Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng thứ Tư tuần thứ 4 Thường Niên

Suy Niệm Tin Mừng thứ Tư tuần thứ 4 Thường Niên
Con người chúng ta luôn nhận biết sự liên hệ giữa nhân và quả: nếu không có nguyên nhân thì chắ sẽ không bao có hậu quả. Mặc dù thế nhưng đôi lúc chúng ta không thể hiểu được nguyên nhân. Kinh thánh được viết qua nhiều thời đại, khi con người vẫn còn cái nhìn về thế giới với những giải thích về khoa học rất đơn giản khi giải về nguyên nhân của những dữ kiện.đã xảy ra trong thế giới
Lấy câu chuyện về cuộc kiểm tra dân số của vua David nếu hiểu theo nghĩa chúng ta nghĩ là Thiên Chúa có vẻ đã quá tàn nhẫn trong việc trừng phạt dân chúng chỉ vì việc kiểm tra dân số của Vua David. Để hiểu được câu chuyện này theo đúng nghĩa, chúng ta phải vượt qua tất cả các chi tiết trong bài học này.
Nói một cách khách quan thì vấn đề hành chính trong việc kiểm tra dân số chỉ rất đơn giản không phải là việc làm nên tội.  Tuy nhiên, khi Joab báo cáo số người nam "thích ứng để phục vụ trong quân đội", thì vua David dường như đã nhận ra rằng việc tìm biết được sức mạnh của quân đội là một việc làm tự cao và coi thường việc đặt hết sự tin tưởng của mình vào Thiên Chúa và vì vậy ông ăn năn, hối hận về những iệc làm của mình . Ông ta cần nên phải nghĩ đến những hậu quả của những việc làm của mình.
Trong việc Vua David chọn lực một trong ba sự lựa chọn, Bài đọc nà đã dạy cho tắt cả chúng ta biết là Thiên Chúa  là người luôn biết xót thương và đối xử với chúng ta một cách tử tế hơn là những người đồng loại của chúng ta.
Lạy Chúa Cha ở trên trời, xin ban cho chúng con những ân sủng của sự khôn ngoan để giúp chúng con luôn luôn biết nghĩ đến hậu quả của những việc làm và những hành động của chúng con trước chúng con bắt đầu hành động.
Wednesday 4th Ordinary Time
We human beings have always realized that there is a relationship between cause and effect: there is no effect without a cause, even though the cause may not be totally intelligible to us. The Bible was composed during ages when human beings still had a very pre-scientific view of the world and produced rather simplistic explanations of the cause of events. Taking the story of David’s census too literally will make God seem cruel in punishing the people merely because of David’s census. To understand a story like this we must get beyond the details to the teaching. Objectively speaking a mere administrative matter like holding a census would not be a grave sin. However, when Joab reported the number of men “fit for military service”, David seems to have realized that knowing the strength of his army was a matter of pride and a failure to put all his trust in God and so he immediately regretted his action. He should have thought of the consequences of his action.
In having David choose between three options, the writer wishes mostly to teach that God is most merciful and deals with us in a kindlier way than our fellow human beings do.
Father in Heaven, grant us the grace of prudence that we will always think of the consequences of our actions before we act.
Wednesday 4th Ordinary Time
“Is he not the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joseph and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him. Mark 6:3
After traveling throughout the countryside performing miracles, teaching the crowds and gaining many followers, Jesus returned to Nazareth where He grew up. Perhaps His disciples were excited to return with Jesus to His native place, thinking that His own townspeople would be overjoyed to see Jesus again because of the many stories of His miracles and authoritative teaching. But the disciples were soon to have quite a surprise.
After arriving in Nazareth, Jesus entered the Synagogue to teach, and He taught with an authority and wisdom that confounded the locals. They said among themselves, “Where did this man get all this? What kind of wisdom has been given him?” They were confused because they knew Jesus. He was the local carpenter who worked for years with His father who was a carpenter. He was Mary’s son, and they knew His other relatives by name.
The primary difficulty Jesus’ townspeople had was their familiarity with Jesus. They knew Him. They knew where He lived. They knew Him as He grew up. They knew His family. They knew all about Him. Therefore, they wondered how Jesus could be anything special. How could He now teach with authority? How could He now do miracles? Thus, the townspeople were astonished, and they allowed that astonishment to turn into doubt, judgment and criticism.
The same temptation is something we all deal with more than we may realize. It is often easier to admire a stranger from afar than one whom we know well. When we hear of someone for the first time who is doing something admirable, it’s easy to join in that admiration. But when we hear good news about someone we know well, we can easily be tempted to jealousy or envy and to be skeptical and even critical. But the truth is that every saint has a family. And every family potentially has brothers and sisters, cousins and other relatives through whom God will do great things. This should not surprise us—it should inspire us! And we should rejoice when those close to us and with whom we are familiar are used powerfully by our good God.
Reflect, today, upon those whom you are familiar with in life, especially your own family. Examine whether or not you struggle with an ability to see beyond the surface and accept that God dwells within everyone. We must constantly seek to discover the presence of God all around us, especially in the lives of those whom we know very well.
My ever-present Lord, thank You for the countless ways in which You are present in the lives of those all around me. Give me the grace to see You and to love You in the lives of those closest to me. As I discover Your glorious presence in their lives, fill me with deep gratitude and help me to acknowledge Your love that comes forth from their lives. Jesus, I trust in You.
Wednesday 4th Ordinary Time 2025
Opening Prayer: Lord God, I hope that my lack of faith or weak faith never become obstacles to you acting in my life. Strength my faith and grant me the wisdom of your Word and the charity of your Spirit.
Encountering the Word of God
1. Jesus’ Four Cousins: Who are the “brothers of Jesus”? The Gospels of Mark and Matthew identify James and Joseph, here mentioned, as the sons of “the other Mary” (see Mark 15:37, 40-41, 47; 16:1; Matthew 27:55-56, 59-61; Luke 24:10). After the death of Jesus, James eventually became the leader of the Church in Jerusalem and was known as “James, the Lord’s brother” (Galatians 1:19). The Gospel of John refers to “the other Mary” as “Mary, the wife of Clopas.” Clopas is identified by tradition as the brother of Joseph, the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus. This means then that the so-called four “brothers” of Jesus are not his blood brothers, but rather his close relatives. They are his cousins and are the children of Mary and Clopas. Two of these four cousins, James and Simon, became the first bishops of Jerusalem. Eusebius writes: “After James the Just had suffered martyrdom [in A.D. 62] for the same reason as the Lord, Simon, his cousin, the son of Clopas, was appointed bishop, whom they all proposed because he was another cousin of the Lord.” Like his brother James, Simon suffered martyrdom during the reign of the Emperor Trajan.
2. The Lack of Faith: The purpose of the story of the lack of faith in Nazareth is to show that while Jesus’ divine power and mercy are unlimited, people can be hindered from experiencing his power and mercy by their refusal to believe in him (Healy, The Gospel of Mark, 111). At first, the people of Nazareth were impressed by Jesus’ wisdom and mighty deeds. But their initial awe and wonder soon turn to stumbling and being scandalized by Jesus. The idea that a simple, hometown carpenter could inaugurate the kingdom of God was scandalous to them. They were too attached to their idea about how God acts, and this became an obstacle to professing faith in Jesus. When Jesus sends out his apostles, they will encounter people who will welcome them in faith and also those who will reject them just because they were simple fishermen and even sinful tax collectors.
3. Endure your Trials as Discipline: The Letter to the Hebrews teaches us that suffering is an unavoidable and indispensable part of Christian life. The author invites us to contemplate and understand our sufferings as discipline coming from our loving Father, who, by permitting us, his children, to suffer and endure trial, is preparing us to share in his divine glory. Jesus was made perfect through suffering (Hebrews 2:10). “It was Jesus’ filial trust and obedience in the face of unbearable suffering that refined his human nature to infinite perfection. Now Hebrews shows more concretely how Jesus’ perfection relates to us.” (Healy, Hebrews, 262). Jesus leads us and, when we are united to him, brings us to share in God’s glory. God’s fatherly discipline perfected his Son’s human nature, and, in like manner, transforms us into faithful, obedient sons and daughters. In response to God’s discipline, we should neither disdain it nor lose heart. We should highly value our sufferings because they are a sign that God loves us: “For whom the Lord loves, he disciplines; he scourges every son he acknowledges” (Hebrews 12:6). “God allows suffering because he deeply cares about his children growing to full maturity” (Healy, Hebrews, 263). We are to endure our sufferings and trials as discipline, knowing that God is using them to perfect us in this life and prepare us for the glory of divine life that awaits us.
Conversing with Christ: Lord Jesus, you suffered and were perfected in your human nature through your loving obedience. Help me to endure the suffering that comes my way and be victorious in times of temptation and trial.
Wednesday 4th Ordinary Time 2024
Opening Prayer: Lord, your servant David was not perfect, but he is a model of repentance for me. When confronted with his sin and its consequences, he humbled himself and begged for mercy. He recognized the depths of his sin but also the depths of your love. Help me to see where I have failed and where I need your healing mercy.
 Encountering the Word of God
 1. The Sin of David’s Military Census: David wanted to know how strong his military was and asked Joab to take a military census. The Bible tells us that God was testing David and permitted Satan to tempt David (1 Chronicles 21:1). The census was sinful because it showed that David was placing his trust in military strength rather than in God. David’s sin of counting his soldiers has many parallels with his sin with Bathsheba. For example, David uses Joab in both to carry out his command. In both, many innocent people are killed. In both, David expresses his penance by prostrating himself on the ground. In both, David repents and simply says: “I have sinned.” The pestilence triggered by David’s military census killed 70,000 men. The punishment fits the crime. David foolishly trusted in military might and the number of his soldiers. The pestilence reminded David how weak human beings are compared to the awesome power of God.
 2. David and the Petition for Divine Mercy. When David sees the angel approaching Jerusalem, he recognizes that he, as the shepherd, has sinned and that the people, like sheep, should be spared. He was willing to offer himself on behalf of the people. Ultimately, David showed that he was a man who trusted in God’s mercy. He planned to offer sacrifice on the site designated by God. The threshing floor that David bought would one day become the site of the Temple of Solomon, where millions of lambs would be offered in sacrifice and where one day, outside the walls of Jerusalem, Jesus, the Lamb of God, would be sacrificed for our sins.
 3. Jesus’ Family: When Jesus returned to Nazareth, his native place, he taught in the local synagogue and astonished the people with his teaching. Unfortunately, the people were scandalized by Jesus and did not put faith in him. They asked: How could a simple carpenter like Jesus inaugurate the promised Kingdom of God and do these wondrous signs? When speaking about Jesus’ extended family, Mark lists four of Jesus’ cousins. Mark and Matthew both indicate that James and Joses are the sons of a different Mary (see Mark 15:40-47; Matthew 27:55-56; 59-61). The “other Mary” was most likely the wife of Clopas, who was the brother of Joseph, the husband of Mary. We know that James, the Lord's cousin, acted as the first bishop of Jerusalem (Acts 15:13; Acts 21:18). According to Hegesippus, after James was martyred by the Pharisees between A.D. 63-69, James’ brother Simon, another cousin of Jesus and son of Clopas, was appointed the second bishop of Jerusalem. Tradition holds that Simon led the Christians of Jerusalem to Pella before the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. Being a member of Jesus’ extended family brought persecution rather than privilege.
 Conversing with Christ: Lord, you brought the members of your earthly family into the family of the Church. I too am a member of that family. You have done wondrous things for me. I pledge to heed your Word and fulfill the Father’s will today.
 Resolution: We are challenged daily to place our trust in God rather than earthly things. Each day we have an opportunity to renew our faith in God, grow in our faith, and entrust our cares to the Lord. We can be confident that God directs all human history and exercises his providential care over his creation. Despite my shortcomings, sins, and failures, God continues to offer me his merciful love. Where do I need to grow in my trust in God today?
Wednesday 4th Week in Ordinary Time
            King David decided to hold a census — a counting — of his people. What was so unusual? Don’t most countries today do the same? But it made God angry, and God delivered a stern rebuke and harsh punishment. Numbering the people was usually done in order to squeeze more taxes from them or to grab them for military service. David’s act was an indication that he didn't entirely trust God to be generous enough with him. Greed and a lust for control over others had taken hold of him.
            We too fail in similar but not so spectacular ways. When we try to impose our will on others or on situations, often it is a sign that we are fearful and do not really trust God to give us what we need. What are the ways in which we ‘count the people’ or try to squeeze others for our own benefit? Sometimes it is difficult to be respected by family, friends, and those with whom we have grown up. They know us too well; they know our quirks and weaknesses and have seen us at our worst as well as our best. Those who do not know us so well can have a very different and much more positive view of us.
            The people of Jesus’ hometown could not get past outward appearances and past memories of Jesus.
They remained deaf to his message and blind to his deeds. Even he was not able to do much in the face of so much unbelief. Perhaps we do the same thing — we label people and do not look beyond the outward aspects of their personality.  Lord, help me to see others in a new light.


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