Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sept 29, Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Lễ Kính Các Tổng Lãnh Thiên Thần Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael

Sept 29, Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Lễ Kính Các Tổng Lãnh Thiên Thần Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael
Hôm nay, chúng ta mừng kính lễ các Tổng lãnh thiên thần Michael, Gabriel và Raphael.
Tất cả chúng ta chắc ai cũng biết và quen thuộc với Tổng lãnh thiên thần Michael, người chiến binh, vệ sĩ của Thiên Chúa, và với Tổng lãnh thiên thần Gabriel, người sứ giả của Thiên Chúa xuống. truyền tin và đem tin mừng tới Đức Maria và Zechariah và cho nhân loại vì sự ra đời của Chúa Giêsu và Goan Tẩy giả. Tổng lãnh thiên thần Raphael, Người "Y sĩ của Thiên Chúa," mà chúng ta thấy xuất hiện trong sách Tobit để chữa lành mắt cho Tobit khỏi chứng mù lòa và bảo vệ Tobias trong cuộc hôn nhân với cô Sara, người đã bị nhiều quỷ dữ dày vò.
Trong bài đọc thứ Nhất trích sách Khải Huyền, chúng ta thấy Michael, chiến binh của Thiên Chúa, đánh bại Sa-tan và những kẻ ác của hắn. Những cuộc tranh đấu để chống lại lực lượng gian ác tiếp tục đến ngày hôm nay. Giáo Hội dạy chúng ta phải biết chống lại điều gian ác và dối trá. Tổng lãnh thiên thần Michael đang tiếp tục giúp bảo vệ Giáo Hội và tất cả những người sống mà có lòng tốt và trọng sự thật.
Trong bài Tin Mừng, chúng ta thấy Chúa Giêsu kêu gọi các môn đệ đầu tiên của Ngài, chúng ta nghe Chúa Giê-su bảo đảm với chúng ta rằng các thiên thần đang ở trong sự sẵn sằng chờ lệnh của Thiên Chúa, " các thiên thần của Thiên Chúa lên xuống trên Con Người." Các thiên thần và các tổng lãnh Thiên Thần giúp chúng ta trong cuộc hành trình của cuộc sống của chúng ta đến với thiên đàng và nước Thiên Cha, Chúng tôi được kêu gọi để ưến với các Thiên Thần để cầu bầu và giúp chúng ta trong cuộc sống hàng ngày của chúng ta và nhất là trong những khi cần thiết.
Sept 29, the Feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. We are familiar with Michael, the fighter and warrior of God, and with Gabriel, God's messenger to Mary and Zechariah for the birth of their sons.
The Archangel Raphael, "the Medicine of God," appears in the book of Tobit to heal Tobit from his blindness and to protect Tobias in her marriage to Sara who had been tormented by many devils.
In the first reading from Revelation, we see Michael, God's warrior, defeating Satan and his evil hosts. These struggles against evil forces continue today. The Church teaches against evil and lies. Michael helps protect the Church and all those who live for goodness and truth.
In the Gospel reading, at Jesus' call of his first disciples, we hear Jesus assuring us that angels are at God's bidding, "ascending and descending upon the Son of Man." The angels and archangels help us in our life journey to heaven and the kingdom of God. We are urged to call upon them in our daily lives and in time of need.
Friday 25th Ordinary Time 9-29- 2023
Reflection Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels
When we look at what a mess the world is in, it is natural to wish for 
Opening Prayer: Lord, thank you for this precious time pondering your word. Bless me as I seek inspiration for my day.
Encountering Christ: 
A True Child of Israel: Our Lord told Nathanael that he was a true child of Israel, that there was “ no duplicity in him.” Jesus was drawing attention to the nobility of Nathanael’s soul. Nathanael was not about impressing others. He wasn’t concerned about appearances. He was authentic, real, honest, and trustworthy. This disposition pleased Jesus. Can we say the same for ourselves? Let us pray for the grace to be true to our Christian convictions, no matter what pressures we undergo. 
I See You: “Before Philip called you, I saw you under the fig tree.” Wouldn’t we like to know what went on under that fig tree? Any guess would be mere speculation, but the important thing to know is that the occurrence Jesus referred to was probably quite significant to Nathanael. He seemed overcome with amazement that Jesus knew him more deeply than anyone had ever known him before. Jesus also knows each of us intimately. He knows our deepest intentions when others only see words and actions. He knows our distorted intentions—ones that can corrupt even the most heroic of gestures. And he knows our heart's deepest desires, sometimes before we do. The more we allow God into the most intimate sanctuary of our soul, the greater will be our experience of the wonders he can do in us. It is remarkable that God knows us as he does, even more remarkable that he loves us as he does, and still more remarkable that he calls us into union with him. Our experience of giving God permission to plumb the depths of our hearts opens us to the truth of being deeply, overwhelmingly loved by him and finally to the experience of allowing him to transform us and lead us to union with him.
Angels Accompany Us: We celebrate angels in today’s liturgy. The word “angel” means messenger. In spiritual reality, angels are everywhere. Personal guardian angels are with us throughout our life. Angels are present at each Mass adoring Jesus along with us. Angels are invoked at funerals as we ask them to lead us to paradise (CCC 335). “The whole life of the Church benefits from the mysterious and powerful help of angels (CCC 334). How blessed are we by these mysterious creatures God has given us! How often do we think of them? Welcome their presence in our life? Ask them for favors? 
Conversing with Christ: Lord, I can never fully comprehend how well you know and love me. You even gave the church the gift of archangels. I am grateful for all of your spiritual gifts and want only to know you more and more with each passing day. 
Resolution: Lord, today, by your grace, I will be more conscious of your gift of angels and seek their guidance and favor.
September 29, 2022- Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels
Opening Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to be like your disciple Nathanael, having no duplicity in me. Instill in me a love for the truth, so that, in large ways and small, I may always be truthful with those around me. Amen.
Encountering Christ:
1. Where Do We Rest?: Scripture tells us that Nathanael had been spotted by Christ under a fig tree. What was he doing there? Praying? Enjoying nature? Having some alone time? In our electronic age, “rest” never seems to happen. There is always one more post, email, tweet, text, video, or comment. When was the last time we took a moment to find a quiet spot, “under a fig tree,” where perhaps the Lord can touch our heart in a new way?
2. A Heart That Is Pure: This encounter with Nathanael is but one example of how Jesus treats his followers as individuals. He knows each of us by name and what is in our hearts. As Psalm 139 says, “Lord, you have probed me, you know me: you know when I sit and stand; you understand my thoughts from afar…Even before a word is on my tongue, Lord, you know it all. Behind and before you encircle me and rest your hand upon me.” Since Our Lord knows all of our thoughts, including those that may be keeping our heart from being pure like Nathanael’s, let us thoroughly examine conscience, looking for attachments that may be drawing us away from our all-knowing, all-loving God. Jesus is ready and waiting to purify us through the sacrament of Reconciliation.
3. Why Do We Believe?: Nathanael’s spontaneous burst of faith must have delighted Jesus. Jesus promised that Nathanael would “see greater things than this.” Nathanael’s faith would need strengthening as he grew from a new convert to an Apostle martyred for his belief in Jesus. Each of us has had moments of spontaneity when faith seemed easy as we followed the Way. But, in difficult times, our faith can be tested. Why do we continue to follow Christ—out of love, fear, and habit?
Conversing with Christ: Jesus, strengthen my faith! I want to be a diligent worker, full of faith, and ready for any trial. I know my heart is not pure, but I trust your grace to transform me continually.
Resolution: Lord, today, by your grace, I will seek rest for my heart. I will remove all distractions and focus on your word, if only for a few minutes.
September 29, 2021- Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels
Opening Prayer: Lord, thank you for this precious time to spend pondering your word. Bless me as I seek inspiration for my day.
Encountering Christ:
· A True Child of Israel: Our Lord told Nathanael that he was a true child of Israel, that there was “ no duplicity in him.” Jesus was drawing attention to the nobility of Nathanael’s soul. Nathanael was not about impressing others. He wasn’t concerned about appearances. He was authentic, real, honest, and trustworthy. This disposition pleased Jesus. Can we say the same for ourselves? Let us pray for the grace to be true to our Christian convictions, no matter what pressures we undergo as a result.
· I See You: “Before Philip called you, I saw you under the fig tree.” Wouldn’t we like to know what went on under that fig tree? Any guess would be mere speculation, but the important thing to know is that the occurrence Jesus referred to was probably quite significant to Nathanael. He seemed overcome with amazement that Jesus knew him more deeply than anyone had ever known him before. Jesus also knows each of us intimately. He knows our deepest intentions when others only see words and actions. He knows our distorted intentions—ones that can corrupt even the most heroic of gestures. And he knows the deepest desires of our heart, sometimes before we do. The more we allow God into the most intimate sanctuary of our soul, the greater will be our experience of the wonders he can do in us. It is remarkable that God knows us as he does, even more remarkable that he loves us as he does, and still more remarkable that he calls us into union with him. Our experience of giving God permission to plumb the depths of our hearts opens us to the truth of being deeply, overwhelmingly loved by him, and finally to the experience of allowing him to transform us and lead us to union with him.
· Angels Accompany Us: We celebrate angels in today’s liturgy. The word “angel” means messenger. In spiritual reality, angels are everywhere. Personal guardian angels are with us throughout our life. Angels are present at each Mass adoring Jesus along with us. Angels are invoked at funerals as we ask them to lead us to paradise (CCC 335). “The whole life of the Church benefits from the mysterious and powerful help of angels (CCC 334). How blessed are we by these mysterious creatures God has given us! How often do we think of them? Welcome their presence in our life? Ask them for favors?
Conversing with Christ: Lord, I can never fully comprehend how well you know me and how much you love me. You even gave the church the gift of archangels. I am grateful for all of your spiritual gifts and want only to know you more and more with each passing day.
Resolution: Lord, today by your grace I will be more conscious of your gift of angels and seek their guidance and favor.
Suy Niệm Tin Mừng Lễ Kính Các Tổng Lãnh Thiên Thần Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael
Qua bài Tin Mừng, Chúa Giêsu đã làm cho Nathanael rất đỗi ngạc nhiên, vì Ngài đã biết tất cả mọi thứ về Nathanael. Và ông Nathanael đã kinh ngạc và xưng tụng Ngài chính là Con Thiên Chúa, là Vua của Israel, nhưng Chúa Giêsu trả lời rằng những lời xưng tụng của Nathanael cũng chẳng có gì để so với những gì mà Nathanael sẽ sớm được thấy: Nghĩa là thiên thần đã xuất hiện và biến đi trước mặt Con Người. Cánh cửa ngõ giữa thiên đường và trái đất sẽ sớm được mở ra, không phải chỉ đối với Con Người nhưng còn mở ra cho toàn thể nhân loại. Chúng ta không nên ngạc nhiên khi thấy sứ giả của Thiên Chúa là Thiên thần cùng đồng hành với chúng ta và làm việc với và giữa chúng ta. Thường thì các Thiên Thần không được công nhận vì các Thiên Thần không đến với chúng ta dưới hình thức thực chất mà chúng ta thấy ở trong who các bức tranh nghệ thuật và đạo đức nhưng cũng không kém phần thực tế. Một lần nữa, chúng ta không bao giờ phải đơn côi, một mình và chúng ta có thể thực thi việc tìm kiếm sự thinh lặng và con đường ẩn dấu mà các thiên sứ đã hoàn thành nhiệm vụ của họ.
Lạy Chúa Xin giúo cho chúng con được thấy được sự hiện diện ẩn dấu của Chúa trong cuộc sống của chúng con.
Reflection Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels
When we look at what a mess the world is in, it is natural to wish for a ‘superhero’ to come and make everything right. The Jews who suffered great persecution longed for the tyrannical and unjust rulers and regimes of the earth to be swept away and for the wicked to be judged and punished. The early Christians expressed the same hopes in the Book of Revelation. By now we should know that God does not do the job for us or clean up our mess. God will give us the inspiration, grace, courage, and spirit to do these things but in the end the effort will be ours. The archangels are those messengers from God who walk with us to aid and encourage us along the way. We are never alone and we are never without inner resources.
Jesus surprised Nathanael because he already knew everything about him. Nathanael proclaimed him the Son of God and King of Israel, but Jesus replied that these titles were nothing compared to what Nathanael would soon see: angels ascending and descending on the Son of Man. The gateway between heaven and earth would soon be open, not only for the Son of Man but for all humanity. We should not be surprised that messengers from God walk and work among us. Often they are not recognized because they do not come in the dramatic form that we see in art and piety but they are no less real. Again, we are never alone and we can practice looking for the quiet and hidden ways that the angels accomplish their mission. Lord, help me to see Your hidden presence in my life.

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