in the passage above, we see Jesus do something very interesting and prophetic. Just as the great crowds gathered and just as there was much excitement about Jesus, He withdrew from them to a deserted place to pray. Why would He do this?
Jesus’s mission was to teach His followers the truth and to lead them to Heaven. He did this not only by His miracles and teachings but also by setting an example of prayer. By going off to pray to His Father alone, Jesus teaches all of these excited followers what is most important in life. Physical miracles are not what is most important. Prayer and communion with the Father in Heaven is what’s most important.
If you have established a healthy life of daily prayer, one way you can share the Gospel with others is by allowing others to witness your commitment to prayer. Not so as to receive their praise, but to let them know what you find most important in life. When you commit yourself to daily Mass, going to church for adoration, or simply taking time alone in your room to pray, others will notice and will be drawn into a holy curiosity which may also lead them to a life of prayer.
Reflect, today, upon your mission to evangelize others by the simple act of allowing your life of prayer and devotion to be known by them. Let them see you pray, and if they ask, share with them the fruits of your prayer. Allow your love of our Lord to shine forth so that others will receive the blessing of your holy witness.
Lord, help me to be committed to a life of true prayer and devotion each and every day. Help me to be faithful to this life of prayer and to continually be drawn deeper in my love of You. As I learn to pray, use me to be a witness to others so that those who need You the most will be changed by my love of You. Jesus, I trust in You.
Friday after Epiphany 2025
Opening Prayer: Lord God, you have prepared your people to experience your merciful love. Your Son inaugurated the perpetual Jubilee of mercy and grace. I love you and thank you for all that you have done to bring me into your family and save me from the slavery of sin and curse of eternal death.
Encountering the Word of God
1. Freedom and the Jubilee Year: Every seven years, the people of Israel were to celebrate a Sabbath year of rest. Every fifty years, after seven cycles of Sabbath years, the people of Israel were supposed to celebrate the Jubilee Year (Leviticus 25:8-55). It began with the spiritual liberation from sin on the Day of Atonement: “The removal of sin and evil allowed reconciliation of God with his people and a restoration of the family bond of the covenant” (Bergsma, Jesus and the Jubilee, 45). The blood of the lamb on the Day of Atonement accomplished redemption, the payment of the debt incurred by sin. Financial debts were also forgiven in the Jubilee Year, and the ancestral land that was sold to pay any financial debts was released or returned to the family that sold it. The Jubilee Year enabled the people of God to experience rest with God. The people were freed from debt, freed from slavery, and freed from agricultural obligations. They were freed to worship and enjoy covenant communion with the Lord God.
2. The Exile and the Jubilee: We can gather from the Bible that the people of Israel were negligent in obeying the prescriptions of the Sabbath years and Jubilee Years. In fact, the 70 years of the Babylonian Exile were a punishment for not following the laws about the Sabbath and Jubilee years (2 Chronicles 36:20-21). The prophets of Israel realized that the Jubilee year would truly be observed only when the Messiah or “anointed one” came (Bergsma, Jesus and the Jubilee, 55). Isaiah 61, which Jesus read in today’s Gospel, looks forward to the day when God’s anointed servant would proclaim liberty to the captives and a Jubilee year of favor. The other prophets, like Daniel and Ezekiel, both looked forward to the great Jubilee that the Messiah would inaugurate. Daniel spoke of seventy weeks of years (490 years) and Ezekiel used the number 500 (ten jubilee cycles) in connection to the New Temple. “Ezekiel meant to symbolize that, in the future, Israel’s temple would also be her source of jubilee – forgiveness, freedom, family, and fullness. And from this jubilean temple, the river of life would flow east, watering and rejuvenating the land wherever it reached (Ezek 47:1-12) (Bergsma,Jesus and the Jubilee, 57).
3. Nazareth and the Inauguration of the Great Jubilee: When Jesus read from Isaiah 61 in the synagogue at Nazareth, he proclaimed that he was the Messiah and was inaugurating the Jubilee Year of favor. He likened himself to the prophets Elijah and Elisha. After his preaching, Jesus does things that evidence he is the long-awaited Messiah and priestly king like Melchizedek. Not only does Jesus proclaim liberty and announce the year of the Lord’s favor, but he also releases people from their debt of sin, delivers them from the power of the devil, and atones for sin through his sacrificial death on the cross (see Bergsma, Jesus and the Jubilee, 75-76). We experience the perpetual jubilee inaugurated by Jesus every single day in the Sacraments of the Church. “All the goals of the jubilee are fulfilled by the gift of the Spirit. The Spirit forgives our sins, grants us freedom from the tyranny of Satan, institutes us as children of God and members of his family, and initiates us into the fullness of God so that we become ‘partakers of the divine nature’ (2 Peter 1:4)” (Bergsma, Jesus and the Jubilee, 111).

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Thứ Năm Sau Lễ Hiển Linh

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Thứ Năm Sau Lễ Hiển Linh
"Nếu ai nói:'Tôi yêu mến Thiên Chúa", nhưng lại ghét anh em mình, thì người ấy là kẻ nói dối." Thánh Gioan lập lại giáo huấn của Chúa Giêsu dựa vào Cựu Ước, vì Thiên Chúa có nói rõ: "Ngươi không được trả thù, không được oán hận những người thuộc về dân ngươi. Ngươi phải yêu đồng loại như chính mình. Ta là Ðức Chúa."(Leviticus 19:18).  Nhưng Chúa Giêsu đã đưa cái điều luật này lên cao và quan trọng hơn hết: "Anh em phải yêu thương nhau như Thầy đã yêu thương anh em". (Ga 13,34) Như vậy, tất cả các mối quan hệ giữa con người và những quan hệ trong xã hội đươc đặt dưới sự bảo vệ và hướng dẫn bởi Luật của Thiên Chúa. Tình yêu, tất nhiên, được thúc đẩy và hướng dẫn bởi sự tự do mà là một phần nội tại của sự tồn tại của con người.
            Trong bài đọc thứ nhất, thánh Gioan sử dụng chữ "người anh em" mà Cựu Ước thì sử dụng "hàng xóm, láng giềng".  Một cái nhìn kỹ càng, cặn kẽ  cho thấy "người hàng xóm, láng giềng" chỉ đơn thuần là bất cứ ai là người nào “đáng yêu” và cũng đúng và đồng nghĩa với chữ "người anh em" hay "chị em" trong ý nghĩa Kitô giáo.
            Tội lỗi nằm trong sự phân đôi, là ranh giới giữa tình yêu của Thiên Chúa và sự tuyên xưng tình yêu cho Thiên Chúa và cũng là hành vi thường ngày của con người chúng ta. Chúng ta hãy cầu xin với Thiên Chúa, ban cho chúng ta có đươc ơn yêu mến Chúa bằng với tất cả trái tim và lòng trí của chúng ta để chúng ta biết yêu thương anh chị em chúng ta như Chúa Giêsu yêu thương chúng ta.
Reflection: (SG)
“If anyone says he loves God but hates his brother, he is a liar.”  John’s doctrine is founded in the teaching of Jesus, which is founded on the Old Testament, since God says clearly: “You must love your neighbour as yourself.  I am Yahweh” (Leviticus 19:18).   Jesus raises this to a higher level: “You must love each other as I have loved you”. Thus, all human relationships and social intercourse is under the protection and guidance of God’s Law. Love, of course, is motivated and guided by that freedom which is an intrinsic part of human existence. Nevertheless, though it seems a paradox, love can be commanded. Still, even when commanded, love is not merely a matter of obeying a law or a commandment but is ultimately a disposition of life. Love ultimately demands a moral direction of life which transcends the directions which the law gives.
            John uses “brother” where the Old Testament uses “neighbor”. A close examination shows that “neighbor” is simply anyone who deserves love and the same is true of “brother” or “sister” in the Christian sense. Sin lies in the dichotomy of one’s professed love for God and one's daily human behaviour.
Grant us, Lord, the grace to love You with all our heart and to love our brothers and sisters as Jesus loved us.
Thursaday after Epiphany Thursday after Epiphany or January 10
Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news of him spread throughout the whole region. He taught in their synagogues and was praised by all.  Luke 4:14–15
Jesus had just spent forty days in the desert, fasting and praying prior to beginning His public ministry. His first stop was Galilee, where He entered the Synagogue and read from the Prophet Isaiah. However, soon after His words were spoken in the Synagogue, Jesus was driven out of the town, and the people tried to throw Him over the hill to kill Him.
What a shocking contrast. At first Jesus was “praised by all,” as we see in the passage above. Word of Him spread like wildfire throughout the towns. They had heard of His baptism and the Voice of the Father speaking from Heaven, and many were curious and excited about Him. But as soon as Jesus began to preach the pure Gospel message and when He began to address their hardness of heart, they turned on Him and sought His life.
Sometimes we can fall into the trap of thinking that the Gospel will always have the effect of drawing people together as one. Of course, this is one of the central goals of the Gospel: to unite us in the Truth as the one people of God. But the key to unity is that unity is only possible when we all accept the saving Truth of the Gospel. All of it. And that means we must change our hearts, turn from the stubbornness of our sins, and open our minds to Christ. Sadly, some do not want to change, and the result is division.
If you find that there are aspects of Jesus’ teaching that are hard to accept, reflect upon the passage above. Return to this initial reaction of the townspeople when they were all talking about Jesus and praised Him. That is the right response. Our difficulties with what Jesus says and what He calls us to repent of should never have the effect of leading us to disbelief rather than to praise Him in all things.
Reflect, today, on the most difficult teaching of Jesus you have struggled with. Everything He says and everything He has taught is for your good. Praise Him no matter what and allow your heart of praise to give you the wisdom you need to understand all that Jesus asks of you. Especially those teachings that are most difficult to accept.
Lord, I accept all that You have taught, and I choose to change those parts of my life that do not conform to Your most holy will. Give me wisdom to see the thing from which I must repent and soften my heart so that I will always remain open to You. Jesus, I trust in You.
Thursday after Epiphany 2025
Opening Prayer: Lord God, you have prepared your people to experience your merciful love. Your Son inaugurated the perpetual Jubilee of mercy and grace. I love you and thank you for all that you have done to bring me into your family and save me from the slavery of sin and curse of eternal death.
Encountering the Word of God
1. Freedom and the Jubilee Year: Every seven years, the people of Israel were to celebrate a Sabbath year of rest. Every fifty years, after seven cycles of Sabbath years, the people of Israel were supposed to celebrate the Jubilee Year (Leviticus 25:8-55). It began with the spiritual liberation from sin on the Day of Atonement: “The removal of sin and evil allowed reconciliation of God with his people and a restoration of the family bond of the covenant” (Bergsma, Jesus and the Jubilee, 45). The blood of the lamb on the Day of Atonement accomplished redemption, the payment of the debt incurred by sin. Financial debts were also forgiven in the Jubilee Year, and the ancestral land that was sold to pay any financial debts was released or returned to the family that sold it. The Jubilee Year enabled the people of God to experience rest with God. The people were freed from debt, freed from slavery, and freed from agricultural obligations. They were freed to worship and enjoy covenant communion with the Lord God.
2. The Exile and the Jubilee: We can gather from the Bible that the people of Israel were negligent in obeying the prescriptions of the Sabbath years and Jubilee Years. In fact, the 70 years of the Babylonian Exile were a punishment for not following the laws about the Sabbath and Jubilee years (2 Chronicles 36:20-21). The prophets of Israel realized that the Jubilee year would truly be observed only when the Messiah or “anointed one” came (Bergsma, Jesus and the Jubilee, 55). Isaiah 61, which Jesus read in today’s Gospel, looks forward to the day when God’s anointed servant would proclaim liberty to the captives and a Jubilee year of favor. The other prophets, like Daniel and Ezekiel, both looked forward to the great Jubilee that the Messiah would inaugurate. Daniel spoke of seventy weeks of years (490 years) and Ezekiel used the number 500 (ten jubilee cycles) in connection to the New Temple. “Ezekiel meant to symbolize that, in the future, Israel’s temple would also be her source of jubilee – forgiveness, freedom, family, and fullness. And from this jubilean temple, the river of life would flow east, watering and rejuvenating the land wherever it reached (Ezek 47:1-12) (Bergsma,Jesus and the Jubilee, 57).
3. Nazareth and the Inauguration of the Great Jubilee: When Jesus read from Isaiah 61 in the synagogue at Nazareth, he proclaimed that he was the Messiah and was inaugurating the Jubilee Year of favor. He likened himself to the prophets Elijah and Elisha. After his preaching, Jesus does things that evidence he is the long-awaited Messiah and priestly king like Melchizedek. Not only does Jesus proclaim liberty and announce the year of the Lord’s favor, but he also releases people from their debt of sin, delivers them from the power of the devil, and atones for sin through his sacrificial death on the cross (see Bergsma, Jesus and the Jubilee, 75-76). We experience the perpetual jubilee inaugurated by Jesus every single day in the Sacraments of the Church. “All the goals of the jubilee are fulfilled by the gift of the Spirit. The Spirit forgives our sins, grants us freedom from the tyranny of Satan, institutes us as children of God and members of his family, and initiates us into the fullness of God so that we become ‘partakers of the divine nature’ (2 Peter 1:4)” (Bergsma, Jesus and the Jubilee, 111).
Conversing with Christ: Lord Jesus, I have heard your preaching in Nazareth and fully welcome the Jubilee you have inaugurated. Help me, during this year of Jubilee, to be freed from the slavery of sin and enter into my heavenly home.
Thursday after Epiphany
Opening Prayer: Lord Jesus, you know me even better than I know myself. You know my past, my present, my future. In my Baptism, I was anointed and incorporated into your body. Lord, in this moment of prayer I ask you to increase my faith, hope, and love, that I may hear your voice more clearly and know how better to live my life in and for you.
 Encountering Christ:
1.      He Taught and Was Praised by All: As Jesus taught, he was praised by all, and after he read the scroll, the people spoke highly of him. They were amazed at his “gracious words.” This was a fleeting moment in Jesus’ life. Almost immediately following it, people began to question, asking, “Isn’t this the son of Joseph?” In the Gospel of Mark, this doubt was made even more explicit: “‘Is he not the carpenter, the son of Mary…’ And they took offense at him. Jesus said to them, ‘A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and among his own kin and in his own house’” (Mark 6:3-4). As his public ministry progressed, his life was filled with questioning and opposition. Despite these obstacles to his mission, Jesus persevered in that for which he had come. He could recall his Baptism when the Holy Spirit descended upon him, and his Father’s voice came from Heaven, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased” (Luke 3:22). We can look at our lives in the light of Christ and ask ourselves who it is we look to for approval. It is pleasant for others to think well of us, and we can sometimes accommodate ourselves to others’ opinions—family, friends, or coworkers. We can compromise in our speech and action to fit in and be accepted. Let us ask ourselves if we seek the Father’s voice of affirmation above all other voices?
2.      The Spirit of the Lord Is upon Me: Through our Baptism, we are called to share in the life and mission of Christ. We are “made sharers in the priestly, prophetic, and kingly functions of Christ” (Lumen Gentium, the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, n. 31). Through our prayer and sacrifices, our witness to the Truth, and our self-possession and servant leadership, we are called to make a difference in our world. The Church teaches that our vocation as laypeople is characterized by a “secular nature” in which we “seek the Kingdom of God by engaging in temporal affairs and by ordering them according to the plan of God” (Lumen Gentium, n. 31). When Mordecai challenged Queen Esther to step out in faith to save her people, he said, “And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14). God chose for us to be born in this time, and he calls us to work to build His Kingdom in the world in which we live.
3.      Today This Scripture Passage Is Fulfilled: Our Lord was confident in his mission. With everyone’s eyes on him, he stated boldly that this prophecy from Isaiah was fulfilled. Such confidence grew out of his union with his Father. He knew that what he was doing and saying was that for which he had been sent into the world by the Father. In our own lives, we need to spend time with Our Lord to listen to what he has to say to us so that we may grow in confidence that we are fulfilling his will for our lives. We will grow in the trust that is required to take the next step in his plan, to do the next thing to which we are called, even if we can’t see the whole plan or understand how everything will work out.
Conversing with Christ: Lord, you show me such trust in your Father’s will. You show total commitment to living out all that he asked through your words and deeds. You never took your eyes off him and his will, no matter what challenge you encountered. Neither were you swayed by the opinions or disapproval of others. Lord, I want that kind of conviction and courage. I want that kind of love. Lord, open my eyes to see anything in my life that is a barrier to living my faith authentically and fully and give me the courage to put it aside. Lord, let me love you more and more each day.
Resolution: Lord, today by your grace I will find a tangible symbol of my Baptism–my baptismal garment or candle, a picture, or maybe just the date, if I don’t have anything else–and I will reflect on my Baptism and the impact it should have on my life.
Thursday after Epiphany 2021
Opening Prayer: Lord Jesus, open my heart to your Spirit in this time of prayer. I wish to be with you, to hear what you would like to say. You know better than I how much I need you. Here are my distractions, my worries, and my concerns. I open this space in my heart to you, that you may fill me with yourself. I believe in you; bolster my faith. I put all my hope in your unfailing goodness. And I love you. Enter the synagogue of my heart now, as you entered that synagogue of Nazareth. May I receive the word you want to share with me today.
Encountering Christ:
1. Returning to Galilee: In this passage, Jesus “returned” to Galilee. His public ministry had started, he was forming his followers, and he had even begun to perform his first miracles. Imagine him entering his hometown synagogue: people started to recognize him; there was a growing anticipation in the air. Some noticed the familiar sound of his footsteps; another recognized his hands, calloused and strong. Others whispered the local gossip: hearsay that these carpenter’s hands had become a miracle worker’s hands—but that couldn’t be. Perhaps he would clear up their doubts and set things straight. As Jesus got up to read, the anticipation grew. There was anticipation in Christ's heart, too. For years he had carried out his Father’s will silently and humbly among his neighbors and family in Nazareth. Now that plan was to take a new shape. He once built tables and chairs; now he was building his Father's kingdom. Would they listen? Would they receive his word? Would this homecoming be a coming home, after all? But no—the Son of Man had no place to lay his head. This same Jesus comes to my heart in this prayer and throughout my day. There is this same anticipation in his heart for us. What will he find as he speaks to my heart?
2. ...Because He Has Anointed Me: Christ deliberately chose this passage. Nothing he did was pointless or thoughtless. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me.” Every other time these words had been read, it had been a prophecy. Today, the one about whom they prophesied spoke to them, and these words too became flesh in the Word become Flesh. He spoke not just as the Jesus of Nazareth his neighbors knew, but as the Lamb of God who takes upon himself the sins of the world. He brought glad tidings to the poor by entering the greatest human poverty. Not even the poorest can say he is alone, for no poverty has been untouched by Christ. He came to let the oppressed go free by taking the crossbeams of all oppression upon his back, and so he won for us a redemption which cannot be unmade. This is why he came into the world. This is why he comes into my world. And what does he find in my interior? To what poverty, scarcity, or even emptiness inside me does he wish to bring glad tidings? What oppression in my own life does he wish to lift from my shoulders to place on his own? What space in my interior is held captive that he wishes to liberate? What blindness does he want to return to sight, if only I open it to him and humbly welcome him? This is why he comes to me today. This is why he wishes to reach others through me today, too. And still, he waits in anticipation for an answer.
3. Anticipation and Receptivity: All eyes in the synagogue looked upon him. He did not ask if they wanted to hear; he did not even ask if they understood. He simply spoke. And he speaks now, to me: “Today, I wish to bring you joy, freedom, sight, redemption.” The gift is offered, but will it be received? He can work many miracles and offer eternal life, but he does not control the response. Respectfully, he waits to hear our answer.
Conversing with Christ: You speak these words to me, Jesus. Will I simply marvel at the gracious son of Joseph, or can I open my heart to recognize you as God of my life and my world today, to accept the great love you offer me and wish to give to others through me? Perhaps you see the hesitation in my heart, Jesus. I know acutely that I am not worthy, that I will fall behind again. Maybe it’s easier just to keep the door altogether shut than to let you see the mess I’m afraid you will find. Speak to my hesitation, speak to my resistance. You remind me, Jesus, that you have never waited for me to be worthy of your love. You wait for me to be receptive. In spite of my difficulties, Lord, I tell you today: “I wish to receive you into my heart.” Come with your freedom, your glad tidings, and sight. Enter my life and claim it as your home.
Resolution: Lord, today by your grace I will strive to open my heart to your action and invitation and will ask myself at the end of the day, “When was I able to do so?”

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Suy Niệm Thứ Năm Sau Lễ Hiển Linh

Thứ Năm Sau Lễ Hiển Linh
Qua bài TM, Chúa Giê-su trở về Ga-li-lê trong quyền năng của Thánh Linh, và tin tức về Ngài lan truyền khắp cả vùng. Ngài giảng dạy trong các hội đường và được mọi Chúa ca ngợi.
Chúa Giê-su vừa trải qua bốn mươi ngày trong sa mạc, ăn chay và cầu nguyện trước khi bắt đầu chức vụ công khai của Ngài. Điểm dừng chân đầu tiên của Ngài là Ga-li-lê, nơi Ngài vào Nhà hội và đọc sách Tiên tri Ê-sai. Tuy nhiên, ngay sau khi những lời Ngài nói ra trong Nhà hội, Chúa Giê-su đã bị đuổi khỏi thị trấn, và mọi Chúa cố gắng ném Ngài xuống đồi để giết Ngài.
Thật là một sự tương phản gây sốc. Lúc đầu, Chúa Giê-su được "mọi Chúa ca ngợi", như chúng ta thấy trong đoạn văn trên. Lời về Ngài lan truyền như cháy rừng khắp các thị trấn. Họ đã nghe về phép báp têm của Ngài và Tiếng nói của Chúa Cha phán từ Thiên đàng, và nhiều Chúa tò mò và phấn khích về Ngài. Nhưng ngay khi Chúa Giê-su bắt đầu rao giảng sứ điệp Phúc âm thuần khiết và khi Ngài bắt đầu giải quyết sự chai đá trong lòng họ, họ đã quay lưng lại với Ngài và tìm kiếm mạng sống của Ngài.
Trong đoạn Tin Mừng Chúa Giêsu “trở về” Galilê. Sứ vụ công khai của Chúa đã bắt đầu, Chúa đang đào tạo những Chúa theo Chúa, và Chúa thậm chí đã bắt đầu thực hiện những phép lạ đầu tiên của mình. Hãy tưởng tượng Chúa bước vào hội đường quê hương của mình: mọi Chúa bắt đầu nhận ra Chúa; có một sự mong đợi ngày càng tăng trong không khí. Một số Chúa nhận thấy tiếng bước chân quen thuộc của Chúa; một số khác nhận ra đôi bàn tay chai sạn và mạnh mẽ của Chúa. Những Chúa khác thì thầm những lời đồn đại địa phương:
Tin đồn rằng đôi tay của Chúa thợ mộc này đã trở thành đôi tay của một Chúa làm phép lạ, nhưng điều đó không thể xảy ra. Có lẽ Ngài sẽ giải tỏa những nghi ngờ của họ và làm sáng tỏ mọi việc. Khi Chúa Giêsu đứng dậy đọc Thánh Kinh, sự mong đợi ngày càng tăng. Trong lòng Chúa Giêsu cũng có sự mong đợi. Trong nhiều năm, Ngài đã thực hiện ý muốn của Cha mình một cách thầm lặng và khiêm tốn giữa những người hàng xóm và gia đình ở Nazareth.
Bây giờ kế hoạch đó sẽ có một hình dạng mới. Ngài đã từng là thợ mộc đóng bàn ghế; giờ đây Ngài đang xây dựng vương quốc của Cha mình. Họ có lắng nghe không? Họ có tiếp nhận lời Ngài không? Rốt cuộc, sự trở về nhà này có phải là sự trở về nhà không?
Nhưng không; Con Chúa không có nơi nào để gối đầu. Cũng chính Chúa Giêsu này đến với trái tim chúng ta trong lời cầu nguyện này và trong suốt cả ngày của chúng ta.
Trong lòng Ngài cũng có sự mong đợi này dành cho chúng ta. Ngài sẽ tìm thấy điều gì khi Ngài nói với trái tim chúng ta?
            Đôi khi chúng ta có thể rơi vào cái bẫy khi nghĩ rằng Phúc âm sẽ luôn có tác dụng thu hút mọi người lại với nhau thành một. Tất nhiên, đây là một trong những mục tiêu cốt lõi của Phúc âm: đoàn kết chúng ta trong Chân lý như một dân tộc của Chúa. Nhưng chìa khóa cho sự hiệp nhất là sự hiệp nhất chỉ có thể có khi tất cả chúng ta chấp nhận Chân lý cứu rỗi của Phúc âm.
Tất cả. Và điều đó có nghĩa là chúng ta phải thay đổi trái tim mình, từ bỏ sự cứng đầu của tội lỗi và mở lòng mình ra với Chúa Kitô. Đáng buồn thay, một số Chúa không muốn thay đổi và kết quả là sự chia rẽ. Nếu chúng ta thấy rằng có những khía cạnh trong lời dạy của Chúa Jesus khó chấp nhận, chúng ta hãy suy ngẫm về đoạn TM trên.  Quay trở lại phản ứng ban đầu của Chúa dân trong thị trấn khi họ nói về Chúa Jesus và ngợi khen Ngài. Đó là phản ứng đúng đắn. Những khó khăn của chúng ta với những gì Chúa Jesus nói và những gì Ngài kêu gọi chúng ta ăn năn không bao giờ nên dẫn chúng ta đến sự hoài nghi thay vì ngợi khen Ngài trong mọi sự.
Hôm nay, chúng ta hãy suy ngẫm về lời dạy của Chúa Jesus mà chúng ta đã phải vật lộn. Mọi điều Ngài nói và mọi điều Ngài dạy đều vì lợi ích cho chúng ta. chúng ta hãy ngợi khen Ngài bất kể điều gì và để tấm lòng ngợi khen của chúng ta mang đến cho bạn sự khôn ngoan cần thiết để hiểu mọi điều Chúa Jesus yêu cầu bạn. Đặc biệt là những lời dạy khó chấp nhận nhất.
Không có điều gì Chúa làm là vô nghĩa hay vô tâm. “Thánh Linh của Chúa ngự trên tôi.” Mỗi lần những lời này được đọc lên, thì đó là một lời tiên tri. Hôm nay, Đấng mà họ đã tiên tri đã nói với họ, và những lời này cũng đã trở thành xác phàm trong Ngôi Lời đã trở thành Xác phàm. Ngài không chỉ nói như Chúa Giêsu thành Nazareth mà những người hàng xóm của Ngài biết, mà còn như Chiên Thiên Chúa, Đấng gánh lấy tội lỗi của thế gian. Ngài đã mang tin mừng đến cho những người nghèo khó bằng cách bước vào cảnh nghèo đói nhất của con Chúa.
Ngay cả những người nghèo khó nhất cũng không thể nói rằng mình đơn độc, vì không có cảnh nghèo đói nào mà Chúa Kitô không chạm đến. Ngài đã đến để giải thoát những người bị áp bức bằng cách gánh lấy những đòn gánh của mọi sự áp bức trên lưng mình, và như vậy, Ngài đã giành được cho chúng ta một sự cứu chuộc không thể bị hủy bỏ. Chúng ta đây là lý do? Ngài muốn mang tin mừng đến cảnh nghèo đói, thiếu thốn, hay thậm chí là trống rỗng nào bên trong long chúng ta? Ngài muốn nhấc sự áp bức nào trong cuộc sống của chính chúng ta khỏi đôi vai chúng ta để đặt lên vai của Ngài? Không gian nào trong nội tâm chúng ta bị giam cầm mà Ngài muốn giải phóng?
Lạy Chúa, con chấp nhận tất cả những gì Chúa đã dạy, và con chọn thay đổi những phần trong cuộc sống của con không phù hợp với thánh ý Chúa. Xin ban cho Chúng con sự khôn ngoan để nhìn thấy điều mà Chúng con phải ăn năn và làm mềm lòng Chúng con để Chúng con luôn mở lòng với Chúa. Chúa Giê-su, Chúng con tin cậy Chúa.

Lạy Chúa Giêsu, xin mở lòng con với Thánh Thần của Chúa trong thời gian cầu nguyện này. Chúng con muốn ở bên Chúa, để lắng nghe những điều Chúa muốn nói. Chúa hiểu rõ hơn Chúng con về việc Chúng con cần Chúa đến mức nào. Đây là những điều khiến Chúng con xao lãng, lo lắng và bận tâm. Chúng con mở không gian này trong trái tim Chúng con cho Chúa, để Chúa có thể lấp đầy Chúng con bằng chính Chúa. Chúng con tin vào Chúa; củng cố đức tin của Chúng con. Chúng con đặt tất cả hy vọng vào lòng nhân từ không bao giờ cạn của Chúa. Và Chúng con yêu Chúa. Hãy bước vào hội đường trong trái tim Chúng con ngay bây giờ, như Chúa đã bước vào hội đường Nazareth. Xin cho Chúng con nhận được lời Chúa

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Thứ Tư sau lễ Hiển Linh

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Thứ Tư sau lễ Hiển Linh
Đã có bao giờ Chúa Giêsu đã xa lánh và tránh mặt chúng ta, khi chúng ta đang phải gặp những thử thách, khó khăn trong cuộc sống?  Qua bài Tin mừng hôm nay, chúng ta thấy Chúa Giêsu mặc dù ở bên này bờ hồ cầu nguyện, nhưng Ngài không bao giờ quên quan tâm, và để ý đến các môn đệ của Ngài trên thuyền giữa cơn bão tố trên hồ Galilê.
            Chúa cũng không bao giờ bỏ chúng ta một mình, nhưng Ngài luôn liên tục theo dõi và đi sát bên cạnh chúng ta trong mọi lúc, mọi nơi, Ngài ở giữa chúng ta trong những lúc chúng ta vui cũng như lúc buồn,  đặc biệt là những khi chúng ta bị cám dỗ cảm thấy yếu đuối hoặc bất lực. Chúng ta hãy tìm đến với Chúa Giêsu để xin Ngài ban cho chúng ta sức mạnh và sự giúp đỡ mỗi khi chúng ta cần đến Ngài.  
            Chúa Giêsu bảo đảm với chúng ta chúng ta không nên phải sợ hãi và chán nản nếu chúng ta đặt niềm tin của chúng ta trọn vẹn nơi Ngài và nhớ rằng tình yêu tuyệt vời của Ngài dành riêng cho chúng ta.
            Ngài biết trươc và thấy tất cả những thử thách sẽ đến với chúng ta. Và mỗi khi thiên tai và thử thách đe dọa, áp đảo tinh thần chúng ta, Chúng tađáp ứng với niềm tin và hy vọng vào tình yêu của Thiên Chúa cũng như sự hiện diện Ngài nơi chúng ta không? Cũng như các môn dệ xưa yếu đuới và thiếu lòng tin, chúng ta nên bắt chước các môn đệ của Ngài để biết sửa đổi cuộc sống và biết đặt niềm tin của chúng ta vào Chúa luôn.
            "Lạy Chúa Giêsu, Xin giúp chúng con biết đặt Niềm tin trọn vẹn vào nơi Chúa, xin  đừng bao giờ để chúng con phải nghi ngờ về sự cứu giúp của Chúa và sự quan tâm hiện diện của Chúa, đặc biệt là trong những lúc hoạn nạn, hiểm nguy. Xin Chúa củng cố niềm tin của chúng con với lòng can đảm niềm hy vọng của chúng con với sự bền bỉ, kiên trì để chúng con không bao giờ có thể bị dao động trong việc đặt tất cả niềm tin của chúng con nơi Ngài, Vì Chúa tất cả của con . "
Meditation: "Take heart, it is I; have no fear"
Does the Lord Jesus ever seem distant when trials or difficulties come your way? Right after Jesus performed the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, he left his disciples by themselves so he could go to a remote place to pray alone.It was at Jesus' initiative that the disciples sailed across the lake of Galilee, only to find themselves in a life-threatening storm. Although they were experienced fishermen, they feared for their lives. The Lake of Galilee was known for its sudden storms whipped up by strong winds which swept down from the nearby mountains. The disciples must have cried out for help when they recognized that their boat was about to be capsized by the threatening waves.
Jesus always intercedes for us
Although Jesus was not physically with them in the boat, he nonetheless had been keeping vigilant watch for them in earnest prayer. When Jesus perceived their trouble he came to them walking on the sea and startled them with his sudden appearance. The disciples were terrified rather than joyful when they saw Jesus' presence on the water. They thought a ghost had appeared to seal their doom. They couldn't believe it was really him until he spoke words of assurance: "Don't give in to fear or panic, but take courage and be calm, because I am here for you and ready to help you in your need." Jesus not only calmed their fears, but the threatening waves and storm as well.
Do you recognize the Lord's abiding presence with you?
Does the Lord Jesus seem distant when trials and difficulties come your way? The Lord never leaves us alone, but keeps constant watch over us at all times, especially when we are tempted and feel weak or helpless. Do you look to the Lord Jesus to give you his strength and help when you are in need? Jesus assures us that we do not have to give into fear or discouragement if we put our trust in Him and remember his great love for us. He will see us through any trial that comes our way. When calamities and trials threaten to overwhelm you, do you respond with faith and hope in God's love and presence with you? "Lord Jesus, may I never doubt your saving help and your ever watchful presence, especially in times of adversity. Fortify my faith with courage and my hope with steady perseverance that I may never waver in placing all my trust in you who are my all."
Wednesday after Epiphany 2025
“Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid!” Mark 6:50
Fear is one of the most paralyzing and painful experiences in life. There are many things we can fear, but most often, the cause of our fear is the evil one trying to deter us from faith and hope in Christ Jesus.
This line above is taken from the story of Jesus walking on the water toward the Apostles during the fourth watch of the night as they were rowing against the wind and being tossed by the waves. When they saw Jesus walking on the water, they were terrified. But when Jesus spoke to them and got into the boat, the wind immediately died down, and the Apostles remained there “completely astounded.” 
The boat on the stormy sea has traditionally been understood to represent our journey through this life. There are countless ways that the evil one, the flesh and the world fight against us. In this story, Jesus sees their trouble from the shore and walks toward them to come to their aid. His reason for walking towards them is His compassionate Heart.
Often in times of fear in life, we lose sight of Jesus. We turn in on ourselves and focus on the cause of our fear. But our goal must be to turn from the cause of fear in life and look for Jesus Who is always compassionate and is always walking toward us in the midst of our fear and struggle.
Reflect, today, upon whatever it is that causes you the most fear and anxiety in life. What is it that leads you to interior confusion and struggle? Once you identify the source, turn your eyes from that to our Lord. See Him walking toward you in the midst of whatever you struggle with, saying to you, “Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid!”
Lord, once again I turn to Your most compassionate Heart. Help me to lift my eyes toward You and to turn away from the sources of my anxiety and fear in life. Fill me with faith and hope in You and give me the courage I need to put all my trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You.
Wednesday after Epiphany
Opening Prayer: Lord God, I have been tossed about by the sea of life. I have had my ups and downs, my victories and failures. Without you, I can do nothing lasting or of eternal value. But with you, I can do all things and merit the reward of eternal life.
Encountering the Word of God
1. Who is it that Walks on the Sea? In the Gospels, Jesus speaks and acts in a way that shows that he is not merely human. This is seen in his ability to still the Sea of Galilee and walk on it. “Like the stilling of the storm, Jesus’ act of walking on the sea is widely identified … as an ‘epiphany miracle’” (Pitre, Jesus and Divine Christology, 66). The Book of Job holds that God alone is able to walk upon the waves of the sea as on dry ground (Job 9:8). In the Gospel, Jesus is doing what the Book of Job says only God can do. “When we interpret Jesus’s act of walking on the sea in the light of Jewish Scripture, a strong case can be made that it is epiphanic: that is, it reveals that Jesus is equal in divine power to the Creator. For without assistance from anyone, Jesus does something that only the creator God can do” (Pitre, Jesus and Divine Christology, 70). Jesus’ disciples responded to Jesus walking on the Sea of Galilee with the typical human reaction to a theophany or appearance of God: they were terrified (Matthew 14:26; Mark 6:50; John 6:19).
2. Passing By: Mark notes that Jesus intended to “pass by” his disciples in the boat. This simple expression calls to mind at least four times in the Old Testament when God is said to have passed by. First, God passed through the animals sacrificed by Abraham (Genesis 15:17). Second, God passed by Moses when he revealed a glimpse of the backside of his glory (Exodus 34:6). Third, God passed by Elijah in the gentle breeze (1 Kings 19:11). Fourth, it recalls the passage from Job that speaks about the Lord God walking upon the sea: “He alone stretches out the heavens and treads upon the crests of the sea. … Should he come near me, I see him not; should [the Lord] pass by, I am not aware of him” (Job 9:8, 11). By walking on the Sea, Jesus manifests his equality with the God who made a covenant with Abraham, who called Moses to lead his people, who inspired Elijah, and who challenged Job.
3. I AM: Not only does Jesus do what God alone can do, but Jesus identifies himself using the divine name, “I AM.” When the Lord God revealed himself to Moses, he revealed his name, “I AM WHO AM” or “HE WHO IS” (YHWH). The name emphasizes that God is eternal, without beginning or end; he simply is. “Jesus takes for himself the divine name ‘I AM’ that God revealed to Moses at the burning bush (Exodus 3:14). This claim to divinity is corroborated as Jesus does what only God can do: he treads upon the sea (Job 9:8)” (Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: Old and New Testament, 1799). “Just as the God of Israel reveals the divine “I am” to Moses while displaying his power over the bush that burns but is not consumed, so now Jesus uses the divine ‘I am’ while displaying his power over creation by walking on the sea” (Pitre, Jesus and Divine Christology, 75). The episode, then, is a theophany in which Jesus reveals his divinity by manifesting divine power over creation and by taking the divine name of the one God of Israel as his own (Pitre, Jesus and Divine Christology, 76).
Conversing with Christ: Lord Jesus, I believe in you, but help my unbelief. I know that you are true God and true man and I confess this in faith. But I can always grow in my faith and welcome your Truth more fully. Increase my faith and instill your wisdom within me!
Wednesday after Epiphany
Opening Prayer: Lord Jesus, all creation rests in your hands. Who am I that you are mindful of me? Yet in faith, I know that you are here with me. I know that you love me and desire my love. Jesus, I trust in your love, your mercy, your forgiveness. I trust in your goodness. I bring all that I am to you in this moment of prayer. Help me see my life through your eyes and open my heart to any change you ask of me.

Encountering Christ:
1.      He Went Off to Pray: After a busy, demanding day, Jesus sent his disciples ahead on their own, and he went off to pray—alone. When we’ve had a busy day, and we’re tired, where do we turn? We might call a friend to help relieve all the demands on us. We might turn on the TV. Maybe we go for a run. How often do we first turn to Our Lord to review all that has happened, how we responded, how we’re feeling? Is God our first source of refreshment? Do we make time to be with Our Lord? The Catechism points out that “Many Christians unconsciously regard prayer as an occupation that is incompatible with all the other things they have to do: they ‘don’t have the time’” (2726). Of course, relationships are built on time spent together. To grow in our intimacy with God, we must spend time with him, talking and listening to him about the realities of our lives.
2.      He Meant to Pass Them By: The disciples did not recognize Jesus and were terrified at seeing what they thought was a ghost. Though Jesus meant to pass them by, he responded to their terror. He stopped and reassured them, “It is I,” and exhorted them to have courage and fear not before joining them in the boat. As we go through our daily lives, we may encounter things that frighten us, and it may be difficult to see God present in the challenges that we face. We may not know how to respond to what we are experiencing. Again, where do we turn? Do we cry out to God and listen to his reassurance? Jesus responded to the disciples' fear. We need to do as they did—cry out so that we may also hear Jesus tell us to “take courage” and “fear not.” These are precious moments when we can grow in our trust and hope in the Lord. Imagine the feelings St. John Neumann must have experienced when, after completing his seminary education, his bishop told him that he would not be ordained because there were too many priests in Bohemia!
3.      The Wind Died Down: In this Gospel story, Jesus got into the boat, and the wind died down; Jesus calmed the storm. While our circumstances do not always change when we pray, Jesus, nevertheless, brings peace. He calms the storm within our hearts even if the externals of our life remain the same. He is in our boat! Sometimes we have to remind ourselves of that repeatedly: Christ is with us. Christ is caring for us. Christ will bring us through the challenges of our lives. St. John Neumann left Bohemia for the United States. Upon arriving, he met with the bishop of New York and was ordained in short order. His life is a story of continued reliance on Christ in the midst of many stories and trials, and he provides an example of perseverance in the mission through reliance on Christ.
Conversing with Christ: Jesus, thank you for being with me in every moment of my day. Knowing that you are with me gives me the courage to look at the storms in my life, to see how you want me to approach them. As you calmed the storm, quiet the storm in my heart. I want to find that peace that only you can give. You are with me, and that gives me the courage to look at how I live my life and make the changes that you ask of me. Give me the courage to take up the mission you ask of me out of love for you and neighbor.
Resolution: Lord, today by your grace I will identify one area of my life in which I have been saying “no” to you and will take the first step in saying “yes.”
Wednesday after Epiphany 2021
Opening Prayer: Lord Jesus, please grant me a listening heart as I enter into this moment of prayer. May I be attentive to your word and to whatever light you wish to impart to me today.
Encountering Christ:
1. “Take Courage! It Is I”: The disciples had good reason to be afraid—it was a dark and stormy night, and they were in real danger of perishing. No wonder they didn’t recognize Jesus when he approached them! But instead of scolding them for their lack of faith, Jesus reassured them by announcing himself and telling them to take courage. Perhaps we also have experienced storms in our lives, moments of great fear and anxiety where we feel like we’re barely staying afloat. During these moments, the Lord addresses to us the very same words that he said to his disciples: “Take courage! It is I. Do not be afraid.”
2. The Peace of Christ: According to the Gospel, the wind died down the moment Jesus climbed onto the boat. His mere presence was enough to calm the storm that had terrified the disciples so much. When we welcome Christ into our lives, one of the first gifts that he gives to us is peace—the peace that the world cannot give (John 14:27), a peace that stays with us even amidst the greatest storms. As Christians, we always have the opportunity to experience this peace, so long as we allow Christ to climb onto our boat and join us on life’s journey.
3. Christ Softens Our Hardened Hearts: The disciples had witnessed two great miracles that day: first, the multiplication of the loaves and fish, and second, Jesus walking on water. And yet the Gospel says that they were not able to understand the significance of these miracles because “their hearts were hardened.” During difficult moments in our lives, we might feel the temptation to harden our hearts in order to protect ourselves from pain and suffering. We might become so overwhelmed by our own anxieties that we are unable to perceive or understand the miracles that Christ might already be performing in our lives. But as Our Lord says in Ezekiel 36:26, he can remove our “hearts of stone” and give us “hearts of flesh” so that we can remain open to him in faith, hope, and love, even in the midst of the most difficult trial.
Conversing with Christ: Lord, thank you for being with me during the storms that have passed in my life. Come into my heart today, that I may experience your peace—the peace that the world cannot give, and that no one can take away.
Resolution: Lord, today by your grace I will make a simple act of trust (“Jesus, I trust in you.”) whenever I encounter a trial or difficulty.
Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Mark 6:45-52 Thứ Tư sau lễ Hiển Linh
Bài đọc hôm nay có thể thuyết phục chúng ta là:  khi chúng ta thức dậy mỗi buổi sáng, chúng ta sẽ không phải đối mặt một ngày mới một mình mà lẽ tất nhiên là chúng ta ý thức được sự hỗ trợ của những thành viên trong gia đình hoặc bạn bè, và thực sự, với khả năng sẵn có của chúng ta, chúng ta cũng sẵn sàng hỗ trợ cho những người khác khi đến lượt của chúng ta. Tuy nhiên, đôi khi, chúng ta có thể vì nhiều lý do khác nhau, mà chúng ta thực sự đã phải tự lo cho chính mình. Có những lúc chúng ta phải xa nhà để làm việc, để kinh doanh hoặc nghiên cứu, và đôi khi trong những khi đó, chúng ta có thể cảm thấy là chúng ta đang bị cô lập vì chúng ta đã phải đưa ra những quyết định khó khăn mà chúng ta có thể cảm thấy là bị bắt buộc phải có một quyết định mà không mấy ai ưa chuộng.
            Trong những khi cô lập như vậy, chúng ta đã được hai bài đọc hôm nay chắc chắn với chúng ta là có một người bạn có rất quyền thế đang ở với chúng ta. Một nửa thứ hai của chương đầu trong Tin Mừng Thánh Mácô là một thời gian khoản "mẫu"  của hai mươi bốn giờ một ngày trong cuộc đời của Chúa Giêsu. Trong những khoản khắc này, Chúa Giêsu sống rất bận rộn nhưng Ngài luôn luôn sốt sắng giơ đôi bàn tay của Ngài để giúp đỡ những người có nhu cầu cần thiết. Nhưng, không phải tất cả hai mươi bốn giờ trong ngày của Ngài đều được đi qua một cách suôn sẻ,  chẳng khác gì cuộc sống riêng của chúng ta.
            Bài đọc thứ nhất đã cho chúng ta biết rằng Chúa Kitô là người anh cả của chúng ta, chính vì Ngài đã được thử  nghiệm bởi những thử thách dài trong hai mươi bốn giờ một ngày chẳng khác gì những thử thách mà chúng ta đả từng trải qua  trong cuộc sống. Vi thế Ngài hiểu rất rõ tình trạng của mỗi người chúng ta bởi vì Ngài cũng đã từng trải qua những kinh nghiệm sống như chúng ta. Là người anh cả của chúng ta, là người lãnh đạo của chúng ta và là người được quý trọng, Ngài luôn mong muốn được giúp đỡ chúng ta. Như là vị Thượng tế được bổ nhiệm bởi Chúa Cha, Ngày có  uy quyền để làm như vậy.
            Lạy Chúa, xin Chúa  ở lại với chúng con khi chúng con bắt đầu một ngày mới, Xin Chúa biến chuyến trái tim và long trí của chúng con để chúng con biết tìm kiếm Chúa và có ý chí nghị lực  để phục vụ Chúa.
Today’s readings could go a long way towards persuading us that when we get up in the morning we are not facing the day alone. Of course very often we are conscious of the support of family members or friends and, indeed, of our ability to support them and others in our turn. Sometimes, however, we may seem for various reasons to be really on our own. We may be away from home for business or studies. We may feel isolated because we have to make difficult decisions or we may feel obliged to take an unpopular stance.
            In such isolation we are assured by both readings that a very powerful friend is with us. It is generally agreed that the second half of the first chapter of Mark is an account of a “sample” twenty-four hours in the life of Jesus. In this account Jesus is very busy but is well received because of the powerful helping hand he stretched out to men and women in need. Not all his twenty-four hours, however, went so smoothly. Nor do ours. The first reading points out to us that Christ is our brother, precisely because he was tested by the kind of twenty-four stretches that test us. He understands our situation because he has experienced it. As our brother, leader and inspirer he has the desire to help us. As the High Priest appointed by the Father he has the power to do so. Lord, be with us as we start a new day — move our hearts to seek You and our wills to serve You.
Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Mark 6:45-52 - Thứ Tư sau lễ Hiển Linh
Qua bài Tin Mừng hôm nay, chúng ta thấy là ngay sau khi Đức Giêsu đã làm phép lạ hoá bánh và cá ra nhiều, Ngài đã cứu các môn đệ của Ngài trên thuyền trong cơn bão giữa biển Hồ. Mặc dù các môn đệ của Chúa là những người đánh cá chuyên nghiệp, họ đều có những kinh nghiệm và biết đến hồ Galilê với những cơn bão bất ngờ gió mạnh càn quét xuống từ các ngọn núi gần đó. Vì thế mà các môn đệ đã hoảng sợ và kêu cứu khi họ nhận ra rằng con thuyền của họ sắp bị lật và đắm chìm do cơn bão bất ngờ này, Chúa đã không nỡ để họ phải sợ hãi và thất vọng, Chúa đã đến với họ.
            Mặc dù Chúa Giêsu đã không mặt với họ trong thuyền, Nhưng dù sao Ngài vẫn luôn tiếp tục thận trọng theo dõi họ trong lời cầu nguyện tha thiết. Khi Chúa Giêsu nhận ra vấn đề cần thiết của họ, Ngài đã đến với họ tức khắc bằng mọi cách như đi trên biển để đếb với làm họ đã giật mình với sự xuất hiện đột ngột của Ngài. Các môn đệ sợ hơn là vui khi họ nhìn thấy sự hiện diện của Chúa Giêsu trên mặt nước. Tại sao?. Vì lòng tin yếu kém của họ, họ không nhận ra Chúa mà họ chỉ nghĩ tới đóma, Họ không thể tin rằng đó thực sự là Chúa Giêsu, thầy của họ cho đến khi ngài đã lên tiếng trấn an họ "Cứ yên tâm, chính Thầy đây, đừng sợ!" (Mk 6:45)  Hãy can đảm bình tĩnh, bởi vì Thầy đang ở đây với các con sẵn sàng để giúp con với những nhu cầu cần thiết của các con".
Chúa Giêsu không những chỉ làm dịu nỗi sợ hãi của họ, nhưng Ngài còn làm cho sóng biển êm suôi để đưa con thuyền mau vào bến. Cuộc sống của chúng ta cũng như con thuyền mong manh giữa cơn bão trên  biển hồ. Chúa vẫn hiện diện với chúng, Chúng ta không thấy, hay không nhận ra Chúa, nhưng Chúa vẫn đi sát và ở ngay bên cạnh chúng ta trong cuộc sống của chúng ta mỗi ngày để nâng đỡ trong những khi bão táp đang dồn dập trong cuộc sống của chúng ta.  "Cứ yên tâm, chính Thầy đây, đừng sợ!"  
            Chúa luôn hiện diện trong chúng ta, Ngài sẽ cứu chúng ta nếu chúng ta cho phép Ngài vào trong cuộc sống, trong những đau khổ của chúng ta với lòng tin. Như Ngài đã cứu các môn đệ năm xưa trên biển hổ, Ngài cũng sẽ giúp chúng ta. Chúng ta hãy cầu xin Chúa ban cho chúng ta có lòng tin vào Ngài, để biết nhận ra Chúa trong cuộc sống của chúng ta và biết sống theo như ý của Chúa.
Reflection Wednesday after Epiphany
Today, we see how Jesus, after dismissing the apostles and the crowd, goes off by himself to pray. His whole life has been a constant dialogue with the Father, and yet, he chooses to go to the hillside to pray. And what about us? How do we pray? More often than not the frantic pace of our worldly life becomes a serious obstacle for our spiritual life. And we forget that it is as equally important to “feed” our soul, as it is to feed our body. However, God and our relationship with Him does not stand high in our priorities. Under such circumstances it is difficult to truly pray. Nor is it possible to maintain a prayerful spirit when we beg for help only in times of trouble.
            Finding room and time for prayer requires a yearning within us to meet God with the unshakable conviction that nobody and nothing can replace him. Without this longing to communicate with God, our prayer easily drifts into a soliloquy, a tool we use just to try to solve nagging problems. We are also easily distracted during prayer, our hearts and minds invaded by all kind of thoughts and feelings. Praying is not like chatting but rather a simple elated encounter with Love. It is our ongoing relationship with God: the silent communication between me, the poor one who needs everything, and “You”, the transcendent provider of all. The constant reward of true prayer lies in our sure knowledge that our Creator loves us.
            Prayer and Christian life are inseparable. Origenes, the ancient Church Father reminds us that: «Only he who joins prayer to deeds and deeds to prayer, prays unceasingly. Only in this way can we understand what it means to pray constantly». We must indeed pray without stop to sanctify our deeds and join them to our prayer. The continuous dialogue Jesus offers us in prayer not only soothes our spirit but bring us to realize that prayer is the breath of God’s love. If we do not breathe we die; if we do not pray, we die spiritually.